Principal Updates 

Referral GPS

ReferralGPS is a web-based service focused on assisting our students, staff, and community in finding local mental-health and substance use related treatment. Get more information here.


The 23-24 school year is coming to an end, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students, teachers, support staff, and families for a great school year. Students have made tremendous growth in their learning throughout the school year, and we are proud of all our students. We hope that all of our families have an enjoyable summer, and we look forward to the 6th and 7th-grade students returning next year. We wish all 8th-grade students a successful and enjoyable high school career. We look forward to hearing about all of your high school accomplishments.

Upcoming in May 

May 6 - Start of Math MAP 

May 14 and 15 - 7th grade Teens taking charge presentation (see information below)

May 22 - Parent Coffee - Advanced Math 5 p.m. Westview Hills Wildcat Den

May 24 - 29 - End of 8th grade activities (Click for information 8th grade End of Year)

May 30 - Last day of School 6th and 7th grade 11:00 a.m. dismissal 

Erin's Law  - Teens taking charge - (7th grade May 14 + 15) 

Relationships can be exciting and confusing, and become the focus of our daily lives. Counting the days (or minutes) until you see that person again, wondering what to wear determining what makes him or her happy and of course, simply defining the relationship are facets of every new connection. Will it last? Is it love or is it lust? No matter what our age, romantic relationships are both thrilling, and at times, uncertain and confusing.


Imagine what it is like to navigate relationships as a teenager today! Their world is filled with social media, temptations, and new levels of peer pressure. The ways in which teens communicate with each other has changed – opening doors for next-level verbal and visual interactions, which also open up opportunities for unhealthy perspectives, as well as impulsive behavior.


Adults can be a positive influence in their child’s life by listening, watching, talking, and encouraging them during these dating years. As with any topic, the first step in ensuring their safety is to establish trust and keep open the lines of communication.


Westview Hills Middle School recognizes this and is responding to the safety and well-being of our students by participating in the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago’s Teens Taking Charge Program. This program will be presented by Educators from the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago.  


The Teens Taking Charge Program focuses on three components:


1.      Relationships – students will learn and understand the characteristics of a healthy vs. unhealthy relationship and what to do should they see warning signs of unhealthy characteristics in their relationship.

2.      Sexual Assault Prevention – through an exercise using a continuum of violence, students will identify different types of relationship violence and understand what constitutes consent.

3.      Sexual Harassment, Cyber Bullying and Sexting – students will discover what sexual harassment is and recognize its connection with cyberbullying and sexting.


We invite you to discover how you, as a parent, can enhance your child’s safety and well-being by viewing the recorded Teens Taking Charge Parent Presentation.


If after viewing this presentation, you have further questions or concerns, please talk with your School Principal or contact, Melanie Morong – Manager, Education Services YWCA Metropolitan Chicago at 630-790-6600 ext. 2479 or email;


To access the recording, click on the link below and enter the designated password. Access to this link will expire on May 15, 2024 at 2 p.m.


Teens Taking Charge Parent Presentation


Password:  WestviewHE


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