Interested in Joining?

Sign-Up Form:

For those of you who are interested in joining, you can sign up here: .

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Where do we meet? 

A: Wherever you want, because it's online over Google Meet! 

Q: When do we meet? 

A: Typically on Tuesdays or Thursdays at around 8pm.

Q: How committed do I have to be? 

A: As committed as you can spare, be we understand if something comes up every now and then. Small-Group leaders will require a higher level of commitment because your group is depending on you!

Q: How long are CCPC meetings? 

A: Depending on how talkative your group is, each meeting typically lasts 5-15 minutes. 

Q: Who/what do we pray for? 

A: We pray for requests that are sent in from the community, which are then sent to the small group leaders. During meetings, anyone can also add additional requests if he or she would like.