6th Grade Science

What is Expected?

This school year will obviously look much different than other years in the past but my expectations have not changed!

Whether we are learning in person or virtually, students are expected to:

  • BE ON TIME! This means being in your seat before the bell rings or signed into the Zoom “Waiting Room” BEFORE the start of class.

  • BE PREPARED! This means checking my website the night/morning before class and having TCI/Google Classroom or any other necessary tabs open on your computer BEFORE the start of class.

  • PARTICIPATE! This means asking and answering questions during class either by raising your hand or writing in the chat section on Zoom.

  • SIT AT A TABLE! This means no students will be allowed to sit or lay in bed! We are still here to learn.

HAVE THEIR VIDEO ON AT ALL TIMES AND SHOW THEIR ENTIRE FACE! This means I am not looking at your bedroom ceiling or half of your face.

Class Rules

1. Listen And Follow Directions

2. Raise Your Hand Before Speaking Or Leaving Your Seat

3. Respect Your Classmates And Your Teacher

4. Keep Hands, Feet, And Objects To Yourself

Students are also expected to follow all classroom rules and school rules regardless of whether we are on campus or virtual.