Mrs. Avilla's GHS AP Statistics Class

Bitmoji Welcome Slide (AP Stats)

A short but GREAT talk by Arthur Benjamin, math professor at Harvey Mudd College.


My name is Mrs. Avilla and I will be your AP Statistics teacher. This is my 12th year of teaching and I truly love it just as much this year as I did at the start of my first year. While I love teaching, I also try and spend much of my time with my family. We have a 5-year old little boy and a 3-year baby girl and one of my favorite things is watching them grow and explore the world.

On this site, you will find several resources in order to help maximize your educational experience through out the course of AP Statistics. Please feel free to post questions and access resources.

In addition, I run a public Twitter page (@GHSMrsAvilla) which students can access and hold discussions about homework and assignments. I encourage you to "Follow" my page and engage in the conversation!

Lastly, I regularly utilize EDpuzzle and Remind. Send me a message or stop by my classroom and I'd be happy to share the class codes with you!

- Mrs. A