
Papers / Theses

Names of undergraduate student coauthors are in green text

Decomposition and conformal mapping techniques for the quadrature of nearly singular integrals. WHM, Abbie Natkin, Paige Robertson, Marika Sullivan, Xuechen Yu, and Chenxin Zhu, BIT Numerical Mathematics 63, 41 (2023). 

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Slide deck 

A single-layer based numerical method for the slender body boundary value problem.  WHM, Henry Bell, Yoichiro Mori, Laurel Ohm, and Dan Spirn, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 450, 2022,

Free preprint: arxiv

From publisher:

Gomand, Faustine, William H. Mitchell, Jennifer Burgain, Jérémy Petit, Frédéric Borges, Saverio E. Spagnolie, and Claire Gaiani. "Shaving and breaking bacterial chains with a viscous flow." Soft Matter 16, no. 40 (2020): 9273-9291.


There's more than one way to cancel a regularized Stokeslet.  WHM and Dona Pantova, 2019 (submitted). arxiv

Analysis and Computation of Sedimentation and Erosion in Viscous Flow. WHM, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017.  pdf

A generalized traction integral equation for Stokes flow, with applications to near-wall particle mobility and viscous erosion. WHM and S. E. Spagnolie, Journal of Computational Physics, 333, 462-482 (2017). pdf 

Sedimentation of spheroidal particles near walls in viscous fluids: glancing, reversing, tumbling, and sliding. WHM and S. E. Spagnolie, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 772, 600-629 (2015). pdf

Sparse line deletion constructions for symmetric 4-configurations. L. W. Berman and WHM, Ars Contemporanea Mathematica (9), 2 (2015). pdf

Stability and dynamics of magnetocapillary interactions. R. Chinomona, J. Lajeunesse, WHM, Y. Yao and S. E. Spagnolie, Soft Matter, 11, 1828-1838 (2015). 

Exact and numerical solutions for Stokes flow in glaciers. WHM, M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, 2012. pdf