by The RuminAuthors Brooderhood

End of the year class project - based on the Authopics paper completed by the students from the 4^A class at the 'Madonna della Neve' Liceo Linguistico all through the year, pandemic included. The word stands for 'authors and topics'. What are the main topics common to most of the writers we have studied? How did different writers at different times deal with these topics? All of this and more is Authopics.

"In this site we offer a problem for every solution and a question for every answer you think you have. Or so we hope.

This page features a list of authors we have studied. Click on their pictures to be redirected to the authors' short biographies. It also includes a direct link to a timeline, if you like to think about time and Literature in a linear chronological order. Which is ok. Bit boring, but ok.

The other pages offer the unique viewpoint of the students on eight main topics treated in class. Do not look for uniformity there: each group has worked at their page and has come up with unique projects and products. If you crave for uniformity, check elsewhere."

M. DreraA very proud teacher.


You'll find a poll at the bottom of this page. Please, let us know what you think, thank you.

direct link to the boring timeline

Click on the images for a shortcut to the biography and major works of the authors


John Donne

Portrait of John Milton in National Portrait Gallery, London

John Milton

Daniel Defoe

Jonathan Swift

Henry Fielding

Samuel Richardson

Laurence Sterne

Enlightenment philosophers

William Blake

William Wordsworth

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Mary Shelley


Christopher Marlowe

William Shakespeare

John Keats

Jane Austen

Bram Stoker


Your opinion matters!


This site is the ingenious product of all the students and their teacher; no copyright infringement is intended. This site is for educational/academic purposes only. If you think we failed in crediting your work in the correct way, please consider contacting us. For this reason, please refer to the Credits page for a full bibliography -webliography and for image credits.Accordingly, if you want to use the pages contents for educational/academic purposes, please be kind and add our site to your credits, thank you.