RADICAL (virtual)


APRIL 13-16

Welcome to our THIRD annual Radical MacACCESS!

Note: Due to the Daunte Wright killing by police on Sunday, April 11, and the ongoing impact of the Derek Chauvin trial, some events have been moved to allow for additional space/events in our community this week.

Please check back for updates.

Student-led Listening scheduled has been moved to 4/21, 7-8 PM

Faculty Panel Discussion moved to Thursday, 4/22, 5-6 PM

Photo of group listening to speaker

MOVED: April 22 5:00-6:00PM

Professors from various disciplines who have demonstrated a commitment to making their coursework accessible will share their experience about creating an inclusive classroom.

Virtual Art Gallery and Opening

Art Gallery Open NOW!

print by Zarra TM

Art print of person in an orange outline with a distressed look with blue outlines of prescription bottles and doctors notes

What is Radical MacACCESS (RMA)?
Radical MacACCESS was founded in 2018, in collaboration with a student advisory group, to create a specific space for students, staff and faculty who identify as disabled at Macalester, promote inclusion, and think "Radically" about access (and not just accommodation). Past programming has included keynote speakers, community panel discussions, "speak out" events, identity-intersectionality programming, assistive technology seminars and a comprehensive display of disability activism at Mac.

This year we are bringing RMA literally to YOU! Join us!

What Radical MacACCESS Looks Like

Picture of Macalester Faculty, Staff and Students in Radical MacACCESS t-shirts and Disability Services banner.

Radical MacACCESS 2020: Faculty student discussion on accommodations

History of Disability Activism Macalester Display and Research (by Bea Chihak)

Link to Full Project

Timeline of history of Macalester students with disabilities.

Accessibility and Event Navigation

To honor our community commitment to COVID-19 health and safety and to ensure all community members (near or far) are able to access RMA, we will remain virtual in 2021. Accessibility features:

All events will be on Zoom, or allow for remote access

Participants are welcome to keep their videos off or participate via chat

All programs will have captioning, and real-time transcription

Select events will be recorded and available for asynchronous viewing (with captions)

Hand outs in accessible formats

We'd love to know if you'll be attending

and/or need other accommodations to access this event.