

-- Our Language Arts program is very enriching and comprehensive. We will be using a Language Arts series, Houghton-Mifflin, which includes lessons in reading, writing, spelling, and grammar. We will also be reading other literature that includes present day as well as classic stories. Some of these stories may include: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by: Judy Blume,Sarah, Plain and Tall by: Patricia MacLachlan, Island of the Blue Dolphins by: Scott O’Dell, By the Great Horn Spoon! by: Sid Fleishman, and Jamesand the Giant Peach by: Roald Dahl.

-Writing is also a very structured aspect of our Language Arts program. Every year, as required by the state, fourth graders are tested on their writing skills. This will take place some time in March as part of our yearly standardized testing. There are three genres in which we will focus on; Narrative, Summary, and Response to Literature. Step up to Writing is our current program which we will be using this year, and which will be a welcome addition to our writing curriculum. We will be writing every week in our writer’s workshop. Students will be responsible for participating in all aspects of the writing process

( e.g., prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing).

-- Optional and may only be once in a while.

Spelling words will be assigned every Monday. Students will practice their words throughout the week in class and at home. This should help prepare them for their weekly spelling test which is every Friday morning. Monday night students will be required to choose a spelling activity in which they will complete for homework. This assignment is always due the following day. This activity is great extra practice for weekly spelling words.

-- The new math series the district adopted is called GO MATH. Because it is a common core program, more writing will be involved. We will begin the year by reviewing the basic skills, practicing word problems, and assessing. Then, we continue throughout the year practicing and learning Number Sense (problems that include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, whole numbers, simple fractions, and decimals). We will also include Algebra and Functions, Measurement and Geometry, and Mathematical Reasoning.

-- Our social studies program will focus on California history and geography. We will be spending some time learning about Geography Skills, Native Americans in our local region, European Explorers, Mission Life, the Gold Rush, and the Railroad systems. We will also learn about basic economy. Group work will be the foundation for some of the social studies units. This will help the class get to know each other and enforce a positive learning environment.

Some reports may include a "Golden Nugget report" and a "Mission Report" as well.