This frequently asked questions (FAQ) guidance is being provided based on the public health situation as we understand it today. Changes to the public health situation over the course of the year may necessitate changes to this guidance. The district is following TEA public health guidance for schools.

Health & Wellness - updated 8/4/2020

Are students and staff required to wear masks?

Yes. Students will wear face coverings on buses, hallways, common areas, and when social distancing is not feasible, including in classrooms, to the extent it is developmentally appropriate. All employees will also wear face coverings.

What is considered a face covering?

Face coverings include non-medical grade disposable face masks, cloth face coverings (over the nose and mouth), or full-face shields to protect eyes, nose, and mouth.

If one student tests positive for COVID-19, does that mean the teacher and the rest of the class have to quarantine for 14 days?

It depends on the situation. Every campus will have a nurse/administrator who will receive reports of COVID-19 cases/exposures. Families and employees will be notified, and the school will then work with the families and staff to determine the next steps based on TEA public health guidance for schools, the CDC, and local health officials.

  • Any individuals who themselves either: (a) are lab-confirmed to have COVID-19; or (b) experience the symptoms of COVID-19 (feeling feverish, fever of 100.4 or more, loss of taste or smell, cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, headache, chills, sore throat, shaking or exaggerated shivering, significant muscle pain or ache, diarrhea) must stay at home throughout the infection period, and cannot return to campus until the school system screens the individual to determine any of the below conditions for campus re-entry have been met:

    • In the case of an individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to school when all three of the following criteria are met:

      • at least one day (24 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications);

      • the individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and

      • at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

    • In the case of an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and who is not evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, such individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to the campus until the individual has completed the same three-step set of criteria listed above.

If a student or staff member on campus tests positive for COVID-19, will the building be shut down?

MCISD will follow guidance from TEA, as well as local, state, and federal health officials. At a minimum, the building will be deep cleaned and sanitized. Steps will be taken to trace contact and to notify staff and families about possible exposure to the virus and to screen for symptoms. A decision to close the campus will be made in conjunction with local health officials.

How will MCISD notify affected students and families if they have been exposed to COVID-19?

Campuses will communicate with families through email, calls, and/or texts to notify families of students who may have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Campuses will be thoroughly disinfected, and if the campus is closed, students will resume their learning online with their teachers until a return date is determined.

What happens if my student gets sick or is exposed to the virus from a sick relative at home?

The district is following TEA public health guidance for schools. Any individuals who themselves either: (a) are lab-confirmed to have COVID-19; or (b) experience the symptoms of COVID-19 (feeling feverish, fever of 100.4 or more, loss of taste or smell, cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, headache, chills, sore throat, shaking or exaggerated shivering, significant muscle pain or ache, diarrhea) must stay at home throughout the infection period, and cannot return to campus until the school system screens the individual to determine any of the below conditions for campus re-entry have been met:

  • In the case of an individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to school when all three of the following criteria are met:

    • at least one day (24 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications);

    • the individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and

    • at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

  • In the case of an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and who is not evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, such individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to the campus until the individual has completed the same three-step set of criteria listed above.

We expect parents/caregivers to keep sick children at home. If a student is exposed to COVID-19 through a close contact, a parent/caregiver must call the school to report. The student should not report to campus. After review by the school nurse, the student may be required to remain off-campus for up to a 14-day incubation period; in that case, parents/caregivers are strongly encouraged to opt to have their students receive remote instruction for the 14-day incubation period in order to promote student learning.

Every campus will have a nurse/administrator who will receive reports of COVID-19 cases/exposures and then work with the families and staff to determine the next steps based on guidance from the TEA, CDC, and local health officials.

As more is learned about COVID-19, we expect that there may be changes to this health guidance, and we will keep our families informed.

Will there be a nurse on my child’s campus?

Yes. MCISD is proud to say that we have one full-time, certified registered nurse on every campus in the district.

Who will be responsible for helping students keep their face coverings on when in school?

All school staff will work to educate the students about the importance of wearing a face covering in situations where adequate social distancing cannot be achieved. We ask that families work with their children at home to practice wearing a face covering and also to stress the importance of wearing a face covering to keep everyone healthy.

MCISD will do our best to adhere to the Centers for Disease Control, Texas Education Agency, and American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, but we cannot guarantee that all students will be 6 feet apart at all times of the day, including in the classroom. We expect our students to play an active role in adhering to these guidelines established for the safety of students and staff within our schools.

Will students’ temperatures be checked daily at school?

No. Temperature checks of asymptomatic students at school are not recommended. All nurses are being provided with updates on a regular basis and receive guidance on screening and evaluation protocols. All staff and students participating in MCISD On-campus will commit to conducting daily COVID-19 screening, which will include temperature checks, prior to entering a MCISD campus/facility. Reminders will be posted at building entrances.

What other health precautions will be in place?

MCISD will continue to educate our students, staff, and community members about the importance of frequent hand-washing; covering a cough or sneeze; not touching one’s eyes, nose, and mouth; staying home when sick, and other measures to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases.

MCISD will provide extra cleaning, including disinfecting every bus and room daily. Teachers will set up procedures for cleaning the classroom during the day. Hand sanitizer stations will be installed on every campus, and additional equipment will be provided in high traffic areas.

Students will not be allowed to use the water fountain for drinking but can use the water fountains to fill their water bottles. Hand sanitation will be available for students and/or staff to use on the bus and in the classroom. Campuses will implement procedures to minimize hallway traffic.

We will create universal signage for all facilities including, but not limited to, signs for the use of face coverings per official orders, social distancing, hand-washing/sanitizing, directional signage for all staff, students, and visitors when they are permitted to be on campuses.

How will immune-compromised students be accommodated?

Students with health-related issues who do not feel comfortable participating in MCISD On-Campus may choose to attend MCISD Online learning that is facilitated by a certified MCISD teacher.

Will campuses be required to have a quarantine space for students who show symptoms while at school?

Yes, every campus will have a designated quarantine area where students will wait to be picked up.

Will extra custodial staff be provided during the day vs. evening so that extra disinfecting can take place?

Yes, staff allocations will be redirected from the evening shift to the day shift to assist with the disinfecting of high touch areas throughout the day.

What supplies are allowed to be used for cleaning/disinfecting purposes?

The district will use Environmental Protection Agency-approved disposable wipes and cleaning solutions.

Curriculum & General Instruction

If my family starts the school year by choosing MCISD On-Campus, but then we change our minds, can our students opt into MCISD Online?

Yes. Families will always have the option to move into MCISD Online. Students who are ill or have been exposed to the virus will be moved into this option as quickly as possible until it is safe for them to return to school.

How will MCISD Online differ from the At-Home Learning that occurred in the Spring?

At-Home Learning was a response to an immediate crisis. Grades were based on weekly assignments completed during At-Home Learning. MCISD Online is initial instruction of grade-level or course content with required attendance and grades assigned for student feedback and accountability purposes. MCISD Online is school with live and/or recorded instruction by certified teachers in a virtual environment. It will also include periods of self-paced and independent learning.

For families who decide to choose MCISD Online Learning, will the student still be able to transition to MCISD On-Campus Learning?

We are developing a process to allow families to opt back into our MCISD On-Campus Learning should they change their minds and/or health conditions permit and staffing allows; families are committed to their original choice for the first grading period of school.

Will elementary school students have recess?

Yes. Outdoor play and learning will be encouraged as public health conditions allow. Students will be required to wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon re-entry to the building. Per CDC guidance, playground equipment will not be cleaned as part of the daily sanitizing protocol.

Will STAAR testing continue?

TEA mandates determine STAAR testing and accountability requirements. At this time, TEA has indicated that standardized state assessments and accountability requirements are in effect for the 2020-2021 school year.

What will the schedule be for students who choose the On-Campus Learning option?

Students will follow their usual campus schedules, including all courses selected and/or assigned, as well as extracurricular activities.

School hours are as follows:

  • Elementary: 7:45 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.

  • Intermediate: 7:50 A.M. – 3:35 P.M.

  • Jr High: 7:50 A.M. - 3:40 P.M

  • High School: 7:50 A.M. – 3:40 P.M.


If I choose MCISD Online for my student, will he/she still have access to free breakfast/lunch?

The provision of student meals will be dependent upon waivers granted by USDA and TDA for the National School Lunch Program. At this time, this information has not been made available to MCISD.

How will students eat lunches?

Plans are being developed for all meals to be eaten in the classrooms.


Will there be social distancing on the school buses?

TEA Guidelines: Students will wear face coverings on buses, hallways, common areas, and when social distancing is not feasible, including in classrooms, to the extent it is developmentally appropriate. This applies to both school (indoor and outdoor) and bus settings. Face coverings will be available on school buses for students who arrive without them, although students are expected to bring their own face covering. Hand sanitizer will be provided as students enter and exit the bus.

In all cases, windows will be lowered to allow for appropriate ventilation (weather permitting). Buses will be disinfected on a daily basis. Family members will be seated together, and seating charts will be used to limit possible exposure.

MCISD Online Learning

If I choose MCISD Online as my child’s instructional option, will it impact college acceptance, scholarships, NCAA Clearinghouse, etc.?

Students will receive the same rigorous level of instruction in both educational settings. Transcripts utilized by colleges and scholarship organizations for selection purposes will not differ by delivery method and should not impact college or scholarship decisions. Currently, we do not have final guidance from the NCAA; however, we will update this information as soon as possible.

What online platforms will be used for MCISD Online?

The district uses Google Classroom as its learning management system. In addition, our MCISD's ClassLink Dashboard will have students’ online textbooks and instructional resources aligned to the curriculum.

Will grades count?

Yes. Online school grades will count toward GPA, class rank, and UIL eligibility, just like on-campus grades will count. Grading policies will be similar for all students, whether they participate in MCISD Online Learning or MCISD On-Campus Learning.

How will attendance be taken?

The Texas Education Agency has released specific guidance on attendance that all districts must follow. A designated daily schedule for online instruction will be provided to all students to follow, and attendance will be taken for all students every day.

Will there be live teaching in MCISD Online Learning?

Students will have periods of daily, recorded and/or live instruction with teachers, as well as periods of self-paced, independent learning.

How much time will students be online?

Students must be engaged in learning each day. They must show progress and submit assignments daily to be marked present. Teachers will provide daily instruction and support to students in all grade levels. The actual time online will vary depending on a student’s grade level and specific classes they are taking and TEA guidance.

Who will be teaching the online classes?

Students who are enrolled in MCISD Online will be assigned certified MCISD teachers just as if they were coming to campus. We are continuing to provide professional development opportunities for educators who will be supporting our students in this virtual learning environment.

My student found the remote learning during the extended closure to be isolating. Will the district have any mental health support to keep families connected even if they choose the MCISD Online Option?

Yes. Our school counselors will be available to our MCISD Online learners.

If I opt for MCISD Online Learning, would my child still be able to utilize special education resources from the district?

Yes. If a student has an Individualized Education Plan and chooses MCISD Online, the ARD committee will convene and determine comparable services appropriate for the online learning.

How will Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Dual Credit classes be taught online?

Students will have the opportunity to participate in Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Dual Credit courses. Instruction will occur either in-person, virtually, or a combination of both. Some courses may require on-campus activities throughout the semester. Courses with work-based learning requirements may be adjusted following guidance from state/local agencies or organizations that partner with MCISD for the delivery of these courses.

Will students who choose MCISD Online Learning be eligible for UIL activities?

Regardless of whether students choose MCISD Online Learning or MCISD On-Campus, all students will have access to UIL opportunities as permitted by health conditions. We will follow all UIL guidelines for before and after school activities, to include all fine arts and athletics.


Will the district be loaning out Laptops/Chromebooks?

Our district has a limited number of devices to accommodate both on-campus and on-line students. It is preferable that families have their own devices for student use at home. A limited number of devices will be made available for students choosing MCISD-Online on a case by case basis. We will do our very best to accommodate all students.

My Internet is spotty, so my family has trouble learning remotely. What is the district doing to assist with that?

The District network can be accessed from any campus location parking lot. MCISD is also expanding additional parking lot access and will provide designated exterior on-campus locations for Wi-Fi connectivity.

What other support will the district provide to assist with technical questions, such as navigating Google Classroom, log-in and password issues?

MCISD remains committed to ensuring our students have access to technology. Our website contains resources for families and students with information on how to navigate digital resources. We know it’s important for parents/caregivers to feel comfortable with the online learning environment that our students will be using. If you need additional support, your teacher will be a great first resource, as well as campus technology instructors.

Community health data continues to change in our MCISD community, and we are continuously monitoring this information and adjusting our plans accordingly. We are sharing these preliminary plans with the understanding that as we get closer to August 13, 2020, plans could change based on conditions.

Updated on July 13, 2020