Virtual Classroom

Science this year will be a very, content driven, hands on experience. Focused on learning and doing science! Students will experience working with a group in a laboratory environment, concept discussion and explanation, designing and executing their own experiments, and much more. This is sure to be a memorable year, and I look forward to sharing the wonderful world of science with each and every student.


Mr. Anderson


Every day:

      • Planner

      • Science spiral notebook (BLUE)

      • Science folder (BLUE)

      • Pencil / blue or black pen

      • Highlighter


      • Colored pencils

      • Calculator

      • Ruler

      • Etc. (I’ll let you know)


Student’s grades will be figured on a Total Points system: the points you earn divided by the points possible. Everyone is encouraged to keep track of his or her own grade on their grade sheet. The grading scale is as follows:

A 100% - 90%

B 89% - 80% Homework is usually 5 – 10 points

C 79% - 70% Quizzes are usually 3 - 10 points

D 69% - 60% Tests are usually 30 – 40 points

F 59% - 0%

Contact Information:

Phone: 815-539-6237

Plan Time: 11:00 pm -11:35 pm

Portions of this year will be presented with a “Flipped Classroom” model. A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. During these units (Scientific Method, Chemistry, Plate Tectonics / Earthquakes) students will be required to watch and take notes on instructional videos as homework. If watching a YouTube video at home is a challenge, students should make arrangements to come in before school, after school, or during study hall to complete the notes. Following the video assignment students will take a video quiz (3-10 points). The quiz is designed to assess if the students watched the video or not.