What is GATE?
These are researched strategies I use in the classroom and below are links to additional great websites. Go check out AEW's Association of Gate Parents for additional information and book titles for parents.
In GATE, we use Bloom's Taxonomy. We create learning experiences that push beyond just remembering facts. We create experiences for students to understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create with information they have acquired in ELA, Social Studies, and Science through various ways.
A great TED Talk about the need for creativity in schools. Ken Robinson
GATE Strategies:
Universal Concepts- Connecting curriculum through concepts like CHANGE, CONFLICT, RELATIONSHIPS, POWER, ORDER, STRUCTURE, SYSTEMS, PATTERNS, EXPLORATION
Think Like a Disciplinarian: Think Like a Disciplinarian encourages students to explore the advanced, sophisticated, and complex concepts in the various disciplines by assuming the role of the disciplinarians who work in those fields. (Example: How would a politician look at climate? How would an environmentalist? How would a weather reporter? How would a scientist? How would an architect?)
Questioning- Always asking various types of questions. This promotes discussion, thinking outside the box, wondering, and always pushing our knowledge capacity.
DEPTH and COMPLEXITY Icons- See below for a more detailed explanation of each. These are thinking tools to push our thinking beyond basic remembering skills.
Independent Study- Individual choice in projects and learning. Students will choose a SS independent study project in Spring.
Scholarly Pursuits:
Scholars Actively Participate and Are Ready to Learn
Scholars Take Time to Ponder
Scholars Have Curiosity and Ask Questions
Scholars Conduct Research and Use Many References
Scholars Save Ideas by Organizing New Facts
Scholars See Many Points of View
Scholars Persevere and Exercise Their Intellect
Scholars Set Goals, both Short-Term and Long-Term
Scholars Take Pride in the Quality of Their Work