Second Grade

Important information.

-The first bell rings at 7:40am and the second bell rings at 7:45am. If your child arrives after 7:45am they will be considered tardy, so please don’t be late. ☺

-Transportation Please let me know if anything changes with the way your child gets home. If someone else is picking up your child, I will need written permission.

-Parent/Teacher Communication: Please call during class only for emergencies. Any other topics that we need to discuss are best done before and after school. Incoming outside calls during instructional hours are automatically sent to voicemail. If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to come in person, call, leave voicemail or email. We will get back to you. We would love to help in any way possible!

-Snack: There is no snack calendar and snack will not be provided, but your child may bring in their own snack each day. Our lunch/recess time this year will be very early- 11:50-12:30 with a recess before lunch. So snack will most likely be in the morning. If you choose to send something, please avoid anything with peanuts. Healthy snacks are encouraged: fresh fruit, veggies, crackers, etc... We can talk more about this at curriculum night. ☺