Golden Gate Bridge

Welcome to HISTORY 49!



The growth of San Francisco from its origins as an Indian-Spanish-Mexican settlement at the metropolis of the San Francisco Bay Area. Emphasis will be on the role of San Francisco as the political, social, cultural, commercial and artistic capital of the West Coast.

Students may register for this course on a letter grade basis or on a credit/no credit basis.

Meets CCSF graduation requirement for Area D (Social and Behavioral Sciences). Transfers to CSU system for Area D-6 (history) or as elective. Transfers to UC system as elective.


This class is taught online with no required on-campus meetings. The class is a 17.5 week session.

Your Canvas shell will contain information on course policies and the syllabus.

Register for the course through the College registration site. If the class is filled, you can request to add the course and the request should come to my add box. If you do not hear from me, then e-mail me directly,

If you do not log in and compete the first week assignment, you will be dropped as a "no show."

Thereafter, you may be dropped if you do not stay current with the material and the assignments. Having trouble? Reach out and contact me!

Textbook: San Francisco: A Concise History and Guide by Rand Richards (and you will be directed to numerous articles and "handouts.")

I look forward to an exciting semester as I introduce you to the fascinating and unique history of San Francisco.


"IS THERE ANY OTHER CITY in the world that can claim it was built literally overnight, on the golden hopes of people from every state and nation?

What other place on earth has had more to do with defining our culture, our thinking, our future---while unapologetically relaying on a mode of transportation older than most American cities?

Is there any other city that has belonged so equally to immigrants, writers, entrepreneurs, politicians, beatniks, bankers, sailors, socialites and geeks?

And while plenty of cities have bridges and skyscrapers and history, where else can you find such a charming mish-mash of everything at once: nostalgia and ambition, allure and bustle, sea and steel, fashion and fog –all astonishingly contained within a matter of miles?

Where else is there so much to do and see in the span of just one day?

Where else can you experience four seasons in four hours?

Where else can you have lived for years and still feel like a spellbound tourist?

Where else do worlds and cultures collide so magically?

And at the end of the day, where else on earth would you rather be?

Only in San Francisco.”

(San Francisco Chronicle 7/2004)

Instructor Contact Info




I will respond to you within 48 hours (excepting holidays and weekends) and often sooner. If you do not get a response within 48 hours, it means something got lost - so try again.

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