XXX001 English 1A

Course Information

Note: We have created two blank course pages for you to populate. If you are teaching only one course, take time to hide the second course page from the navigation. If you are teaching more than two course, duplicate one of your course pages and rename it. Finally, adjust the Courses Page by either removing or adding references to your course pages.

After finishing the process above, delete the instructions and then include your course information: description of the course, how you handle ADDS/DROPS, special software or materials required.

Important Dates

Important dates: Prominently state if there are required meetings and if there is a required orientation midterm, and/or final exam. It is very important that you include the dates as students need this information when they register for all of their classes. Include the campus location, building name, and room number. It is best to have this information on your website at the time the online schedule is released.

Course Syllabus

Course syllabus: you also have the option to include a link to your syllabus in Canvas if you want to make it publicly available. Here's how to make your syllabus publicly available. Be sure to include your textbook and ISBN information.