October 2019

The word 'advocacy' takes its roots from the Latin word 'ad vocare' meaning to speak for someone.

  • not only speaking for but speaking with someone
  • proposing or recommending something or someone for better options

It implies identifying a cause, believing in it, mobilizing and influencing others to support it so as to change the policy or program that is negatively impacting it.

Advocacy is not a person or a position, but an action!

How can you be a part of Advocacy for Special Education in La Vernia ISD?

1. SHOW UP to meetings at your child's school! Be a part of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and other committees.

2. SPEAK UP for students with Special Needs when you are participating in PTO and other activities. Recommend activities, fundraising, and projects to benefit all students and provide for inclusive opportunities.

3. SIGN UP to be a part of our Strategic Planning activities! La Vernia ISD is currently working on a new Strategic Plan for the district. Plans are in the works for activities specifically designed to build a Strategic Plan for Special Education! We would love for you to be a part of our work!

Interested in participating in Advocacy Activities in LVISD? Let us know using this form.

Mental Health Moment

“Let’s Journal That…”

When asking about a student’s week, it can be difficult to find a place for them to start . Processing emotions is an essential tool for both young and old. Not only that, but organizing one’s ideas and emotions can also come as a difficult task. So when all these emotions seem overbearing for students, I tend to suggest, “Let’s journal that”. Journaling can become an essential tool for students who are not quite ready to verbally talk about their situation, dilemna, or events that happened over the school day. Journal writing doesn't have to be cognitively demanding task. It can be a simple sentence, word, or picture. Keeping a journal for your child/student is never a bad idea.

The Health Benefits of Journaling (Source: PsychCentral)

Article by : Maud Purcell, LCSW, CEAP

  • Clarify your thoughts and feelings.
  • Do you ever seem all jumbled up inside, unsure of what you want or feel? Taking a few minutes to jot down your thoughts and emotions (no editing!) will quickly get you in touch with your internal world.
  • Know yourself better.
  • By writing routinely you will get to know what makes you feel happy and confident. You will also become clear about situations and people who are toxic for you — important information for your emotional well-being.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Writing about anger, sadness and other painful emotions helps to release the intensity of these feelings. By doing so you will feel calmer and better able to stay in the present.
  • Solve problems more effectively.
  • Typically we problem solve from a left-brained, analytical perspective. But sometimes the answer can only be found by engaging right-brained creativity and intuition. Writing unlocks these other capabilities, and affords the opportunity for unexpected solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.
  • Resolve disagreements with others.
  • Writing about misunderstandings rather than stewing over them will help you to understand another’s point of view. And you just may come up with a sensible resolution to the conflict.

Full Article Link: https://psychcentral.com/lib/the-health-benefits-of-journaling/

Journal Prompt for Kids on Self-Esteem and Confidence (Source:Journal Buddies)

  • Write about a person you admire. What qualities do you have in common with this person?
  • What is your favorite thing to do? How do you feel when you work on this activity?
  • What does it feel like when someone recognizes something you worked hard to do?
  • What makes you feel like a strong person?
  • What do you do when you see a classmate struggling with something?
  • Of the people in your life, who makes you feel the most confident?
  • Name three qualities you love about yourself.
  • How do you think other people see you?

Full List and Article link: https://www.journalbuddies.com/journaling-resources/self-esteem-confidence-journal-prompts-for-kids/

Looking to the Future?

It is never too early to start planning for your child's future. Many of the agencies that support adults with disabilities have waiting lists up to 20 years long. Start Today!

ChartingtheCourse Year2_Flyer_eveningsessions-linked.pdf
ChartingtheCourse Year2_FlyerSaturdaysessionslinked.pdf

Primary School Motor Lab

Congratulations to the La Vernia Primary School staff! Your work to develop the motor lab far exceeded our expectations!



Come join us for a huge celebration to benefit the blind and vision impaired! This year is the 11th Anniversary of our Annual Weston Wright “Lighting the Way” Walk/Run! This event will be chip-timed and managed by San Antonio’s very own iRun. Come enjoy food, drinks, face painting, prizes and medals!! We are pet and stroller friendly, so bring out your whole family for an unforgettable morning workout. Don’t miss the opportunity to support the San Antonio Lighthouse and experience a Walk Run unlike any other!

This event will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2019 at McAllister Park – Pavilion 2. Packet pick up will be on October 30 & 31 from 9:00-4:00 at the Lighthouse – 2305 Roosevelt Ave or at the event. For information or sponsorship opportunities for the 11th Annual Walk/Run, contact Nancy Lipton at (210) 531-1533.

View our flyer HERE!

Interested in Parent Training and Community Based Opportunities?

Check out the ESC 20 Parent Perusal Newsletter!

La Vernia Independent School District

Uncompromising Excellence, Unlimited Possibilities