Band Parents Association

Madison Band Parents Association

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President: Chris Shelton Secretary: Tanya Hess Treasurer: Melissa Shelton

The Madison Band Parents Association meets every second Thursday of every month at 6:00 pm in the high school band room. We hope you can join us! The band requires significant adult support in order to be successful. The cost to have a great curricular and extra curricular band program can be very high. The MBPA works to lower the costs and fees.

There are many ways to volunteer. Find something that is right for you and your schedule and be apart of our band family. Parents and guardians are encouraged to sign up to help on the MBPA committees:

Pit & Logistics Crew

Loading & unloading our trailer for marching season, moving equipment on and off the field, and moving props, tarp, and other equipment during our winter seasons.

Uniform Parents

Fitting and altering our uniforms of our marching band, concert band & color guard students.

Meal & Food Parents

Helping plan or coordinate meals, snacks, and feeding our students when traveling.

Concession Workers

Helping out at concessions during our football and basketball games.


Agree to ride our bus and help monitor and support our students when we travel. A volunteer background check must be completed in order to chaperon. Link here --> Background Check

Cheer Section

As always, it is great to attend concerts and competitions and look into the audience to see all of our biggest fans cheering us on.

The Madison Band Parents Association is the organization for those interested in supporting the instrumental & winter programs at the Junior High and High School. The focus of the MBPA is the support of the music, staff, and students of the band programs and to raise money to obtain all of the extras that the band programs and band staff need to give superior music education experiences in our schools. A designated MBPA committee and the music staff develop the budget, which is set for all seasons. Marching, pep, and concert.

The membership of the Madison Band Parents Association includes the staff and band parents/guardians of the band & guard members at Madison Junior High and Madison High School.

When it comes down to it, without the band parents/guardians, there would be no marching band. Lend a hand whenever you can to support your band member and the group! Even just helping one time, can really make a difference to help our band succeed.

***Another super easy way to help your band out financially, please consider opening an online account with If you already have one, at the bottom of the website’s page is a Kroger Community Rewards program link you can click on. Please choose the Madison Band Parents Association as your organization to receive a portion of all dollars spent at Kroger. Our Organization # is 11302. Your band receives a quarterly donation from Kroger, and it is totally anonymous! We do not see what you spend or how much your contribution is. But it really helps a lot to receive this check from Kroger! Any questions, contact Tanya Hess 812-701-3524. *** Thank you!!

Your Madison Band Parents Association is also a 501c3 organization. If you know of anyone or a business who would like to help sponsor our marching season, all donations are tax deductible. Please contact Chris or Melissa Shelton, or Tanya Hess for any information.