Professional Experience

CReWMaN Research Lab

Department of Computer Science

Missouri University of Science and Technology

Missouri, United States

Center for Research in Computer Vision

Department of Computer Science

University of Central Florida

Florida, United States

Machine Vision Lab

Department of Computer Science

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Machine Vision Lab

Department of Computer Science

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India


Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Thesis: Privacy-Preserving Algorithms for Multimedia Processing over Cloud

Supervisors: Prof. Rama Bhargava and Prof. Balasubramanian Raman

External Examiner: Prof. Mohan Kankanhalli, NUS, Singapore

Specialized: Applied Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematical Sciences

University of Delhi, India

Specialized: Applied Mathematics

Atma Ram Sanatan Dhram College

University of Delhi, India