Mrs. Anstead

Independent Study with Mrs. Anstead 6-8

Welcome to Independent Study with Mrs. Anstead!

Be sure to check Google Classroom daily for assignments as well as APEX. We will also be using Seesaw as a classroom management system. Please join our Google Classroom by clicking the above icon then sign in with Google when joining Seesaw. You will be asked to check your email regularly. Each day you will have assignments with APEX Learning. School attendance is marked by work completion and weekly check-in meetings.

Your school schedule is 8:30-3:00pm daily and you are expected to set up a schedule and routine that will help you achieve success. We will meet for a 30 minute check-in once per week. Daily support classes are offered as well. You are encouraged to utilize the support.

I am so excited to be your case manager and look forward to working with you on your Independent Study!