
It's The Law

Two laws that cover accessibility in California:

Americans with Disabilities Act (Links to an external site.) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Links to an external site.).

Distance Education Accessibility Guidelines -California Community Colleges Distance Education Task Force (2011) - Amara is a project of the Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF), a nonprofit 501c3. We are driven by our mission to foster a media ecosystem that enables everyone to benefit from online video content. Content that can enrich lives, but is not currently available to those who cannot hear or understand the language of the video. We believe a participatory and inclusive world leads to a more understanding and caring society.

Assistive Technology

Industry Standards

WebAIM - Everything you want to know about Web Accessibility

Popular Resources

Color Contrast Tools

If you would like to know more about color, HTMLColorCodes (Links to an external site.) offers excellent, clear advice for choosing colors for your web pages.

Closed Captioning


  • To create captioning with a script, follow these steps:
  1. Record your video from the script.
  2. Review your recording, and correct any errors in the script.
  3. Save the script as a .txt file.
  4. Upload your video to YouTube.
  5. Select "edit."
  6. Select Subtitles and CC from the menu.
  7. Set the language of the video.
  8. Select Add new subtitles or cc.
  9. Select Upload a file, and then select your script file (.txt).
  10. Use the text edit box to clean up the text (for instance, apostrophes or quotes may need to be corrected).
  11. Select Set Timings, and wait for the captions to sync.