Welcome To Our Virtual Calming Room


We're glad you took the time to stop in. This website is intended to provide a safe, calming, and comforting virtual environment for our staff, students and families to learn and/or strengthen their coping skills. These tools and strategies are for managing emotions and feelings.  Please take this time to review the resources and check-in with yourself.  This space is for you and this time is for you.

We are here to support you!

Boundary County School District No. 101


DURING THIS TIME OF DISTANCE LEARNING, we are offering virtual appointments as a way for students and families to access support staff.  The appointments are intended to facilitate phone conversations or video chats. In addition, you can also email to contact our school counselors.



Jenny Mackey -


Megan Johnson-Delaney -


Megan Johnson-Delaney -


Adetta Umphenour -


RELAXATION is a process that reduces the impact of stress on the mind and body. It offers a form of intentional self-care and has been known to have several benefits including reducing the activity of stress hormones, improving concentration and mood, and boosting confidence to navigate life's challenges. When students come to this Virtual Calming Room, they can explore multiple resources to help improve their emotional health and well-being, all in the same space. 


RELAXATION is a process that reduces the impact of stress on the mind and body.

PROGRESSIVE MUSCEL RELAXATION: The use of muscle tension to recognize what calmness feels like in your body.

Mindful Breathing: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (short video): Join the American Lung Association Director of Health Promotions, Candace Alexander, MEd, CHES, as she guides viewers through a 6 minute progressive muscle relaxation exercise to help stay calm during times of stress.

Integrative Medicine: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (audio only): Join Robert B. Saper, MD in an 18 minute Progressive Muscle Relaxation audio guide.

BREATHE WORK: the practice of deep breathing to release calming chemicals in the brain. 

Deep Breathing (handout): "Deep breathing is a popular relaxation technique that helps to control the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and anger. The skill is easy to learn, and provides near immediate relief from uncomfortable symptoms." -Therapist Aid

How to do Deep Breathing (short video): This video provides a brief description of deep breathing followed by guided practice. -Therapist Aid

RELAXATION APPS: Access self-help tools to help you decompress.   

Calm: Available for download on Android and iOS

CBT i Coach: Available for download on Android and iOS

Insight Timer: Available for download on Android and iOS

Liberate Meditation: Available for download on Android and iOS

Relax Now: Available for download on iOS

Sanvello: Available for download on Android and iOS

Smiling Mind: Available for download on Android and iOS

The Mindfulness App: Available for download on Android and iOS


SELF-CARE is any healthy proactive activity that we "do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety. It's also key to a good relationship with oneself and others." -PsychCentral

CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS: Creative expression can support a healthy release of emotions and allow us to process our thoughts more deeply.

Silk Interactive Generative Art: Silk Interactive Generative Art

Happy Color: Google PlayApple Store

Just Color: Coloring Pages for Adults, discover 1,500+ Free Adult Coloring pages to download in PDF or to print.

GUIDED MEDITATIONS:  Self-Compassion Guided Practices and Exercises

Guided Practices

CALMING SOUNDS:  Relaxing sounds help to ease our Fight or Flight response by helping out brains connect with non-threatening stimuli. Lift or shift your mood with the selections below!

Calm Sounds: Click Here  to start nature sounds 

Chill Sounds: Click Here to start instrumental music sounds


Time Management helps you find a sense of balance in how you divide your time and energy, which can be tricky, but doing so can reduce distress. It is important to identify your priorities and be realistic with how much you can devote to the different areas of your life.  Procrastination and having tasks pile up can lead to increased stress and anxiety.  Sharpening your time management skills can help increase your sense of confidence and self-esteem as well as help you stay on top of your schedule and feel more in control!

Nutrition and Exercise: Mental well-being is strongly connected to physical well-being. Focusing on eating a healthy diet and maintaining a regular exercise schedule can go a long way in improving your mood.  A healthy diet gives your mind and your body the nutrient they need to function well.  Additionally, exercise releases endorphins in the body which are a “feel good” hormone.  Click on the resources in this section to learn ways to improve your overall physical wellness, which will have an impact on your mental wellness.

Yoga Moves for Better Sleep (handout) -WebMD

Yoga with Adriene - click here to browse Adriene's library of free yoga videos to find a practice that suits your mood and needs.

Get Moving! Regular physical activity can help reduce muscle tension and prompt the body to produce endorphins – your body’s natural feel good chemicals. At least three times a week for 20 minutes integrate short walks and quick stretches.

Reading/Videos/Podcasts:  Self-help through reading, listening to podcasts, and watching relevant videos can provide an outlet for you to learn more about yourself and skills that might help your sense of wellbeing.  There are a great amount of literature and resources available to you to learn more about a particular topic or focused on general wellness.  The following items are resources that SC&WS has hand selected to help you on your journey.

Recommended Readings: A variety of readings to support your self-care journey.

Increase Your Happiness:

Lifehack: 10 Ways to be Happier

The New York Times: Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

Tinny Buddha: 30 Self-Care Tips: How to Avoid Sickness, Burnout, and Exhaustion

Military Veterans:

Veteran Affairs: Resources to Empower Veterans Mental health

VA Healthcare Training Programs: Videos and interactive games

Moving Forward - Overcoming Life's Obstacles: Resources (videos and games)

Anger & Irritability Management: Resources (videos and games)

IDAHO VETERANS: Connect with fellow Veterans in a peer support group or one on one with a local peer through the Military Veteran Video Series or Podcasts: Tune in for more perspective or to connect with inspirational and practical strategies for navigating life challenges.  Podcasts by Morgan Harper Nichols, Author.


COPING skills are activities you can engage in when you are experiencing distress so you can use these to help you manage the problems even more effectively. 

QUICK DISTRACTIONS: Use to help reduce strong physiological reactions in the moment to regain a sense of control. 

Grounding Techniques: Use to re-focus your attention on the present moment. Grounding techniques help manage flashbacks, anxiety and other uncomfortable symptoms by turning attention away from thoughts, memories, or worries, and refocusing on the present moment.

Grounding Techniques (handout): 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; Categories; Body Awareness; and Mental Exercises. -Therapist Aid

30 Grounding Techniques to Quiet Distressing Thoughts: this guide includes physical, mental, and soothing techniques. - Healthline

Finger Fan: Extend your arms straight in front of you with your palms up. Spread your fingers as far as possible. Hold for five seconds. Repeat at least three times.

Upper Back Stretch: Sit up straight with your fingers laced be  hind your head. Keep shoulders down, lift your chest and bring your elbows as far back as you can. Hold for 10 seconds.

SENSORY STIMULATION: Tap into your senses to reduce the effects of the over arousal on the nervous system.

Mindfulness Exercises - Body Scan (audio): A typical Body Scan runs through each part of the body, paying special attention to the way each area feels. The scan usually moves systematically through the body, e.g. starting at the feet and moving upwards through the body. Try this 30 minute guided narrative by expert and founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Jon Kabat Zinn.

Mindfulness Eating Exercise: This is an experience of mindful eating with Linda Smith from Duke Integrative Medicine. You can prepare for this exercise by choosing a special food to experience it with. Many people choose a raisin or a piece of chocolate or something that is delightful for you. 

ONLINE GAMES: Decompress with a fun game to lift or shift your mood! 

Jigsaw Puzzles: Available for download on Android and iOS

Anti-stress and Relaxation Toys: Available for download on Android and iOS

The Word Search: A vast collection of word search puzzles online, with new ones being added regularly. They are fun to play, but also educational, in fact, many teachers make use of them.

COMMUNICATION: Remember, effective communication can support our personal development and interpersonal relationships with others.

SELF-MANAGEMENT: When it comes to unlocking our fullest potential with others, self-awareness is key.

What Are Your Emotions Telling You?: "Emotions are complicated, and they can be extremely confusing. There is no easy way around this." Use this resource to help identify your emotions and gain insight into what they are trying to tell you. Click here to access a helpful worksheet created by the Growlery Counseling & Therapy.

Healthy Thinking (handout): "We all find ourselves coping with troubling thoughts from time to time—especially when we're going through changes in our lives or when we feel depressed, anxious, sad, angry or stressed out." -Trails to Wellness.

COMMUNICATION TIPS: Some forms of communication are simply ineffective and counterproductive. If you find yourself stumbling into a communication trap, consider an alternative. 

Active Listening Skills (handout): Treating listening as an active process, rather than a passive one. This means participating in conversation, rather than acting as an audience. Active listeners show they are listening, encourage sharing, and strive to understand the speaker.

Assertive Communication (handout): A communication style in which a person stands up for their own needs and wants, while also taking into consideration the needs and wants of others, without behaving passively or aggressively.

Reflections (handout): This technique can help you become a better listener. When reflecting, you will repeat by what someone has just said to you, but in your own words. This shows that you didn't just hear the other person, but you are trying to understand them.

VIRTUAL DISCLAIMER:  The content provided here intends to provide awareness and resources only. Seek information from qualified physicians or mental health care professionals for specific questions related to a medical condition or mental health issue.

The content provided here is limited and is not intended to address urgent care or crisis stabilization support. Crisis resources can be found at here.