

Background on Renewable Identification Numbers under the Renewable Fuel Standard. 

U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. July 25, 2018. (Video)


The Economics of RINs and U.S. Ethanol Demand. 

11th Annual Biofuels Science and Sustainability Tour. Fall 2019.

The Simple Economics of RINs and RFS Reform. 

10th Annual Biofuels Science and Sustainability Tour. Fall 2018.

RINs: An Economic Perspective. 

National Ethanol Conference. February 2018.

Publications and Commentaries (Non-Peer Reviewed)

The Iowa Rural Drinking Water Survey: Water Quality Perceptions and Avoidance Behaviors Among Rural Iowa Households.

Lade, G., D. Keiser, J. Comito, J. Benning, and C. Kling.

[Press Release] [Infographic]

The Minnesota Clean Car Rule Isn’t Nearly Enough

Lade, G., and S. West. MinnPost. August 2021.

Ozone Pollution in U.S. National Parks is Nearly the Same as in Large Cities. 

Keiser, D., G. Lade, and I. Rudik. The Conversation. July 2018.

The Costs and Benefits of Nutrient Reduction Programs. 

Tang, C.,  Y.H. Shr, G. Lade, D. Keiser, and C. Kling. CARD Agricultural Policy Review. Fall 2018.

Environmental Regulation of Hog Feeding Operations. 

Chen, C.T., G. Lade. CARD Agricultural Policy Review. Spring 2018.

E15 and E85 Demand Under RIN Price Caps and an RVP Waiver. 

Lade, G., S. Pouliot, and B. Babcock. CARD Policy Brief. 18-PB 21. 2018.

Economic Benefits of Nitrogen Reductions in Iowa. 

Tang, C., G. Lade, D. Keiser, C. Kling, Y. Ji, and Y.H. Shr. CARD Report. February 2018.

Efficient Environmental Regulation in the Unconventional Oil Industry. 

Lade, G., and I. Rudik. CARD Agricultural Policy Review. Fall 2017.

Impact on Merchant Refiners and Blenders from Changing the RFS Point of Obligation. 

Babcock, B., G. Lade, and S. Pouliot. CARD Policy Brief. 16-PB 20. 2016.

Fuel Price Impacts of the Renewable Fuel Standard. 

Lade, G., and J. Bushnell. CARD Agricultural Policy Review. Fall 2016.

Ex-Post Costs and RIN Prices Under the Renewable Fuel Standard. 

Lade, G., C.-Y.C. Lin Lawell, and A. Smith. Resources for the Future Discussion Paper. 15-22, 2015.

Controlling Compliance Costs for California’s LCFS with a Price Ceiling. 

Lade, G., and C.-Y.C. Lin. UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy Policy Brief. 2014.

A Report on the Economics of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard and Cost Containment Mechanisms. 

Lade, G., and C.-Y.C. Lin. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Research Report. UCD-ITS-RR-13-23, 2013.