Journal Club

What's journal club?

Every Tuesday at noon someone brings food and our lab meets for two hours in a conference room for journal club. At a journal club meeting, one lab member presents a slideshow presentation on a scientific journal article in the field of biological neuroscience, and another lab member presents a progress report (a slideshow presentation summarizing research progress they've made since their last progress report). Very early I was told about how dense scientific journals are, but until I read one for myself I could not comprehend their difficulty. Filled with large descriptive words and acronyms that involve Greek letters and numbers, it is difficult to keep track of what everything means. Despite their difficulty, I am honored to be given the chance to give a journal club presentation of my own. Dr. Moore showed me a variety of papers from which I chose to present on one entitled "Human iPSC-Based Modeling of Late-Onset Disease via Progerin-Induced Aging."

My Slideshow Presentation

Human iPSC-Based Modeling of Late-Onset Disease via Progerin-Induced Aging