District 10 


Springfield R12 - Artworks

"I just completed my 25th year teaching Candle Making for the Springfield Public Schools summer school program known as Artworks. Artworks provides students with a chance to create different types of artwork by choosing up to 8 classes in two-2 week sessions. I would say it is more like attending an art camp. Students in candle making create 10-12 different candles and several candle holders. Students use different types of molds and choose their own colors and scents. Students learn how to pour hot wax safely and are instructed on how to be safe with their candles once they take them home. At the end of each 2 week session students display their work in a showcase and performing arts classes perform for the students, parents, and family members. It is an amazing program started in the 1980’s at the Springfield Art Museum. It then found a home at SPS and became a part of the SPS Explore Summer program."

-Deanna Ballard

Pleasant View Middle School