Mrs. Mittleman's Lucky Charms 

Morning Drop-Off Reminders

Now that we’ve made it through the first three days and are settling into a routine, beginning next week, parents are no longer allowed on campus at drop-off.  When dropping off your student, you may walk them to the gate, but not enter campus.  We want to make sure our students and staff are safe and that our gates are able to close when the school bell rings.  Having parents on campus delays this process.  That being said, Friday Assemblies will still be open for parents, but you will need to check in at the Main Office and receive a visitor's pass.  I appreciate your understanding and help to keep our campus safe and secure.

Afternoon Pick-Up Reminders

If you are picking up your child from Round Meadow, DO NOT park in the spots labeled “reserved.”  These spots are reserved for Round Meadow families and they need to be able to park at the school when they arrive.  Also, you may not sit in your car and leave it idling or park your car in front of the school in the “Loading Zone” and leave your car unattended.  The sheriff will be giving out tickets and this obstructs the traffic flow and prevents families from picking up their children in a timely manner.  

Breakfast and Lunch:

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) extended the free meal program for the 2023-2024 school year. Parents are strongly encouraged to complete the online Eligibility Application. Students will let their teachers know each day during morning attendance if they want to receive hot lunch. All students will be able to receive school meals at no cost. Students may receive breakfast at 7:40 every morning at no cost.

Reporting an Absence?

If your student is ever absent from school, please let the school know by reporting the absence to When emailing, list your student's full name, teacher, date of absence, and state the reason for the absence.  All student absences must be verified within 72 hours (3 school days).  Absences that are not reported within this timeline will remain unexcused. For additional information, please visit our school website.