Large Area Additive Manufacturing (LAAM): Design and Development of Powder based Directed Energy Deposition System for Direct Fabrication of Rocket Components (839.54 lakhs), DRDO, PI: Surykumar, Co-PI: Gopinath M., Duration: Mar 2021 - ongoing.
Machine Learning Approach for Decision Making in Metal Additive Manufacturing Components (17.86lakhs), Boeing (Bangalore), PI: Suryakumar, Dec 2021 - ongoing.
3D Printing of ___: Design & Development of 3D Printer Accompanied by Feasibility Studies (25.488 lakhs), TBRL(DRDO) Chandigarh, PI: Suryakumar, Co-PI: Alan R Jacob, June 2022 - June 2024 (ongoing).
Additive Manufacturing of Large Size Metal Components with Wire & Powder Hybrid Direct Energy Deposition (WP-DED) Process (76.88 lakhs), CRG-DST, PI: Suryakumar, Co-PI: Srikanth Bontha (NITK), Somashekara MA (IITDh), Jan 2021 - ongoing.
Development of an Integrated Metal Additive and Formative Manufacturing System to Enhance Product Complexity and Properties (45.00 lakhs), AMT-DST, PI: Suryakumar, Co-PI: N. Venkata Reddy, May 2019 – Mar 2021.
Thermal Management Approaches for Distortion Control in Metal Additive Manufacturing Component (9.54+ 21.08 lakhs), Boeing (Bangalore), PI: Suryakumar, Co-PI: Abhay Sharma, Jul 2017 – ongoing.
Manufacture of Functionally Gradient Objects through Weld-Deposition (20.64 lakhs), DST under Fast Track scheme for Young Scientist, Sep 2013 – Sep 2015.
3D Printing of Conical Shape Charge Liners and Lattice Structure: Feasibility, Consistency and Production Scaling (1676.34 lakhs), DRDO, PI: Syed Nizamuddin Khaderi, Co-PI: Muvvala Gopinath, Suryakumar, Badrinath Karri, Duration: Apr 2024 - ongoing.
Simulation Capabilities for Additive Manufacturing Processes (316.36 lakhs), DRDO, PI: Gopinath M., Co-PI: Suryakumar, Amritham Rajagopal, Duration: Apr 2024 - ongoing.
Circular Manufacturing research and educational collaboration with India and Japan (CIRMAN), IITH PI: N. Venkata Reddy, Co-PI: Suryakumar, Duration: Jan 2022 - ongoing. .
Laser cladding of functionally graded ceramic coatings for high temperature and wear applications: Assessment of mechanical properties and their correlation with molten pool thermal history and its improvement through laser shock peening (112.53 lakhs), DRDO, PI: Gopinath M., Co-PI: Suryakumar, Duration: Mar 2021 – ongoing.
Post-Processing of Direct Energy Deposition Components: Need Identification and Process Selection (43.48 lakhs), CRG-DST, PI: Bharat Bhooshan Panigraphi, Co-PI: Suryakumar, Jan 2021 - Jan 2024 (ongoing).
Development of a Pellet Based Material Extrusion 3D Printer for High-Performance Polymers, TARE Fellowhip - Chinmaya Prasad Padhy, Jan 2021 - Jan 2024 (ongoing).
Intelligent Circular Manufacturing research and educational collaboration with India and Japan (INMAN), IITH PI: N. Venkata Reddy, Co-PI: Suryakumar, Duration: July 2018 – June 2021.
Machining of Pure Tungsten with Improved Productivity and Quality (24.59 lakhs), DRDL Hyderabad, PI: Abhay Sharma, Co-PI: Suryakumar, Duration: Jun 2015 – Jun 2016.
Development of Low Frequency Noise Control Sheet Absorber: A Biomimetic Solution (80.76 lakhs), TSDP-DST, PI: Venkatesham, Co-PI: Suryakumar, Duration: Apr 2016 – Apr 2019 (ongoing)
Development and Validation of Predictive Models for Forming of Large Components using Double Sided Incremental Forming and Studies on Difficult to Form Materials using Hybrid Approaches (75.39 lakhs), SERB (EMR)-DST, PI: N. Venkata Reddy, Co-PIs: Pinaki Prasad B., Venkatesham B. and Suryakumar S., Duration: Sep 2016 – Sep 2019 (ongoing).
Naskar S., Suryakumar S. and Panigrahi B.B. (2024): “Heat treatments effects on Wear performance of Laser based Powder Bed Fusion fabricated Inconel 718 alloy”, in Wear, Vol. 556-557.
Piercy N.L., Kulkarni J.D., Vishnu A.S., Suryakumar S., Cole K.D. and Rao P.K. (2024): “Rapid thermal modeling of wire arc additive manufacturing process using a mesh-free spectral graph theory approach”, in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 133 (11-12), pp. 5271 – 5298.
Mudakavi D., B Sreesha R., Thanumoorthy R.S., Anar S., Krishnan R A., Simhambhatla S., Bontha S., M Adinarayanappa S. (2024): “Sequential hybridisation of wire and powder-based additive manufacturing of Inconel 718: Mechanical and microstructural characterization”, in Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 903, art. no. 146639.
Srinath Gudur, Suryakumar S.,and Venkata Reddy N. (2023): “Residual stress reduction in wire arc additively manufactured parts using in-situ electric pulses” in Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 28-3, pp. 193-199.
Vishwanath N., Khare V.K., Abhay Sharma and Suryakumar S. (2023): “Active and Passive Thermal Management in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing”, Metals, Vol. 13-4, pp. 682.
Panchagnula, J.S. and Suryakumar, S. (2023): “A novel methodology to manufacture complex metallic sudden overhangs in weld-deposition based additive manufacturing”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 29-2, pp. 312–323.
Srinath Gudur, Suryakumar S.,and Venkata Reddy N. (2022): "Enhancing the Shape Complexity in Direct Energy Deposition with Phased Deformation", International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 642-653.
Vishwanath N., Suryakumar S. (2022): "Use of fractal curves for reducing spatial thermal gradients and distortion control", Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 81, pp. 594–604.
Gudur S., Simhambhatla S. (2022): "Augmenting wire arc additive manufacturing with laser forming for generative realization of complex geometries", Optik, Vol. 262, pp. 169283.
Manish Kumar, Suryakumar S. and Abhay Sharma (2021): "Bi-polynomial fourth-order weld bead model for improved material utilization and accuracy in wire-arc additive manufacturing: A case of transverse twin-wire welding" in Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 100049.
Janmejay D.J., Suresh Babu G., Pradeep Kumar P., Yamamoto H., Ito K and Suryakumar S. (2021): “Microstructure evolution along build direction for thin-wall components fabricated with wire-direct energy deposition” in Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 27 No. 7, pp. 1289-1301.
Gudur S., Nagallapati V., Pawar S., Muvvala G. and Simhambhatla S. (2021): “A study on the effect of substrate heating and cooling on bead geometry in wire arc additive manufacturing and its correlation with cooling rate” in Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 41, pp. 431-436.
Subhendu N., Sahil R., Suryakumar S. and Bharat Panigraphi B. (2021): “Influence of Heat treatments on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additive Manufactured Inconel 718 Superalloy”, in Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Vol. 6, pp. 1049–1055.
Vivek C. P., Athira K. S., Suryakumar S. and Subhradeep C. (2021): “Enhancing Surface Hardness of Titanium Through Ni-Ti Intermetallic Microstructures Formed In Situ During Weld Deposition of Nickel”, in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 52(2), pp. 591-604.
Manish Kumar, Syed Quadir M., SuryaKumar S., Abhay Sharma (2021): “Discrete wavelet analysis of mutually interfering co-existing welding signals in twin-wire robotic welding", in Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 63, pp. 139–151.
Shashi Ranjan M., Syed Nizamuddin K., and Suryakumar S. (2020): “3D Printing of Components with Tailored Properties Through Hilbert Curve Filling of a Discretized Domain”, in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Vol 7(6), pp. 288-299.
Vivek C. P., Kranthi K. P., Desuru S. J., Athira K. S., Srinath G.E., Suryakumar S. and Subhradeep C. (2020): “Weld deposition of nickel on titanium for surface hardening with Ti-Ni-based intermetallic compounds” in Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol 27, pp. 2096-2100.
Srinath G., Vishwanath N., Sagar P., Gopinath M. and Suryakumar S. (2020): “A study on the effect of substrate heating and cooling on bead geometry in wire arc additive manufacturing and its correlation with cooling rate”, in Materials Today: Proceedings.
Akiwate Deepak C., Date Mahendra D., Venkatesham B. and Suryakumar S. (2019): “Acoustic characterization of additive manufactured perforated panel backed by honeycomb structure with circular and non-circular perforations” in Applied Acoustics, Vol. 155(1), pp. 271-279.
Santhan Reddy, Manish Kumar, Jayaprakash Sharma P., Pradeep Kumar P., Suryakumar S., Kazuhiro Ito, Abhay Sharma (2019): “A new approach for attaining uniform properties in build direction in additive manufactured components through coupled thermal-hardness model” in Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 40, pp. 46-58.
Akiwate Deepak C., Date Mahendra D., Venkatesham B. and Suryakumar S. (2019): “Acoustic measurement of additive manufactured concentric tube reverse flow resonators” in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 26(1), pp. 56-61.
Shashi Ranjan Mohan and Suryakumar S. (2019): “Adopting feature resolution and material distribution constraints into topology optimisation of additive manufacturing components” in Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol. 14(1), pp. 79-91.
Akiwate Deepak C., Date Mahendra D., Venkatesham B. and Suryakumar S. (2018): “Acoustic properties of additive manufactured narrow tube periodic structures” in Applied Acoustics, Vol. 136, pp. 123-131.
Panchagnula, J.S. and Suryakumar, S. (2018): “Feature based Weld-Deposition for Additive Manufacturing of Complex Shapes” in Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Vol. 99, No. 3, pp. 285-292.
Panchagnula, J.S. and Suryakumar, S. (2018): “Manufacture of complex thin-walled metallic objects using weld-deposition based additive manufacturing” in Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 49, pp. 194-203.
Somashekara, M.A. and Suryakumar, S. (2017): “Studies on Dissimilar Twin-Wire Weld-Deposition for Additive Manufacturing Applications”, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, Vol. 70, No. 8, pp. 2123-2135.
Somashekara, M.A., Naveenkumar, M., Avinash Kumar, Viswanath C. and Suryakumar, S. (2017): “Investigations into effect of weld-deposition pattern on residual stress evolution for metallic additive manufacturing”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 90, No. 5, pp. 2009-2015.
Somashekara, M.A. and Suryakumar, S. (2017): “Twin-wire Welding based Additive Manufacturing (TWAM): Manufacture of functionally gradient objects”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 858-868.
JayaprakashSharma, P. and Suryakumar, S. (2016): “Inclined slicing and weld-deposition for additive manufacturing of metallic objects with large overhangs using higher order kinematics” in Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 99-108.
Jose, M.J., Suryakumar, S, Abhay Sharma (2016): “Vibration assisted welding processes and their influence on quality of welds”, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 243-258.
Suryakumar, S. and Karunakaran, K.P. (2015): “Build Strategies for Rapid Manufacturing of Components of Varying Complexity”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 340-350.
Suryakumar, S., Karunakaran, K.P., Chandrasekhar, U. and Somashekar M.A. (2013): “A Study of the Mechanical Properties of Objects Built through Weld-Deposition” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 227, No. 8, pp. 1138-1147.
Karunakaran, K.P., Bernard, A., Suryakumar, S., Dembinski, L. and Taillandier, G. (2012): “Rapid Manufacturing of Metallic Objects”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 264-280.
Suryakumar, S., Karunakaran, K.P., Bernard, A., Chandrasekhar, U., Raghavender, N. and Sharma, D. (2011): “Weld bead modeling and process optimization in Hybrid Layered Manufacturing”, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 331-344.
Karunakaran, K.P., Suryakumar, S., Chandrasekhar, U. and Bernard, A. (2010): “Hybrid rapid manufacturing of metallic objects”, International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 433-455.
Karunakaran, K.P., Suryakumar, S., Pushpa, V. and Akula, S. (2010): “Low Cost Integration of Additive and Subtractive Processes for Hybrid Layered Manufacturing”, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 490-499.
Karunakaran, K.P., Suryakumar, S., Pushpa, V. and Akula, S. (2009): “Retrofitment of a CNC machine for hybrid layered manufacturing”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 690-703.
Karunakaran, K.P., Pushpa, V., Akula, S. and Suryakumar, S. (2008): “Techno-Economic Analysis of Hybrid Layered Manufacturing”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Application, Vol. 4, No. 1/2, pp. 161-176.
B. Venkatesham, S. Surya Kumar, Mahendra Date (2024): "A System for forming Fabricated Polymer Panels for Sound Absorption", Indian Patent, Application Number: 202441042518.
B. Venkatesham, S. Surya Kumar, Mahendra Date (2024): " A Device for Preparing Honeycomb Structure for Acoustic Applications”, Indian Patent, Application Number: 202441043639.
Tejaswini Appidi, Murali Vakada, Akshar Kota, Surya Kumar S, Aravind Kumar Rengan (2023): “Fluid Collection Device for Collecting Fluids”, Indian Patent, Application Number: 202341005050.
Shivaprasad Cherukupally, Vishwanath Nagallapati, Suryakumar Simhambhatla, Venkata Reddy Nallagundla (2024): "Method and System for a Reconfigurable Setup for Tailored Thermal Control During a Metal Additive Manufacturing", Indian Patent, Application Number: 202441001687.
Srinath Ellaswamy G., Venkata Reddy N., Suryakumar S., (2022): “A Method for Reduction of Residual Stresses in Additively Manufactured Components through Electropulsing”, Indian Patent, Application Number: 202241020827.
Vishwanath Nagallapati, Suryakumar S. (2022): “A Novel Area Filling Approach in Metal Additive Manufacturing for Reducing Substrate Distortion”, Indian Patent, Application Number: 202241020913.
Srinath Ellaswamy G., Suryakumar S., Venkata Reddy N. (2019): “A Deposition and Deformation Based Additive Manufacturing System for Fabrication of Complex Geometries”, Indian Patent, Application Number: 201941016062.
Suryakumar Simhambhatla, Mr. B Sai Laxman Bharadwaj (2020): “Reusable Respiratory Mask with Disposable Filter Element”, Indian Patent Application No. 202041023866
Sarpras Swain, Lopamudra Giri,S. Suryakumar,Falguni Pati (2020): “Microfluidic Devices and Methods of Fabrication Thereof”, Application Number: PCT/IN2020/050601
Aravind Kumar Rengan, Appidi Tejaswini, Syed Besseruddin Alvi, Surya Kumar Simhambhatla, Anurag Meena, Rohit Srivastava (2018): "Detection Kit for Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer by Quantification of Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid” Indian Patent, Application Number: 201841016604, Granted: 2024.
K. P. Karunakaran, S. Suryakumar, Sajan Kapil (2015): "Realization of the composite injection moulds with conformal cooling channels through Hybrid Layered Manufacturing." Indian Patent, Application Number: 4762/MUM/2015.
Srinath G., Shivam S., Rozario J.J., Mastanaiah P., Gopinath M. and Suryakumar S. (2021): "Controlling waviness in additive manufacturing of thin walls by laser directed energy deposition process", in 8th International and 29th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2021), 9-11 December 2021, Coimbatore, India (best paper award).
Srinath G. and Suryakumar S. (2021): "Investigations into the effect of Surface Absorptivity in Finite Element Analysis of Thin Sheet Laser Forming ", in 8th International and 29th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2021), 9-11 December 2021, Coimbatore, India.
Padhy C.P., Suryakumar S. and Reddy N.R. (2021): “Anatomy of a Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D Printing System for High-Grade Polymers (HGPs) - An Overview”, in Advances in Manufacturing, RAM 2021, 10-12 June 2021, Surat, India.
Matsumoto, Mitsutaka; Hirose, Shingo; Martinsen, Kristian; Simhambhatla, Suryakumar; Reddy, Venkata; Guldbrandsen-Dahl, Sverre (2021): “Additive Manufacturing for Circular Manufacturing: Trends and Challenges—A Survey in Japan, Norway, and In”, in EcoDesign and Sustainability, pp. 517-532.
Akiwate, Deepak; Mohan, Shashi Ranjan; Venkatesham, B; Suryakumar S. (2019): “Acoustic characterization of additive manufactured layered porous materials”, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 258 (4), 3651-3658, InterNoise 19, June 16-19, Madrid, Spain,
Shashi Ranjan Mohan and Suryakumar S. (2018): “Fabrication of Gradient Density components through Extrusion based Additive Manufacturing”, 7th International and 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research (AIMTDR), December 13-15, Anna University, Chennai, India.
Akiwate, Deepak; Date, Mahendra; Venkatesham, B; S, Suryakumar (2018): “Acoustic Characterization of Additive Manufactured Micro-Perforated Panel Backed by Honeycomb Structure”, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 258 (4), 3651-3658, InterNoise 18, August 26-29, Chicago, US,
Sindhuja Eswaramoorthy, Amit Shukla, Surya S. and Subha Narayan Rath (2018): “3D Fabrication of Perfusion Based Bioreactor to Investigate Cell Survival in 3D Bioprinted Blood Vessels” International conference on BioMaterials, BioEngineering, and BioTheranostics (BioMET 2018), July 24-28, Vellore, India.
Uday Roopavath, Amit Shukla, Surya S. and Subha Rath (2018): “A Novel One Step Fabrication of Multi-Functional Microfluidic Devices using FDM and DLP based 3D Printing” International conference on BioMaterials, BioEngineering, and BioTheranostics (BioMET 2018), July 24-28, Vellore, India.
Deepak C. Akiwate, Mahendra D. Date, Venkatesham B. and Suryakumar S. (2017): “Acoustic Measurement of Additive Manufactured Concentric Tube Reverse Flow Resonators” International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures (ICCMS 2017), December 27-29, Hyderabad, India.
Abhay Sharma, Jayprakash Sharma, Kauzhiro Ito, Surya S Kumar, Hajime Yamamoto and Kazuyuki Kohama (2016): “Investigation on Cooling Strategies during Wire Arc Additive Layer Manufacturing” International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation (Visual-JW 2016), October 17-18, Osaka, Japan.
Jayprakash P Sharma, Suresh Kumar Goka, Surya S Kumar, Kazuyuki Kohama, Abhay Sharma and Kazuhiro Ito (2016): “Thermal management in manufacture of thin-walled components produced by arc-based additive manufacturing” 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, October 11-14, Tokyo, Japan.
Naveenkumar, M., Somashekara, M.A., Suryakumar, S. and Viswanath C. (2016): “Studies on effect of area-filling pattern on residual stress evolution in weld-deposition based additive manufacturing” 2nd International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing (Pro-AM 2016), May 16-19, NTU, Singapore.
Somashekara, M.A., Jaya Prakash Sharma P. and Suryakumar, S. (2016): “Weld-Deposition based Additive Manufacturing through Single and Multiple wire GMAW” 6th Welding Research and Collaboration Colloquium, April 7-9, Hyderabad, India.
Shahid Ansari, Mahendra D. Date, Subha Narayan Rath and Suryakumar, S. (2016): “A Review of Hydrogels in Droplet based Bio-Fabrication Techniques” International Conference on Digital Fabrication (ICDF-2016), March 3-5, Tokyo, Japan.
JayaprakashSharma, P. and Suryakumar, S. (2016): “A Novel Method to Manufacture Complex Metallic Objects with Abrupt Overhangs using Orthogonal Layers” International Conference on Digital Fabrication (ICDF-2016), March 3-5, Tokyo, Japan.
JayaprakashSharma, P. and Suryakumar, S. (2015): “Additive Manufacturing of Complex Shapes through Weld-Deposition and Feature-Based Slicing” International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (ASME-IMECE 2015), November 13–19, Houston, Texas, USA.
Somashekara, M.A., Naveenkumar, M., Avinash Kumar, Vinayak Mathur, Abhay Sharma, Suryakumar, S. and Viswanath Chinthapenta (2015): “Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of Arc Welding” International Symposium Globalization in Joining Technology and Materials Science - Enhancing Collaboration Network in Greater Asia Region, October 14, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Somashekara, M.A. and Suryakumar, S. (2015): “Manufacturing of Functionally Gradient Materials by Using Weld-Deposition” International Symposium on Digital Fabrication 2015, March 2-3, Hyderabad, India.
JayaprakashSharma, P. and Surya kumar (2015): “Feature Based Weld-Deposition for Additive Manufacturing of Complex Shapes” International Conference on Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing (ICAM-3D), February 6-7, Chennai, India.
Vinay Kumar, P. and Surya kumar (2014): “Analysis of Knee Joint” International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICETET-2014), September 29-30, Warangal, India.
Somashekara, M.A. and Suryakumar, S. (2014): “Determination of Process Parameter for Twin-wire Weld Deposition based Additive Manufacturing” Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2014), August 17-20, Buffalo, New York, USA.
Suryakumar, S. and Somashekara, M.A. (2013): “Manufacturing of functionally gradient materials by using weld-deposition”, IJS-JW 2013 (1st International Joint Symposium on Joining and Welding), November 6-8, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Somashekara, M.A. and Suryakumar, S. (2013): “Preliminary study of process parameters for weld-deposition using twin wire system”, AMSI-2013 (3rd International Conference & Exhibition on Additive Manufacturing Technologies), October 7-8, Nimhans Convention Centre, Bangalore [third place in the best technical paper].
Suryakumar, S. and Somashekara, M.A. (2013): “Manufacture of Functionally Gradient Materials using Weld-deposition”, SFF Symposium (Twenty Forth Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference), August 12-14, Austin, Texas, USA.
Somashekara, M.A. and Suryakumar, S. (2012): “Manufacturing of Functionally Gradient Matrix through Weld-deposition”, Asian Academic Seminar 2012, Manufacturing, Design and innovation, December 3-7, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, poster presentation.
Somashekara, M.A. and Suryakumar, S. (2012): “Manufacturing of Functionally Gradient Materials by Weld-deposition" 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, October 29-30, Kongress Palais Kassel, Germany, page 153-158, paper accepted.
Suryakumar, S. and Vinay Kumar, P. (2012): “Investigation of Total knee replacement using Finite element method”, BIOMED 2013 - 10th International Conference on Modelling and Measurement in Medicine and Biology, April 24-26, Budapest, Hungary, abstract accepted.
Karunakaran, K.P., Suryakumar, S. and Bernard, A. (2009): “Hybrid Rapid Manufacturing of Metallic Objects”, Key note presentation in 14èmes Assises Européennes du prototypage Rapide, June 24-25, Paris.
Karunakaran, K.P. and Suryakumar, S. (2008): “Techno-Economic Analysis of Hybrid Layered Manufacturing”, Symposium on Joining of Materials (SOJOM), December 11-13, Tiruchirappalli.
Karunakaran, K.P. and Suryakumar, S. (2008): “Retrofitment of a CNC Machine for ArcHLM”, Moulds Event, RPD 2008 - Designing the Industry of the Future, October 29-30, Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal), accepted.
Karunakaran, K.P. and Suryakumar, S. (2008): “Rapid Manufacturing of Metallic Objects”, Poster Session in Second Indo-American Frontiers of Engineering (IAFOE), February 29 – March 1, Irvine (USA).
Karunakaran, K.P., Suryakumar, S. and Bernard, A. (2007): “Rapid manufacturing of metallic objects: process comparison”, Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, September 17, Leiria (Portugal).
Karunakaran, K.P., Suryakumar, S. and Bernard, A. (2007): “Rapid Manufacturing of Metallic Objects”, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, August 27-29, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
Sahu, J.P., Suryakumar, S., Karunakaran, K.P (2006): “Demystifying Product Lifecycle Management”, International Conference on Trends in Product Life Cycle-Modelling, Simulation and Synthesis (PLMSS06), December 18-20, Bangalore.
Karunakaran, K.P., Suryakumar, S. and Bernard, A. (2006): “Rapid Manufacturing of Metallic Objects”, uRapid 2006, November 27-28, Frankfurt.
Karunakaran, K.P., Pushpa, V., Akula, S., Suryakumar, S., Dwivedi, R. and Kovacevic, R. (2006): “Techno-Economic Analysis of Hybrid Layered Manufacturing”, Indo-Japan Seminar on Micro/ Nano Manufacturing, February 19-23, 2006, Tokyo.