Growth Point 0

Visualisation and Orientation Growth Points activities

The tasks listed on the following pages are rich tasks from various sources that may be used with multi-level groups or students who are working at a particular level.

0. Not apparent

Not yet able to visualise simple shapes.


Materials: Kinder squares, scissors, shapes cards or blocks.

Activity: Students are given a kinder square to fold in half. The teacher then selects a shape card or block, and asks the students to cut out a shape along the fold line, so that when they unfold the kinder square, their shape will be the same as the one selected by the teacher.

Related key ideas: Symmetry, orientation, visualisation.

Variation: Provide students with shape blocks on the table. Ask them how they might be able to use them to help decide what they need to cut. Why don’t you cut out the whole shape? How did you decide to halve your shape so you could cut it out?