Eli Fastiff

One engineering strength I have is my perseverance. One area for growth is my creativity.

A good reflection is long enough that it explains everything but straight to the point. It also is readable and demonstrates a knowledge of the skills. I will need to be attentive to help make sure my reflections are clear.

the project was to design a schematic in eagle.

We completed it by getting three lights to turn on and work.

I learned a lot: how to use eagle, what a schematic is, and how circuit boards work.

This is a circuit board. I created it using the eagle and bantum tools. I learned how to use eagle and bantam. I also learned how to mill a circuit board and how to print it.

This is a box, I used rhino and a laser cutter. I learned how and what digital journey is and how to create something that sticks without and adhesive.

My sketches range from basketball,genetics and horseshoe crabs. I am probably going to do with the horseshoe crab theme and a more simple box.

This is my enclosure design I choose it because it is simple yet elegant. I will also try to paint it and add a horseshoe crab. My inspiration comes from a speaker i have at home and nature.

This is my breadord

It simulates a circuit that will help my speaker work

I learned how wires should be organized and how speakers and bluetooth could work on a circuit board

This is my milled circuit. It took 2 tries to get it to work but now it is working. I learned a lot about the cutting process and how to deal with thickness.

This is my prototype. It is pretty simple but I am hoping I can add engravings.

This is my completely soldered circuit that includes bluetooth. One thing I learned was how easily soder could be moved even if it was already on the circuit board. One thing that was challenging for me was making sure that the pieces in the circuit board were facing the right direction.

So far I have successfully cut out my first piece of my enclosure and mapped out cuts for multiple more pieces. I plan on finishing cutting out more of my pieces next class.

So far I have worked on cutting out my sides for my enclosure and then I laser cut the holes out of the wood. (above)

Next I plan on finishing up my cuts (I need to do 3 more pieces) and then glue them all together.

These images above show my 3 cut out pieces of wood.

Although it is hard to see this image contains 5 of the 6 cut pieces and the new 45 degree angle edge of the 3rd piece.

So far I have cut all 6 pieces and started gluing them.

To finish I need to sand and then finnish glueing my glue my wood.

I am most satisfied with my circuit because I have never done such a long project on something like it but it worked really well and I learned a lot from it.

If I were to start over I would spend more time making sure my cuts were accurate. I would also not use 45 degree angles only 90 degree angles.

The lesson from this project that I will use in the future is that precise measurements are needed for every aspect of the process, and to always map out cuts before you make them.