Conceptual Physics

Welcome to Online Physics 10

How to get started in this class:

CCSF uses an online course management system called CANVAS. This is where you will login to the course to access course content. You will need a RAM ID to log in to Canvas- follow this link for information on how to claim your RAM ID and/or login to Canvas. If you are unable to login after following those instructions, then you can visit the CCSF Online Course Support Center for help.

Our Class:

A famous physics instructor once said, “Magnetism, you’ll recall, is that powerful and universal force that causes brown metallic objects to become stuck to refrigerators.”

We’re taking a tour of basic and fundamental concepts in nature like emptiness, energy, entropy, and matter. But it will not be bleak, nor cold, nor lifeless!! Our topics, questions, and interactions will be exciting, warm, and very human.

The Class is Entirely Online

  • Our course is entirely online in Canvas, City College’s learning management system (LMS).

  • Every Lecture is pre-recorded and linked from within Canvas

A Conceptual Physics Book is Required

Paul Hewitt's Conceptual Physics books are very good for this class. You must have access to this book but it does not matter the edition.

    • Some folks have found access to web browser-based versions and these are fine.

    • The more modern versions are better because of their more modern examples

Weekly Schedule with Graded Assignments

  • Your performance with these will mostly determine what grade you get for the course.

  • This is a full-semester course with activities which open and are due for grades every week.

  • Everyone will start their first weekly Module on Wednesday, August 17th, 2022.

  • Expect Homework Quizzes almost every week

  • Expect Discussion Assignments almost every week

One Midterm and One Final Exam

  • Dates to be determined

  • Although you are graded for these tests, and these are summative assessments, your overall course grade is actually not very dependent upon your test grades!

More details can be found in the course Syllabus which is linked below...

How to be successful in this class:

  • Physics is difficult!

  • Online learning is not for everyone!

Mix these two comments together and you have a recipe for a very tough course.

Success in an online class requires that you be extraordinarily​ self-motivated​ and that you possess excellent time-management​ skills. This is not a self-paced course. Expect to spend the same number of hours in this class (in and out of the classroom) as you would in a regular, face-to-face course. Is this your first time learning online? Take an Online Course Readiness Quiz to help confirm that online learning is right for you.

Your Course Grade:

Depends on your participation and work throughout the semester and does not depend, as much, on your midterm or final grades.

  • If you fulfill the your weekly obligations with earnest efforts on reading assignments, homework, homework quizzes, and discussion posts, you will get a good grade in this course- even if you fail the midterm test and the final exam!

  • But if your participation in the weekly work is lacking, your overall course grade will suffer.

Link to syllabus for the class:

Read the syllabus for details about what is expected of you. The syllabus describes how your midterm and final grades are decided, what is expected of you every week, my policies as the instructor for this class, and other useful information.

Instructor Communication:

Canvas Announcements

Make sure to go into Canvas settings turn on the notifications. You will then get emails to your address telling you about any announcements or course changes.

Canvas Inbox

Most of, if not all, your interactions with me and other students in this class will be within Canvas. Canvas has an Inbox application that makes it very easy for you to interact with me and your peers in the class.

Otherwise, my external email address is

I will give a complete response to any questions you have within about two working days- usually by responding to your message within Canvas Inbox. Check your email ( regularly for important course updates and messages.

Support Services for Students:

The materials in this course are designed to maximize accessibility, and your instructor is committed to accommodating students with special needs. CCSF has programs that support Disabled Students, Veterans, and additional support services for students.

Also, please let me know if you think I could increase your chances for success in this class. Let's start a dialogue and figure it out together.