Foundational Learning Assistance FAQs

Questions about the Foundational Learning Assistance funding process at MacEwan University:

What is Foundational Learning Assistance? 

Foundational Learning Assistance is a government grant (that you don't pay back) for students in preparatory programs. MacEwan has three programs that qualify for Foundational Learning Assistance funding: 

English as an Additional Language
University Preparation
Alberta Foundation Program (currently Suspended)

Students that are accepted to one of the above programs and ENROLLED in classes may apply for Foundational Learning Assistance. Provided they meet the government's eligibility requirements, students will receive funding for their tuition, mandatory fees, books, and supplies. Depending on financial need, full-time students may also receive additional benefits such as living allowance &/or child benefits. 

It is a streamlined application process that does not require additional forms or documentation for students; it is all online through your Account 

Read about Foundational Learning Assistance here

How do I apply for Foundational Learning Assistance? 

NOTE: Foundational Learning Assistance funding through MacEwan is term by term. Students must complete our 'Enrolment Confirmation' form and re-apply for funding every term. 

What if I do not have a VERIFIED Account? 

All students must apply for funding online through the government's online application system, which requires students to have a VERIFIED Account. In order to verify your account, you must prove you are an Alberta Resident - with an Alberta-issued driver’s license or identification card. This process can take up to four weeks. If you are not able to verify your account, you will not be able to apply for funding. Common Questions about Account

When can I apply for Foundational Learning Assistance? 

As long as you are an active student in an academic upgrading program and enrolled in classes, you will be able to fill out our 'Enrolment Confirmation form' approximately twelve weeks before the start of the term. All active students will get advance notice (via email) when the form will be open. It will remain open as long as funds are available (and prior to the deadline each term).

NOTE: Priority is given to Continuing SCE students (see 'How is the funding distributed each term?' )

NOTE: We stop confirming enrolment of students once the funding is exhausted for the term.

NOTE: Funding requests are term by term. Students must complete our Enrolment Confirmation form and re-apply for funding each term. 

What is the last day that I can apply for funding? 

The confirmation of enrolment deadlines are:

Fall Term - Sept 1
Winter Term - Jan 1
Spring/Summer Term - May 1

The above dates are the last day that you may be able to fill out our Enrolment Confirmation form. These deadlines are subject to change based on the availability of funds. We stop confirming enrolment of students once the funding is exhausted or it is determined that you will not receive a decision in time for the tuition payment deadline. It is always best to fill out our confirmation of enrolment early.  ** in Spring 2024 funding was exhausted about 8 days after we started confirming enrolments ** 

The Government has advised that their targeted processing time is between 1-5 business days (provided you already have a verified Account). However, depending on volume and time of year, it may take longer. If you are approved late, you will not receive any retroactive living allowance payments.  

Can I apply using a paper form? 

It is no longer possible to apply using a paper application form. All students must apply online using their Account. 

How is the funding distributed each term?

The amount of Foundational Learning Assistance (FLA) given to MacEwan University from the Government is very limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to continuing students. 

Continuing students are defined as:


Priority is also given to those who have received FLA funding previously through SCE and are finishing their studies.


The Confirmation of Enrolment form will be open for continuing students approximately two weeks before NEWLY admitted students will have access. New students, those admitted to a School of Continuing Education (SCE) program (starting in the first term they are requesting funding) must wait until their assigned date to fill out the Confirmation of Enrolment form. 

Watch your email for the exact dates the Confirmation of Enrolment form will open for new and continuing students for each term.

I just finished Alberta High School, am I eligible to apply for Foundational Learning Assistance? 

Yes, there is no longer a 12 month waiting period for students already in High School. Students who are at least 18 by the start of our classes can apply.  

What if I still have questions about the application process? 

You will need to contact Foundational Learning Assistance directly at 780-427-3722 or visit their website.

Questions about funding decisions:

How do I know if I am approved?

You will receive an email confirmation from Foundational Learning Assistance. Decisions should take 1-5 business days. If you have any questions about your application or why you have not received a funding decision you should contact Foundational Learning Assistance at 780-427-3722.

What happens if I am denied funding? 

You should contact Foundational Learning Assistance directly if you have any questions about your denial &/or to inquire whether you are eligible for part-time study. If funding is denied, you will have to decide whether you will stay registered in your upcoming classes and pay the tuition and fees yourself. If not, you should drop your classes prior to the add/drop deadline for that term. 

 ***** Exception Alberta Foundation Program students are not eligible for part-time funding ***** 

Can I attend class if I haven’t received my funding approval? 

Yes, you should start attending on the first scheduled day of class. If you have not been approved by the add/drop deadline, please see the answer to the next question.

It’s almost the add/drop date, and I don’t know if I am approved. What should I do? 

Contact the Foundational Learning Assistance office right away to ask about the status of your application. If you have not been approved by the add/drop deadline for the current term, you will need to decide if you will continue with your classes and pay the tuition yourself. If you receive a late approval, you will be refunded any tuition amounts you have paid. If you receive a late denial, you will owe the tuition and fees. 

Questions about funding amounts and payments:

I was approved for funding. How do I pay my tuition? 

Your tuition and fees will be paid directly to MacEwan University. These fees are reconciled directly with our finance department and may not be reflected on your student account until a few days AFTER the tuition payment deadline each term. 

Any additional amounts for textbooks, supplies and/or living expenses will be paid directly to the student.

I need textbooks, but I haven’t received an approval yet. What should I do? 

If/when your funding is approved, you will receive an amount for books and supplies as a one-time payment with your 1st month's living allowance (if any). You will need to pay for your books up front and refund yourself once your 1st cheque is received. Your 1st cheque is generally higher than the subsequent ones because of this one-time book/supply amount. If you buy your books before the start of class, do not open them until the instructor confirms them on the first day. You cannot return the books to the bookstore unless they are unopened. 

I was denied funding. How do I set up a payment plan for the tuition amount? 

MacEwan University allows students to set up payment plans for tuition. Please view the requirements and information on the fees and financial information page. 

I was not approved for full-time funding, can I apply for part-time funding instead? 

Yes, this may be a possibility as long as there is still funding available. Please contact us for your individual situation as we may need to cancel your application for full-time funding and re-submit one for part-time. 

**Students in the Alberta Foundation program are not eligible for part-time funding** 

Questions about academic progression:

What if I withdraw from one or all of my classes? 

If you withdraw from classes BEFORE the add/drop date, you must inform Foundational Learning Assistance and MacEwan University to cancel your funding request for that term.  

If you withdraw from classes AFTER the add/drop date, you are assigned a grade of 'W' on your academic record, which is a 'withdrawal'. You must inform Foundational Learning Assistance of any change to the number of classes you are enrolled in, as this may affect your learner status and funding. A key component of Foundational Learning Assistance funding is that students are progressing to the next level of their education plan. Students that have to repeat classes because of previous withdrawals or failures may be denied funding in future terms. (See next for ‘Progressing’). Please contact the program office before withdrawing from classes to discuss the possible implications for your studies and future funding. 

What is progressing? 

Students applying for funding must be ‘progressing’ in their studies and may only repeat a grade level once. The maximum number of attempts at any one specific class is two. Withdrawals after the add/drop date are assigned a grade of W on your record and count as attempts. Progressing means that students are moving on to the next level in their personalized education plan. 

If you are not progressing in your studies, then part-time study may be an option.

Foundational Learning Assistance Policy Manual (see Page 8 for information on Progressing)

What if I fail one (or more of my classes)? 

A key component of the Foundational Learning Assistance funding is that students are progressing to the next level of their education plan. If you have failed one or more of your courses, you may not be progressing. Students who have to repeat classes may be denied funding in future terms. We encourage you to make an appointment with our office so that we can discuss adjusting your education plan or referral to other support services at MacEwan.