Open to Kindergarten - 8th Grade

We are so excited to offer an exciting afterschool enrichment programming for the students at Woodson Branch and the community! 

The WBNS enrichment programming will include fun activities and games relating to:

ASP is a child led program. We are interested in what the children want to do. This is a place where they will be able to decompress after a long day at school and have ample time for free play as well as exploring the farm, gardens, forest, building with natural materials, doing art projects and more!!


The afterschool program will run from the hours of 3:00pm-5:00pm.  

M-Th | Full Semester

Includes Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, every week.

MONDAYS | Full Semester

Includes Mondays, every week.

TUESDAYS | Full Semester

Includes Tuesdays, every week.

WEDNESDAYS | Full Semester

Includes Wednesdays, every week.

THURSDAYS | Full Semester

Includes Thursdays, every week.



Drop-in availability will vary daily when school is in session.

$35 / day

Pricing Options

For questions email Dana Brown our Programs Director


Optional enrichment club add-ons are available and are scheduled from 4:00pm-5:00pm select weeks during the semester. Clubs afford participants a more direct and in depth dive into an area that is of interest to them. Upcoming club options are detailed below:



Clay Club Taught by Michelle Steinglass: Exploration With Clay and Collage

Grades: 1-4

Welcome to the next level* of clay exploration! Building on techniques learned in Ceramics and Handmade Art*, we will review and continue to hone our hand building skills, explore texture by pressing and rolling found objects into the surface of clay, and keep improving our techniques in forming different animals and figures. The session will begin with the creation of a new sketchbook, while exploring a different book binding technique and expanding on collage work. Our clay pieces will be inspired by stories shared in class, nature, and life. Expect to create different animals, functional objects, and figures, improve your glazing skills, and take home kiln fired works of art. 

*This class is open to those who are completely new to ceramics, those who have taken ceramics somewhere else, and students who have completed the autumn semester of Clay Club.

Sports Club Taught by Paul Mundy

Grades: 5-8

Welcome to the sports club! Throughout the year we will learn the basic principles of three different team sports: ultimate frisbee, soccer, and flag football. We will focus on teamwork, fundamentals, and how healthy competition can bring out the best in us. These sports will be played and practiced in a weekly rotation. In this club you should not only expect to improve your skills, but also grow your love for team sports. The goal is to prepare students for their future in athletics and in life. We are looking for student athletes of all levels. It does not matter if you have never picked up a ball before, or if you are a future professional athlete, all are welcome!


Maker Club Taught by Travis Prather

Grades: 3-8

Maker club is for students who want to dig a little bit deeper and explore their STEAM interests, with mentors to help guide and inspire students, and give access to STEAM lab resources. Areas of interest may include (but not limited to): computers, electronics, programming (coding), robotics, music production, design, prototyping & fabrication, troubleshooting, repair. In each session of the maker club we will offer students a choice of activity starters in a few different interest areas, at least one hands-on building option, or time to continue work on previous projects/designs. The content of the activities will be mostly child driven, with no particular projects or outcomes planned. The goal is to expose each young maker to a breadth of STEAM-related fields, while letting them decide the depth. Students who are returning to maker club will be challenged to delve deeper into their main interest area(s), try something new that they did not fully explore in previous sessions, and become mentors themselves!

Dance Club Taught by Havalyn Raeuber: Ballet and Jazz

Grades: 1-4

This is a fun and active dance class! We will continue to explore the basics of classic styles of dance, engaging their bodies, minds, and imaginations in this spring semester enrichment club. This is a process-oriented class rather than a product oriented class. Each student’s skill level and needs will contribute to the learning and development of the whole class, bolstering their confidence, physical awareness and resilience. While we are continuing from the fall semester, new students are welcomed and encouraged to join. Ends in a spring performance. 


Theater Club Taught by Havalyn Raeuber

Grades: 2-6

Imagination station. We will have fun playing interactive theater games while learning to recall and tell stories, recognize and express emotions, and embody their imagination. While we are building upon the skills and lessons from the previous semester. We warmly welcome new students. Culminating in an end of season performance! 

Art and Animation Club Taught by Lydia Nichole: A Playful Introduction to Stop Motion Animation with Handmade Paper Puppets! 

Grades: 5-8 

Do you love the way that stop motion animations just feel more raw and alive than other forms of animation? Well, I do! In this course of 10 one hour sessions each week we will design our own paper puppets, make a stop motion short to explore their movement, and then put all our characters together for a small short animation that we’ve created together! It’s more simple than it sounds, I promise, and so much fun! 


Robotics Club Taught by Travis Prather

Grades: 5-8

Robotics club is for those young makers and roboticists seeking to hone and apply their skills, and work together as a team towards a larger goal. Students will build on their existing skills to take on major components of the robot including:

Subteams will work together to interface and combine the components into a whole-robot, functionality not guaranteed. There will be an option to showcase the club’s efforts at the April 2024 Maker Faire in Asheville, as well as additional events/competitions if applicability and interest allow.

Introductory Spanish for Beginners Taught by Yena Cooper

Grades: 1-4

This beginner’s course will introduce students to the basics of speaking Spanish. We will start by studying the alphabet, pronunciations, and accents as well the history and cultural context of the Spanish language. We will then learn some basic vocabulary words, including numbers, colors, days of the week, relevant age-appropriate words, pronouns, nouns, and popular verbs. We will then work on conjugating some of the most commonly used verbs. Just as babies first learn language through experience, we will also take an experiential approach to learning language by using the natural world around us to name things. We will also make learning fun by playing games, singing songs, and reading stories in Spanish. If students attend all 10 classes and practice at home and in school in between classes, they should be able to count to 100, form simple sentences, and have increased Spanish comprehension by the end of the 10-week class. 

For questions email Dana Brown our Programs Director

Some minimal outdoor gear is required to ensure the comfort and safety of students. Please feel free to leave gear on campus, or send it to school each day. “There is no such thing as bad weather; only bad clothing!” 

1) Water Bottle 

2) Waterproof rain jacket ~ This item is the most important. Please be sure the jacket is waterproof & not just water-resistant. Send this every day, or leave on campus; rain can be unpredictable. 

3) Close-toed shoes ~ Flip-flops or open-toed sandals are not allowed on the campus at WBNS. Crocs or sandals with holes are fine, as long as the toe is covered. In wet or cold weather, sneakers are okay but rubber boots or Bogs are preferred. 

4) Layers and warm clothes ~ Please pack a small bag of clothes (Socks ~ T-shirt ~ Warm Shirt ~ Pants) that can stay on campus in case your child gets wet or cold.

Woodson Branch Families Woodson Branch will begin immediately after school and will run until 5:00pm

Public School Families Children attending Brush Creek or Madison Middle school will be bussed from school, directly to Woodson Branch and met by an After School staff member to bring your child to the appropriate location

Homeschool Families or children not attending Brush Creek or Madison Middle Children can be dropped off no earlier than 3:20 and can be dropped off at the barn, where a staff member will be waiting to bring your child to the appropriate location. 

***Children that are picked up later than 5:00pm will incur a $5 fee***