
Early Intervention Program for ASD

by Emma Wellman


For five months in 2019-2020, I worked with children diagnosed with autism as a part of an early intervention program at Fraser, a non-profit organization in the Twin Cities. This is a reflection of my experience and its connection to public health.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

ASD is a developmental disability affecting social, communication, behavioral, and emotional skills. It is usually first apparent in childhood, and lasts throughout one’s life. ASD often co-occurs with other mental or developmental conditions, such as anxiety, depression, conduct disorder, OCD, and ADD/ADHD (CDC, 2020). ASD can negatively impact a child’s ability to interact in the world, as one aspect of an ASD diagnosis is impaired functioning at school, work, or other areas (NIMH, 2018). People with ASD may have difficulties with relationships, and understanding what behaviors are expected of them. Although there is no cure for ASD, early intervention services have been shown to improve outcomes for children with ASD by preparing children to be successful in future settings (CDC, 2020).


Fraser is a non-profit organization based in the Twin Cities metro area. It started when Louise Whitbeck Fraser started educating children with special needs in 1935 (Fraser, 2020). Since then, the organization has grown and now serves people of all ages. The organization focuses on early childhood interventions for autism and mental health, but Fraser also provides community living and career planning programs for adults diagnosed with ASD or with other special needs.

I worked at Fraser’s Minneapolis day treatment program. Day treatment is an early intervention program serving kids who have been diagnosed with ASD in a one on one small classroom setting. The clients I worked with were between two and five years old. In day treatment, we did a variety of activities that felt like play, but that focused on developing fine and gross motor skills, social skills, language, and regulation skills. All clients additionally participate in family therapy, and many also attend speech therapy, physical therapy, or daily living skills sessions before or after day treatment.

My Experience

I worked at Fraser from October of 2019 until March of 2020, when services began to temporarily close and many employees were furloughed due to COVID-19. During this time, I worked in two different classrooms as a “clinical program assistant”. My role was to assist the lead teachers in the classroom in planning and leading activities, working with clients one on one, and tracking clients’ goal progress.

My typical work day at Fraser.

Links to Public Health

Prevalence rates of ASD are on the rise. Although not clear whether this is due to changes in the clinical definition of ASD, increased rates of diagnoses, or a rise in actual cases of ASD, with one in 44 children in Minnesota diagnosed with ASD (one in 54 nationwide), this is clearly a community-wide issue (CDC, 2020).

U.S. Prevalence estimates of ASD over time. Source: CDC, 2020

Although ASD is not preventable, early interventions can promote better outcomes for those with ASD (CDC, 2020). Fraser’s early interventions work to prepare children to succeed in school, at home, and with relationships, as well as teaching daily living skills, ultimately aiming to allow individuals to lead self-determined lives, to the greatest extent possible.

However, these programs do not work without early detection and diagnosis. Nationwide prevalence rates of ASD show that historically there has been a disparity in identification of ASD by race and ethnicity, and there continues to be lower rates of identification of ASD among Hispanic children (CDC, 2020).

U.S. Prevalence of ASD by race/ethnicity. Source: CDC, 2020

Additionally, boys are diagnosed with ASD at rates four times greater than girls. Although boys may be at greater risks for ASD, girls present symptoms in a different way. This difference in presentation may lead to an underestimate for the prevalence among girls (CDC, 2020). These disparities underscore the importance of increasing education campaigns about early testing for ASD for girls and minority populations, as well as providing services that are culturally appropriate, including in languages other than English. Fraser has a commitment to providing accessible services for a diverse clientele, and boasts that in 2018 it provided services in over 20 different languages. However, in my experience, this is an area that should continue to be expanded, as I saw instances where the available staff (myself included) could not appropriately communicate with clients in their first language.


I enjoyed my experience working at Fraser. Although often challenging, both due to nature of the work and understaffing, this experience taught me both about clinical and public health aspects (and the ties between them) of mental health and developmental disabilities.

emma wellman

I am a senior Psychology major and Anthropology minor with a concentration in Community and Global Health. I am from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I am looking forward to moving a bit closer to home after graduation where I will begin a year with the Loretto Program in Denver.


CDC. (2020). Accessing Services for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from

CDC. (2020). Autism Data Visualization Tool. Retrieved from

CDC. (2020). Screening and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from

CDC. (2020). A Snapshot of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Minnesota. Retrieved from

Fraser. (2020). Fraser Minneapolis. Retrieved from

Fraser. (2020). Our History. Retrieved from

Fraser. (2020). Outcomes. Retrieved from

NIMH. (2018). Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from

Header image credit: Fraser Minneapolis, 2020