Class Schedule

Daily Schedule (M, T, Th, F)

8:00 - Morning Meeting/ Warm Up

8:15 - Language Arts

9:25 - Recess

9:45 - Math

11:15 - Lunch

12:00 - Electives (Social Studies, Cursive, Science, etc.)

2:07 - Dismissal

Wednesday Schedule

8:00 - Morning Meeting/ Warm Up

8:15 - Language Arts

9:25 - Recess

9:45 - Math

  • Electives (Social Studies, Cursive, Science, etc.)

11:45 - Visual Art

12:10 - Lunch / Dismissal

Specialist Schedule

Mondays at 12:30: Performing Arts/ Theater with Ms. Brkich

Tuesdays at 8:45: P.E. with Coach Baker

Wednesdays at 11:45: Visual Arts with Ms. Share

Thursdays at 12:45: P.E. with Coach Baker

Fridays at 12:00: Library with Mrs. Gasser