Table of Contents

LHS Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide all students a challenging, standards-based, socially responsible education in a safe and nurturing environment.



LHS Vision Statement 

We envision Livermore High School a premier learning community in which teachers, staff, and parents lead by example and work collaboratively to help all students strive and achieve.

The LHS teachers, staff, students and parents are working together to make this vision a reality through accomplishment of the following goals:

• Ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful educational environment in which students can actualize their potential to become physically and mentally fit, responsible, and ethical adults who make informed life-management decisions

• Provide a standards-based, comprehensive, and challenging curriculum that utilizes assessment data to continuously improve practices used to help students think critically, participate as educated members of society, and achieve their post-secondary and career goals

• Bridge communication borders to ensure all students’ needs are addressed and to close achievement gaps based on cultural, ethnic, racial, gender, special needs, and economic differences

• Include up-to-date technologies in the curriculum to leverage the power of emerging technologies for instructional gain and to better align the way students are taught in school with the way the global community communicates


LHS Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

LHS graduates will possess the following knowledge and skills needed for LIFE:


L.   Literacy and Critical Thinking

·         Skills in reading, writing, numeracy, and the clear and logical expression of ideas and opinions in a wide variety of formats to function at home and in college, the workplace, and social settings

·        Depth of knowledge in and across the content areas of English, social science, math, science, art, business, world languages/multiculturalism, and visual and performing arts to participate as educated members of our global society and to achieve post-high school education and career goals

·         Information processing and analytical skills to become life-long learners and informed decision makers in a diversity of contexts

 I.    Innovation:

·         Skill in understanding complex problems, recognizing new opportunities, and combining knowledge of dissimilar concepts to create new perspectives to improve efficiency and effectiveness at home and in the workplace

·         Technological knowledge required to comfortably adapt to current and new technologies that provide access to, and tools for managing, increasingly large quantities of information

F.    Fitness:

·         Physical fitness, health, and consumer knowledge and skills to live a physically healthy life

·         Active listening, reciprocal communication, and collaboration skills needed to build and maintain the relationships required for one’s social wellness

·         Commitment, determination, and resilience skills to maintain a strong work ethic, overcome road blocks, and thrive as an emotionally healthy being

E.    Ethics:

·         Principles, values, and dictates of conscience for functioning responsibly, ethically, and honorably when carrying out personal, social, and civic responsibilities


The Livermore High School Program of Studies


The high school program in the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District consists of four years of coursework. The curriculum provides a planned sequence of educational experiences. This sequence includes a required general education program and specialized elective courses. The subject matter is organized in nine curricular departments, and each department has a sequence of courses. Certain  courses  are  required  of  all  students.  Other  elective  subjects  are  of  a  student’s choosing. The brief course descriptions in this manual will inform students of the general nature of each course. Students should consider them carefully, with a parent or Academic Counselor, and decide on a program of study. It is highly recommended that each student complete a pathway during their four years. 


 The Semester Schedule


Extended Learning Time:

Semester schedules typically offer longer class periods and more extended periods of instruction, allowing for in-depth exploration of topics and more comprehensive coverage of course material.

Fewer Transitions:

With only two semesters per academic year, students and teachers experience fewer transitions between classes. This can provide more stability and continuity in learning.

Deeper Understanding:

Longer class periods in a semester schedule can allow for more in-depth discussions, hands-on activities, and collaborative projects. Students may have more time to grasp complex concepts and engage in meaningful learning experiences.

Reduced Workload at a Time:

Students may find it more manageable to focus on a smaller number of subjects at a time during a semester schedule, reducing the feeling of being overwhelmed by a larger course load.

Consistent Evaluation Periods:

Semester schedules often include mid-term exams and a final exam at the end of each semester. This allows for consistent evaluation periods, providing students and teachers with regular checkpoints to assess progress and understanding.

Alignment with College Semesters:

The semester schedule is more in line with the structure of many colleges and universities, which may make the transition to higher education smoother for high school graduates.

Flexible Course Scheduling:

Semester schedules may offer more flexibility in course scheduling, allowing students to take a wider variety of courses throughout their high school years.

Academic "Block L" awards

Awards are based on Cumulative GPA’s for each semester. (GPA’s are based on weighted grades.) To earn a Block "L":

Any break in the sequence becomes a disqualification. For example: The first 2 semesters the student earned a 3.7 or higher and received a block. The third semester it dropped below the required GPA. The fourth and fifth semesters the student earned the required 3.7 again. Because it was not consecutive, the student will not receive a star. 

*On the student’s transcript, the Cumulative GPA at the end of the semester is reflective of a weighted GPA.

*Calculations are made at the end of the 1st semester. Freshmen have only completed 1 semester at this point so they will not qualify for a block or star. Seniors are the only group who have taken 7 semesters at this point and therefore, are the only group that could potentially earn the 3rd star.

Honor cords

Cords are based on the cumulative GPA at the end of the 1st semester, Senior year. (GPA’s are based on weighted grades)

Cum Laude GPA 3.5 – 3.69

Magna Cum Laude GPA 3.7 – 3.89

Summa Cum Laude GPA 3.9 or higher

Student Services

Livermore High School

600 Maple Street

Livermore, Ca. 94550

Phone: (925) 606-4812 Fax:  (925) 606-4851

School Website:


Mrs. Kate Perry

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2313

College and Career Specialist/ ROP Liaison

Mrs. Paula-Ann Cabading

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2330

Academic Guidance Counselor

Students A-G

Mrs. Elaina Edwards

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2344

Academic Guidance Counselor

Students H-O

Mr. Waziri

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2426

Academic Guidance Counselor

Students P-Z

Ms. Jade Bohl

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2312

SEL & Wellness Counselor

Mr. Zachary Radecke

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2455

First Generation College and Career Counselor

Mrs. Elizabeth Esquivez

(925) 606-4812 ext. TBD

Vice Principal

Students A-F

Mrs. Alyson Noble

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2456

Vice Principal

Students G-L

Mr. David Martinez

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2320

Vice Principal

Students M-R

Mr. Daniel Musselman

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2323

Vice Principal

Students S-Z

Mrs. Lisa Keck

(925) 606-4812 ext. 2317


Mrs. Roxana Mohammed


(925) 606-4812 ext. 2322

If you need language assistance understanding this high school course catalog, please call (925) 606-4812 ext. 2403 or ext. 2427.

Si usted. necesita asistencia para entender este manual de inscripción de high school (preparatoria), por favor llame al  teléfono (925) 606-4812 ext. 2303 or ext. 2315.

 Quick Guide to LHS Online Course Registration

Livermore High students enter their course requests online. This process will begin in Homeroom, where students will review their transcripts, the four-year plan, and the course catalog to plan their course selections for the new school year. With the "Graduation & College Entrance Requirements" form (found below) and the Course Selection Sheet in hand, students can request their courses online in just a few easy steps.

1.       Go to the Livermore High School website at: 

2.       Across the top of the page are drop down menus.

3.     From the ‘Student Life’ drop down menu, click on the appropriate class page and select ‘Online Course Registration’ to sign in and begin the    

        registration process. Or click on the online course registration button below. 

4.       Select the appropriate grade level.

5.       View the online tutorial for visual assistance.

6.       Worksheets are available for download.

7.       Login to PowerSchool

a.       User name is the student's first name, a period and the first three letters of the last name. ie: John.Smi

b.       Password is student’s ID number, unless they have changed it.

8.       Finally, have your Parent/Guardian log in to the Parent Verification link to approve your course selections.

**REMINDER: The window for online registration is 2/5 -2/28. For questions about the course registration process, please contact the appropriate academic counselor.

Information about schedules and the "Cowboy Kickoff" process will be sent home over summer break. Please be sure that the office has your correct email address. Schedules will not be available until “Kick Off”, via Schoology. Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 7:30 – 4:00 during the school year. Please see the main website for summer hours.

LHS Course Catalog

The Livermore High School (LHS) Course Catalog is designed to help you develop a comprehensive high school course plan that meets your educational needs and career goals, and fulfills graduation requirements. This site includes information about the courses offered at LHS, as well as graduation requirements, an individual graduation planning form, and a list of the four-year college admission requirements. This catalog is published annually and reflects the most current offerings; however, it cannot be assumed that every course listed here is offered each semester. Students and parents should review the graduation and college entrance requirements and use the 4-year plan form (for graduation planning) to design a successful course of study. Revise your four-year course plan as your career, interests, and  post-high  school  decisions change. Thoughtfully consider your personal motivation, goals, and interests in order to make the most appropriate choices suited to your needs. Challenge yourself with as demanding an academic plan as you can successfully achieve while balancing it with extracurricular and outside activities.

Using the Course Catalog

 ·         Courses are designated by grade level: 9 (freshman), 10 (sophomore), 11 (junior), and 12 (senior).

 ·         Many courses have prerequisites. Identify the prerequisites and plan to take the required classes accordingly.

 ·         You must request a minimum of 12 courses for grades 9-12. Your current teachers know about your abilities, interests, and  study habits. If you have questions about a course, ask them for their advice.

 ·         Seniors are not guaranteed a shortened schedule. Please be sure to plan accordingly. Schedule constraints may place senior level courses at the end of the school day.

Symbols Used in the Catalog:

(H) = Honors

(P) = College prep

(a-g) = UC/CSU Approved Course 

(AP) = Advanced Placement

A/B = courses that have 2 sections/semesters


Course Change/Withdrawal from a Course


Please note the master schedule of classes is built from your course requests.  Please choose your courses for the year wisely. Once you submit your course requests, any changes you request will be dependent on space availability in other courses.  Students are expected and required to complete both semesters of a given course. Course changes can only be requested within the first five days of the first semester. If a student withdraws from a course during the first five (5) days of the semester, the course will be dropped from the student’s course history. If a student withdraws from a course after five (5) days and up through the fourth week of the semester, the student’s course history will reflect a “W” if the student is passing, or a “WF” if the student is failing. No withdrawals will occur after the fourth week of the first semester.

PLEASE NOTE: Only one course change will be permitted. Changes to classes may only be made by selecting your counselor on the front page of our website and filling out the course change request document and submitting it.  Phone calls and emails concerning course changes will be addressed, in the order received, after the first week of the semester.

Dropping Courses

First 5 days of the semester- drop course/ no record

Week 2 through 4- drop course = withdrawal; W=Pass, WF= Fail

Week 5 to end of semester- NO withdrawals from courses


Repeating Courses

You should repeat a course if (1) you have failed a course required for graduation, (2) you did not earn the grade to meet a prerequisite of the next level course, or (3) you did not earn a “C” or higher in a college preparatory course. Credit is earned only once for a course completed with a passing grade unless it is a course that can be repeated for credit.


Honors Courses

Honors courses are designed for students who are interested in a more rigorous course of study and who plan on taking AP courses in future years. These courses earn a weighted grade point average for Livermore High; however, UC does not assign a weighted value to these courses when computing GPA’s, except for our Honors Physics course.


Advanced Placement (AP) Courses


With the completion of AP college-level courses and exams, you can earn college credit, earn advanced placement, and be more competitive in the admissions process. Many universities in computing a GPA will add an additional point for each semester of approved AP courses completed with a “C” grade or higher. (See or university/college admission websites for specific and additional information regarding credit for AP courses.)

Please consider the following when deciding to take an AP course:

·         AP courses may require summer reading assignments to be completed before the beginning of the fall semester.

·         You are expected to take an AP exam in the spring if you enroll in an AP course. AP exams cost approximately $130; however, fee waivers may be available.

·         Withdrawing from an AP class: You may withdraw from an AP class through the 5th day of the semester provided there is room for additional students in a non-AP class.

More information about AP course offerings can be found in the appropriate department listing and on the LHS counselor webpage accessible through the LHS homepage.


 Regional Occupational Program (ROP)


ROP is a program which provides students opportunities to explore careers and/or college majors and to develop job skills. While a majority of ROP classes are usually taken during sophomore, junior and/or senior year, there are a few classes available for freshmen as well.  See grade level requirements under each class heading to determine eligible classes.  Some ROP courses are not on the Livermore High School site. You are responsible for transportation to off-campus sites. For more information about ROP, please go to or see the section on Regional Occupational Program in this course catalog.

Middle College

High school students have the opportunity to apply for Middle College, a junior and senior year program that provides dual enrollment in both high school and college. Middle College is managed by the Tri-Valley Regional Occupational Program (TVROP) and is situated on the campus of Las Positas College. The program is open to students enrolled at public high schools in Livermore, Pleasanton, and Dublin. For complete information, please visit:


Enrollment in Courses Outside of Livermore High School

Livermore High School students have an opportunity to explore classes outside of their home school site through online programs, community colleges, and classes offered at other LVJUSD school sites. Students may choose to take additional courses for one of the following reasons:

·         Acceleration: for the purpose of advancing through a subject sequence faster

·         Augmentation: for the purpose of personal enrichment

·         Remediation: for the purpose of remediating a course 

Not all courses taken outside of Livermore High School may be used to fulfill graduation requirements. Please see your school counselor for more information.

College Admissions Requirements

To satisfy the requirement to apply to a University of California or California State University, students must have successfully completed a specific sequence of high school courses. These courses are known as a-g requirements accepted by the universities and can be found on the “LHS Prep Courses (UC/USC a-g Courses)” page .The grades earned in the a-g subjects taken in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades are the only grades the universities will use to calculate the grade-point average for admission. All grades in “a-g” subjects must be “C” or higher. Elective courses in academic subjects give students an added opportunity to strengthen preparation for undergraduate work. Students must take fifteen “a- g” high school courses completed with a “C” or better to fulfill the UC Subject Requirements. Seven of the fifteen courses must be taken in the last two years of high school. 

Laboratory Science

A student seeking admission to UC/CSU as a first-time freshman will be required to satisfactorily complete two laboratory science college preparatory courses. The UC requires that a student complete courses from two of the three disciplines of chemistry, physics, and biology (which include anatomy and physiology, biology, field biology, etc.). All of the courses taken must be from the UC list of approved lab science subject “d” courses. CSU requires that the two years of lab science include at least one biological science and at least one physical science from the UC list of approved lab science courses.


UC and CSU Admission Requirements

Eligibility for admission is based upon several considerations; among them are the grade point average in the “a-g” subject requirements and the scores on either the SAT examination given by the College Board or the ACT given by the American College Testing Program if required. Please see admissions requirements for individual universities to which your student applies.


 Calculating GPA

In calculating an applicant’s grade-point average for admission, use only the grades earned in the “a-g” courses (described on next page) taken in grades 10 through 12. These grades are counted as follows: A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point and F = 0. D and F grades: D and F grades in the “a-g” courses used to meet minimum requirements must be repeated. In some mathematics and foreign language courses only, a grade of C or better in more advanced coursework may validate “D” and “F” grades in earlier work. Consult with the college office of admissions directly to inquire how the university will use them in evaluating your scholarship record.


AP Courses

College-level courses taught in high school on a variety of subjects, for students who want to challenge themselves. In addition, AP courses will be given extra weight in computing the grade point average for admissions as follows: A = 5 points, B = 4 points and C = 3 points.


Private and Out of State Public Colleges, Military, Trade Schools

There are multiple options for post high school career paths. Each path has unique features and requirements. A few are highly selective while others admit a majority of those who apply. The task of the applicant is to find out the admissions requirements of the colleges or organizations to which you want to apply as early as possible. Information is available in the LHS Career Center via guest speakers, internet search engines, and individual college and military websites. 

Graduation and College Entrance requirements

Graduation and College Entrance Requirements 24-25.docx

LHS College Prep Courses (UC/CSU a-g Courses)

LHS College Prep a-g 2022-2023

LHS 4 Year Plan

4 Year Plan- Semester.xlsx - Google Sheets.pdf

LHS GEA 4 Year Plan

Semester GEA 4 Year Plan.pdf

CTE Pathways

Pathway courses are subject to change based on state regulations and course offerings. 


Social Science Department & UC a courses

The Social Science Program includes those courses that are designed to contribute directly to the development of good citizenship. These courses include Global Studies, World History, U.S. History, Economics, and Civics, all of which are high school graduation requirements.


Grade Level Courses


Social Science 9 (Pa)

Code: 15010

Grade Level: 9

Length:  1 Semester-5 units

Fulfills:  UC “a” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Social Science is required for all ninth grade students. The National Geography Content Standards provides a foundation for study of the physical, economic, political and cultural characteristics in various areas such as Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Topics include comparisons of developed and underdeveloped areas in these geographical regions and analyzing instances of modern nation building. This course provides students with opportunities to explore human behavior through the study of the individual, groups and cultures. Reading to understand and making connections between geographic themes are essential components in this course. Students demonstrate their knowledge through written and oral reports, essays, projects and research paper using technology.


AP Human Geography A/B (Pa)

A: Code: 15115                                                      B Code: 15116

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: 2 Semesters- 10 units

Fulfills: UC “a” Requirement                             

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: This two-semester course of study focuses on the distribution, processes, and effects of human populations on the planet. Students follow the AP curriculum, studying seven major units. This includes topics such as population, migration, culture, religion, ethnicity, political geography, economic development, industry, agriculture, and urban geography. Student participation includes discussion of current issues facing human populations. Students experience a wide variety of hands-on learning, including small projects that help them gain a sense of the effects humans have on the planet. Writing requirements include answering short constructed response questions.


World History 10 A/B (Pa)

A Code: 15030                                                   B Code: 15040

Grade Level: 10

Length: 2 Semesters- 10 units

Fulfills: UC “a” Requirement  

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

Course Description: This course is required for all tenth grade students and follows the California State Content Standards for History/Social Science. Students trace the rise of democratic ideas and the historical roots of current world issues as they pertain to international relations. Emphasis is placed on western civilizations as the source of American political institutions, laws and ideology. Students build timelines, world maps and essays as they research people and events. Activities include oral presentation, collaborative research and historical interpretation, and reading literature from and about the period being studied.


AP World History 10 A/B (Pa)

A Code: 15125                                                   B Code: 15126

Grade Level: 10

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “a” Requirement

Prerequisite: 10th grade standing

Course Description: The AP World History course is a two-semester course intended to prepare students for the AP World History Exam offered by the College Board. The course highlights the nature of social changes and their causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies. The course is organized into six periods of world history: The Rise of Agricultural Civilizations, The Classical Period, The Post-Classical Period, The World Shrinks, Industrial and Western Hegemony, and the 20th Century. Specific themes provide further organization to the course, along with consistent attention to contacts among societies that form the core of world history as a field of study. Evaluations and assessments are intended to  be similar to those likely to appear on an AP exam. Enrollment in Seminar for AP World History is strongly recommended.


U.S. History 11 A/B (Pa)

A Code: 15050                                                   B Code: 15060

Grade Level: 11

Length:   2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “a” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: This required course for students in grade eleven follows the California State Content Standards for History/Social Science. Students study the major turning points in American history in the 20th century. Topics include technology and a corporate economy, the change in the ethical composition of American society, the movement toward equal rights, the role of the United States as a major world power, the expanding role of a federal government and federal court, and the continuing tension between the individual and the state. Students consider the major social problems of our time and trace their causes in historical events. Students experience a wide variety of “hands-on” and active learning strategies. Writing requirements include a persuasive essay and a research paper.


AP U.S. History 11 A/B (Pa)

A Code: 15160                                                   B Code: 15170

Grade Level: 11

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “a” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: The Advanced Placement United States History course is designed to provide students with analytic skills and the factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in United States history. The program prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. Students learn to analyze historical material, their relevance to a given interpretive problem, their reliability, and their importance. Students learn to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. Upon completion, students will be expected to take the Advanced Placement United States History Exam.  Enrollment in Seminar for AP US History is strongly recommended.


Civics (Pa)

Code: 15070

Grade Level: 12

Length:  1 Semester – 5 units

Fulfills: UC “a” Requirement

Prerequisite:  None

Course Description: This course is required of all seniors and follows the California State Content Standards for History/Social Science for grade twelve “Principles of American Democracy.” Students in grade twelve pursue a deeper understanding of the institutions of American government. An emphasis is placed on analyzing  the  relationship  among federal, state and local governments, with particular attention paid to important historical documents such as The Federalist Papers. These periodicals related to current economic and business standards represent the culmination of civil literacy as students prepare to vote, participate in community activities, and assume the responsibilities of citizenship. Reading requirements include current events, the textbook and other sources. Writing requirements include a research paper. *Students may also take Agricultural Government to fulfill this requirement.


AP U.S. Government and Politics 12 A (Pa) (Pg)

Code: 15090

Grade Level: 12

Length:  1 Semester – 5 units

Fulfills:  UC “a” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description:  This  course will give students an analytical perspective on government and  politics in the United  States. The course includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. public policy and the role politics plays in the formulation and implementation of public policy. It requires students to become familiar with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U.S. politics. Students will become acquainted with a variety of theoretical perspectives, behaviors and outcomes. Upon completion of the course, students will be expected to take the AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam. This course is designed to provide students with an academic experience parallel to a college class. Students who take this course are encouraged to take the Seminar for AP U.S. Government as well.


Economics 12 (Pa)

Code: 15080

Grade Level: 12

Length:  1 Semester – 5 units

Fulfills: UC “a” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Students will master fundamental economic concepts, applying the tools (graphs, statistics, and equations) from other subject areas to the understanding of operations and institution of economic systems. This course is required of all seniors and follows the California State Content Standards for History/Social Science. Students analyze the elements of the United States market economy in a global setting, the influence of the U.S. government on the American economy and the elements of the United States labor market. Students explore the principles of micro- and macro-economics, international economics, comparative economics systems, measurements and methods. Reading requirements include newspapers and bureaucracy and specific areas of public policy—Social Welfare, Defense, and Environment. 


AP Macroeconomics (Pa) (Pg)

Code: 15255

Grade Level: 12

Length: 1 Semester-5 units

Fulfills:  UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: Beginning Algebra course with a prior grade of “B” (3.0) or better; or consent of instructor.

Course Description: Throughout this course, students will analyze the operation of economics principles across the national economy by examining such measures as employment rates, inflation, government spending, taxes, and output. Students will learn to identify trends in the U.S. economy and develop and analyze government policy responses. After completing the course, students will be prepared to take the Advanced Placement (AP) Macroeconomics Exam. This course is designed to provide students with an academic experience equivalent to that of an introductory, college-level macroeconomics course.

Social Science Electives


Introduction to Sociology (Pg)

Code: 15450

Grade Level:  10-12

Length: 1 Semester – 5 units

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description:  The course is an introduction to sociology with emphasis on group and individual behaviors.  This  course examines two major theories in sociology: 1) social organization, and 2) social change and disorganization. These two theories are examined in the following topic areas: difference, relationships, and movement. Students will examine theories of race and ethnicity, gender, and class. In addition, students will explore theories of families, education, and  crime  and  deviance. At the end of the course, students will be prepared to enroll and have success in college-level sociology courses.


Positive Psychology (Pg)

Code: 15235                                          

Grade Level: 10-12

Length: 1 Semester- 5 Units

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: For years, psychology has been the study of what troubles the human mind. For example, why do certain individuals develop depression or abuse substances? What makes us happy, healthy, resilient, and content in our lives? Positive psychology is the scientific study of what goes right in our life, from birth to death and all the stops in between. In this course you will learn what positive psychology is and what positive psychologists have learned about the good life and how it can be encouraged in your own lives. The course will focus on the psychological aspects of a fulfilling and flourishing life. Topics include happiness, self-esteem, empathy, friendship, goal setting, love, achievement, creativity, mindfulness, and humor. If you have ever wondered what the secrets of happiness are, this is your chance to learn some ways to increase your own levels of happiness. This will be accomplished through lectures, class discussions of relevant topics, small projects, and in-class activities. Assignments include readings, film analysis, quizzes, and small group projects.


Psychology A/B (Pg)

A Code: 15240                                                   B Code: 15250

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units 

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: This course explores the personality theories of Freud, Jung, Erickson, and Maslow. The  course  examines emotional development, state of consciousness, attitudes, life cycles, some abnormal psychology, ritual, and issues of death. The course emphasizes identifying the factors that influence human behavior so the individual can better understand his/her own behavior, the behavior of others, and his/her relationships.


AP Psychology A/B (Pg)

A Code: 15245                                                   B Code: 15246

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units 

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: This Advanced Placement Psychology course will introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They will also learn about the methods psychologists use in their science and practice. Upon completion of this course, students will be expected to take the Advanced Placement Psychology Exam. This course is designed to provide Students with an academic experience parallel to that of the college level. It is recommended that students strongly consider taking the AP Psychology Seminar.

English Department & UC b Courses


The English program covers the broad fields of composition, literature, and language, with training in the skills of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The department also offers courses in special phases of reading literature, writing, speech, and journalism. In accordance with recommendations in the English Language Arts Framework for California Public Schools, electives are also offered.

 Grade Level Courses

English 9 A/B (Pb)

A Code: 10010                                                                 B Code: 10020

Grade Level: 9

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “b” Requirement (English)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Students will increase their vocabulary, improve their grammar, and develop their writing skills through practice of paragraph and essay writing, They will study literature and expository works, learning how to observe carefully the setting, characters, plot, conflict, and theme of short stories as well as plays and novels. They also gain experience in computer and library use for research and recreational reading.


Honors English 9 A/B (Pb)

A Code: 10110                                                                 B Code: 10120

Grade Level: 9

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “b” Requirement (English)

Prerequisite: Mastery of 8th grade English course content with a prior grade of “B” (3.0) or better; or consent of instructor. 

Course Description: Honors English 9 A/B is an intensive, demanding class that emphasizes advanced composition assignments and projects, including insightful essays, oral presentations, pictorial presentations, or a combination of the above that demonstrate a student’s critical thinking and awareness of the author’s themes, purposes and perceptions. The student is expected to be able to apply the gained knowledge throughout the class to any literature studied. Students are expected to participate in class discussions to encourage the development of higher-level thinking skills.

English 9 A/B (designated English Language Development) (Pb)

A Code: 10832 B Code: 10833

Grade Level:  9 

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is limited to English Learners. 

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD Support is required.

Course Description: In this designated English Language Development, English Language Arts course, students learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others. The course content focuses on teaching the students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository and narrative texts.

English 10 A/B (Pb)

A Code: 10030                                                                 B Code: 10040

Grade Level: 10

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “b” Requirement (English)

Prerequisite:  Passing grade in English 9 A/B or English 9 A/B Honors

Course Description: English 10 A/B is  a  survey  course  covering  reading,  writing,  grammar,  and  vocabulary  development. The literature and expository works will include short stories, novels, poetry, and drama. Students will review sentence structure, punctuation, and essay writing. Students will practice critical reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in preparation for college and career readiness.


Honors English 10 A/B (Pb)

A Code: 10130                                                                 B Code: 10140

Grade Level: 10

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “b” Requirement (English)

Prerequisite: Mastery of 9th grade English course content with a prior grade of “B” (3.0) or better; or consent of instructor.

Course Description: Honors English 10 A/B, like regular college prep English 10, is  a survey  course covering reading,  writing, grammar, and vocabulary development. The literature will include short stories, novels, poetry, and drama. Students will review sentence structure, punctuation, and essay writing. Students will practice critical reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in preparation for college and career readiness. Please note that the additional honors curriculum is challenging: the course requires more student writing; and the course demands advanced vocabulary (in the reading itself, in student writing, and in preparation for standardized tests such as the PSAT/SAT).

English 10 A/B (designated English Language Development) (Pb)

A Code: 10834 B Code: 10835

Grade Level:  10 

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is limited to English Learners. 

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD Support is required.

Course Description: In this designated English Language Development, English Language Arts course, students learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others. The course content focuses on teaching the students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository and narrative texts.

English 11 A/B (Pb)

A Code: 10050                                                                 B Code: 10060

Grade Level: 11

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “b” Requirement (English)

Prerequisite:  Passing grade in English 10A/B or English 10 A/B Honors.

Course Description: Through a sequence of rigorous instruction modules designed to prepare students for the literacy demands of higher education, students will develop advanced proficiencies in expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. Course texts include contemporary essays, newspaper and magazine articles, editorials, reports, biographies, memos, assorted public documents, and other non-fiction texts. Students will also study American and contemporary literature and public documents. Expository reading and writing skills will be emphasized.

AP English Language and Composition A/B (Pb)

 A Code: 10035                 B Code: 10036

 Grade Level: 11

 Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

 Fulfills: UC “b” Requirement (English)

 Prerequisite: Passing grade in English 10 A/B or English Honors 10 A/B 

Course Description: The AP English Language and Composition class focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts , and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. In this class, students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Additionally, they read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in  nonfiction texts—including images as forms of text—from a range of disciplines and historical periods.” (Updated Course and Exam Description, College Board, 2019) 

 English 11 A/B (designated English Language Development) (Pb)

A Code: 10836 B Code: 10837

Grade Level:  11 

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is limited to English Learners.

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD Support is required.

Course Description: In this designated English Language Development, English Language Arts course, students learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others. The course content focuses on teaching the students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository and narrative texts.

Expository Reading and Writing 12 A/B (Pb)

A Code: 10087                                                                 B Code: 10088

Grade Level: 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “b” Requirement (English)

Prerequisite:  Successful completion of English 11 A/B

Course Description: The goal of the Expository Reading and Writing Course is to prepare college-bound seniors for the literacy demands of higher education. Students develop advanced proficiencies in expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. The cornerstone of the course presents a process for helping students read, comprehend, and respond to nonfiction and literary texts. Students will practice academic and vocational reading and writing, including practice for types of placement tests many universities require. Course texts include contemporary essays, newspaper and magazine articles, editorials, reports, biographies, memos, and other non-fiction texts as well as full-length novels.


AP English Literature and Composition A/B (Pb)

A Code: 10045                                                                 B Code: 10046

Grade Level: 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “b” Requirement (English)

Prerequisite: Mastery of 11th grade English course content with a prior grade of “B” (3.0) or better; or consent of instructor. 

Course Description: This course is designed to provide an academic experience parallel to that of the college level and  focuses on extensive and intensive reading and discussion of serious, college level literature. Emphasis is placed on analysis of literary devices and thematic messages of canonical literary works from the classics up to the modern era. Students will also build a strong command of poetry analysis in addition to prose and drama. Upon completion of the course, students will be expected to take the Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Exam.

  Social Justice in Literature A/B (Pb)

A Code: 10312               B Code: 10313

Grade Level(s): 11, 12

Length of Course: 2 Semesters -10 units   

Fulfills: UC/CSU "b" English Requirement

Prerequisite: English 9, English 10

 Course Description: The Social Justice in Literature course offers students an opportunity to carefully read and critically analyze a variety of non-fiction and fiction texts that focus on historical and current topics of social issues by authors of historically marginalized cultures. Students will emerge with a greater understanding of how various aspects of the human condition – class, race, gender identity, and sexual orientation – do not exist separately from each other but instead are woven together in a complex framework. Students will develop a working concept of social justice, helping them view systemic injustice and social inequality through an inclusive and dynamic lens. Student choice influences the content of the course, and the development of students’ perspectives is a primary goal. This course can satisfy either the 11th or 12th grade English course requirement.

English 12 A/B (designated English Language Development) (Pb)

A Code: 10838 B Code: 10839

Grade Level:  12 

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is limited to English Learners.

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD Support is required.

Course Description: In this designated English Language Development, English Language Arts course, students learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others. The course content focuses on teaching the students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository and narrative texts.

Fantasy and Science Fiction (Pb)

Code: 10016

Grade Level: 12

Length: 1 Semester-5 Units

Fulfills: 1/2 UC “b” Requirement (English)

Prerequisite: English 11

Description: This course is designed for students who love to read this particular and popular genre of literature. Students will study the history of science fiction and read representative authors. Students will also study the evolution of fantasy literature from fairy tales and mythology to the genre’s present form. Students will conduct independent research in the subject and present their findings to the class. Students will also use a wide variety of technological tools in writing papers and creating presentations.


 Exploring Poetry (Pb)

 Code:  10142

 Grade Level: 12

 Length: 1 Semester – 5 units

 Fulfills: ½ UC “b” Requirement (English)

 Prerequisite: Passing grade in English 11, or approval of instructor

Course Description: Students in this course will read, analyze and understand poetry from a variety of sources. They will be introduced to analytical approaches to poetry through careful exploration of image, form, sound, rhythm, and voice, and they will be exposed to a wide variety of terms, techniques, and poets. Students will regularly collaborate and discuss poetry meaning, structure, and theme. Students will use technology to produce, publish, and update individual and shared writing projects. 


English Language Learner Program


English Language Learners receive language instruction appropriate to their individual needs as determined by the English Language Proficient Assessment for California (ELPAC). ELD courses follow the CA English Language Development standards  and are aligned with the CA Content Standards for English Language Arts. English Language Development course are designed to assist students who are speakers of another language to become fluent in English. 

All teachers at LHS have CLAD certification and are trained to differentiate instruction for EL students.

English Language Development (ELD) Newcomer A/B

ACode: 86981 B Code: 86982     C Code: 86995

Grade Level:  9-12

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Score 1 or below on ELPAC or equivalent objective assessment; attending school in the United States for less that 3 years.

Course Description: This course is designed for novice English speakers new to the United States. A "Newcomer" is defined as a student who scores at Level1 or Level 2 on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) and has been in the country for less than 3 years. Students will focus on developing fundamental English skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will work toward the goal of mastering the California English Language Development (ELD) standards, as well as making gains in the four domain of ELPAC: reading, writing, speaking and listening. ELD Newcomer is an elective course that should be taken in addition to either English Language Development 9,10,11, or 12, or a mainstream english class, depending on a student's language proficiency. 

English Language Development (ELD) Support (Pg)

Fall Code: 86995 Spring Code: 86997

Grade Level:  9-12

Length: 1 Semester – 5 units 

  Prerequisite: English Learner who has taken the Summative English Learner Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC)

Course Description: The English Learner Development (ELD) Support course will assist English Learners with grade- level coursework by providing instructional support in their core classes to help them improve their English language skill. Utilizing ELD strategies, students will improve reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in English. Support may include bilingual materials, assistance with assignments, and help with other course expectations as needed. The instructor will monitor student academic progress and performance and will communicate with the students’ teachers, counselors, administrators, and staff as needed.


English 9 A/B (designated English Language Development) (Pb)

A Code: 10832 B Code: 10833

Grade Level:  9 

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is limited to English Learners. 

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD Support is required.

Course Description: In this designated English Language Development, English Language Arts course, students learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others. The course content focuses on teaching the students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository and narrative texts.

English 10 A/B (designated English Language Development) (Pb)

A Code: 10834 B Code: 10835

Grade Level:  10 

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is limited to English Learners. 

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD Support is required.

Course Description: In this designated English Language Development, English Language Arts course, students learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others. The course content focuses on teaching the students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository and narrative texts.

English 11 A/B (designated English Language Development) (Pb)

A Code: 10836 B Code: 10837

Grade Level:  11 

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is limited to English Learners.

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD Support is required.

Course Description: In this designated English Language Development, English Language Arts course, students learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others. The course content focuses on teaching the students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository and narrative texts.

English 12 A/B (designated English Language Development) (Pb)

A Code: 10838 B Code: 10839

Grade Level:  12 

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units 

Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is limited to English Learners.

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD Support is required.

Course Description: In this designated English Language Development, English Language Arts course, students learn to communicate about a range of topics and academic content areas through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that target high-level thinking with appropriate support. Students are provided interactive and collaborative opportunities to express their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate the ideas of others. The course content focuses on teaching the students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository and narrative texts.

English Electives


Creative Writing (Pg)

Code: 10360

Grade Level: 11–12

Length:  1 Semester – 5 units

Fulfills:  UC “g” Requirement (Elective)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of English 11 A/B, or Advanced Placement Language and Composition, or consent of instructor.

Course Description: This course is student-centered, offering opportunities for students to pursue specific personal writing goals, journal writing, creative writing and technical writing. Students will have opportunities to explore related areas such as word processing and electronic publishing. Students will also explore methods of writing different genres of literature including the short story, the poem, the play, and the personal narrative. Students will study rhetorical techniques such as parallelism, figures of speech, allusion, symbolism, and imagery. Students will become critics of writing through the study of imitation of various authors.



Math Course Sequence Semester

Mathematics and UC c Courses

The Mathematics Program comprises a standard college preparatory sequence, encompassing beginning algebra, geometry, intermediate algebra, pre-calculus, and advanced placement calculus. Additionally, basic skills courses are available.

Algebra I   A/B (Pc)

  A Code: 20080                            B Code: 20090

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 Units  

Fulfills: UC/CSU “c” Requirement; Please note that the Intro course meets the LHS math requirement only

Description: Algebra I A/B is a fast-paced course that offers a formal development of algebraic concepts and skills essential for students intending to pursue geometry and other advanced college preparatory courses. A strong pre-algebra understanding is recommended for this class. The curriculum covers a range of topics, including solving, graphing, and writing linear equations, solving and graphing linear inequalities, solving systems of linear equations, powers and exponents, quadratic equations, polynomials and factoring, proportions and rational equations, functions, radicals, and connections to geometry. Throughout the course, students actively demonstrate their proficiency in basic skills, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving with numbers and operations. Mathematical reasoning and communication skills are seamlessly integrated, with a particular emphasis on meeting the Common Core State Standards. This comprehensive Algebra I A/B course lays a solid foundation for students aiming to excel in geometry and other advanced college preparatory studies.

Algebra I with Computing and Robotics   A/B (Pc)

A Code: 20106                                                               B Code: 20107

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: 2 Semesters-10 units

Fulfills: Fulfills: UC “c” Requirement

Prerequisite: Must be in Green Engineering Academy

Course Description: Robotics allows students to solve problems through mathematical modeling and  programming.  Students use programming and robotics activities to reinforce and extend their knowledge of mathematical concepts by analyzing real life situations, identifying given information, formulating steps that a computer program could calculate to find  a solution, analyzing the results for accuracy, and revising/modifying the programming solutions as necessary. Topics covered include solving one-variable equations with multiple steps, solving and plotting absolute value equations and inequalities, linear equations, systems of linear equations and inequalities, polynomial functions, exponential and radical functions, and step and piecewise functions, evaluating, multiplying, and factoring polynomial functions, solving quadratic equations with applications, probability, statistical data analysis and visualization, and arithmetic and geometric sequences.  Emphasis is placed on California State Standards.

Conceptual Geometry

A Code: 20055                                                       B Code: 20056

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: LHS Graduation Requirements

Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra I

Course Description: This course will provide the student with the principles of geometry, covering all of the California Content Standards for Geometry. This course is not proof-intensive and appeals to other learning styles than traditional geometry. Extensive use of real world examples strengthens problem-solving skills to keep students motivated and focused. This course will not fulfill the prerequisite for Algebra II.

Geometry A/B  (Pc)

A Code: 20121                                                B Code: 20131

Grade Level:  9 – 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “c” Requirement

Course Description: This is a rigorous, fast-paced course and is designed for students who have demonstrated both talent and expertise in previous levels of math. Topics include angles, triangles, polygons, parallel lines and planes, congruence and similarity,  right triangles, circles, coordinate geometry, areas of polygons and circles, surface areas and volumes of solids, transformations, constructions, proofs and right triangle trigonometry. Emphasis is placed on deductive reasoning, logic, and problem solving through the writing of proofs. This class will spend time doing in-depth proofs using 2-column, flowchart, and paragraph styles as well as difficult coordinate geometry proofs. In addition, enrichment topics will be studied, such as symbolic logic, proving constructions are valid, unit circle trigonometry, spherical geometry, polar coordinate, and fractals.  Emphasis is also placed on California state standards.

Geometry with Python   A/B (Pc)

A Code: 20133                               B Code: 20134

Grade Level: 9-10

Length: 2 Semesters-10 units

Fulfills: Fulfills: UC “c” Requirement

Prerequisite: Completed Algebra I with "C" or above. Must be in Green Engineering Academy

Course Description: This course introduces programming into a curriculum in line with the California State Standards for Mathematics for Geometry. Through the application of Python programming, students build upon their knowledge of mathematical concepts by analyzing real life situations, interpreting given information, decomposing the operations into a defined step-by-step algorithm, checking the results for accuracy, and revising the program as necessary. As per the Geometry standards, topics covered include area and perimeter, parallel and perpendicular lines, transformations, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals and other polygons, similarity, right triangles and trigonometry, coordinate proofs, circles, circumference, area, volume, and probability. Industry and academic standard software will be used to reinforce and extend students’ understanding of the areas of study listed above. Programming allows students to easier visualize mathematical problems through software graphing and emphasizes an explicit understanding of the process over an implicit one by demanding from students a step-by-step process for finding a solution, instead of just the solution itself. 

Algebra II A/B (Pc)

A Code: 20173                                                      B Code: 20174

Grade Level 9 – 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC/CSU “c” Requirement

Prerequisite:   Algebra I with a grade of "C" or better

Course Description: This is a rigorous course and is designed for students who have demonstrated both talent and expertise in previous levels of mathematics. This advanced course spends less time on the initial review sections and investigates new material in greater depth. This is a second year algebra course in which students learn to express functions. This course is organized around families of functions, including  linear,  quadratic,  exponential,  logarithmic,  radical,  and  rational  functions. Concepts also expand to probability and data analysis as well as coordinate geometry and trigonometry. Higher- order analytical skills are required to examine extensive applications as part of the California State Standards.

Algebra II with Python   A/B (Pc)

A Code: 20178                               B Code: 20179

Grade Level: 9-11

Length: 2 Semesters-10 units

Fulfills: Fulfills: UC “c” Requirement

Prerequisite: Completed Geometry with Python programming with B or above, or Geometry with demonstrated Python knowledge on instructor provided evaluation. 

Course Description: This course introduces programming into a curriculum in line with the California State Standards for Mathematics for Algebra II and Trigonometry. Through the application of Python programming, students build upon their knowledge of mathematical concepts by analyzing real-life situations, interpreting given information, decomposing the operations into a defined step-by-step algorithm, checking the results for accuracy, and revising the program as necessary. As per the Algebra II standards, topics covered include matrices, vectors, polynomials, trigonometry, isometric transformations, function analyses, and probability. Industry and academic standard software will be used to reinforce and extend students' understanding of the problems through software graphing and emphasizes an explicit understanding of the process over an implicit one by demanding from students a step-by-step process for finding a solution, instead of just the solution itself. 

Financial Life Cycle Math A/B (Pc)    

A Code: 20675 B Code: 20676

Grade Level: 11-12

Length: 2 Semester – 10 Units

Fulfills: UC/CSU “c” Mathematics Requirement pending approval

   Prerequisite: Completion of Geometry A/B with a grade of “B” or better or instructor consent.

Course Description:  Financial Life Cycle Math (FiCycle) combines finance and mathematics into an interesting course that empowers students to take control of their financial lives through the use of mathematics. It will provide students the fundamental concepts in personal finance, using the necessary math to provide versatile theoretical understanding. Students will be exposed to stocks and risk, the role of government in finances, financial statements, insurance and expected value, payments-mortgage, retirement, financial decision making within the constructs of Algebra. This course may be used as an alternative to Algebra 2 and meets the math requirements of CSU/UC  entrance. 

 Algebra II with PreCalculus A/B (Pc)

   A Code: 20182                                                         B Code: 20183

Grade Level: 10-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “c” Requirement

Prerequisite: Algebra 1 & Geometry, and teacher recommendation

Course Description: Upon completion of this course, students are prepared to take AP Calculus and other higher-level math courses. This course compacts the common core algebra 2 standards with the common core ( + ) pre-calculus standards. Function concepts covered includes polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions along with transformation of functions using a parent function. Additional content covered includes conics, analytic trigonometry, complex number theory (DeMoivre’s Theorem), introduction to vector theory, matrices and determinants, sequences, series, binomial theorem, counting principles, probability, and statistics. Finally, the course assignments will emphasize use of the “Eight Mathematical Practices”. Students will make sense of problem situations, solve higher order thinking problems, derive key theorems, use technology where appropriate, work in groups to develop teamwork skills, and demonstrate procedural fluency in their responses.

AP PreCalculus A/B (Pc)

A Code: 20212                                                       B Code: 20213                                         

Grade Level:  9 – 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “c” Requirement

Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra II with a minimum of "C" grade, or instructor consent.

Course Description: AP PreCalculus equips students with the necessary foundation for other college-level mathematics and science courses. By engaging in consistent practice, students develop a profound mastery of modeling and functions. They analyze scenarios through various representations, fostering a comprehensive understanding. The course framework clearly outlines content and skills essential for college PreCalculus courses, forming a solid groundwork for careers in mathematics, physics, biology, health science, social science, and data science. Students who wish to take the AP Precalculus exam for college credit are able to do so but are not required.

Calculus A/B (Pc)

A Code: 20215                                                              B Code: 20216

Length: 2 Semesters- 10 Units

Fulfills: UC/ CSU "c" Mathematics Requirement 

Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus, "C" or better

Course Description: This course is for students who have successfully completed pre-calculus and do not wish to enroll in an AP-level course for exposure to Calculus. It will provide a review of functions, including trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic. An introduction to limits and continuity, difference quotients, the derivative, and the defi0nite integral will be provided, as well as techniques and applications of differentiation and integration. This class offers continuity of the rigors of advanced math, as well as a more solid base from which to enter college-level Calculus.

 AP Calculus BC A/B (Pc)

A Code: 20231                                                       B Code: 20232                                          

Grade Level:  11 – 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “c” Requirement

Prerequisite: Mastery of Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry with a grade of “B” or better or consent of instructor.

Course Description: This course is conducted at a rigorous pace and brings much of the previous mathematics studied into unified subject matter. Using geometrical, numerical, and analytical methods, we will study how things change. During this study, we will focus on differential and integral calculus as well as limits and series. This course is taught “workshop” style where students often work on the whiteboards in small groups to solve problems. Math labs are used to illustrate key applications. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Calculus BC Exam. This course is designed to provide students with an academic experience parallel to that of two semesters of a college level science/engineering calculus course.

Note: Students may choose to take AB one year and BC the following year or may take one without the other.

Statistics 1-2 (Pc)

1 Code: 20255                                             2 Code: 20256

Grade Level: 10 -12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “c” Requirement

Prerequisite: Algebra 2 course with a grade of “C” or better

Course Description: This course covers the 4 themes of introductory statistics: producing data, analyzing data, probability and inference.  It provides students with a basic understanding of statistics and prepares them to solve problems that involve collecting and analyzing meaningful data. This includes the study of measures of central tendency, measures of variation, graphical representation of data, least squares regression, correlation, probability distributions,sampling techniques, parameter estimation, and hypothesis testing. Technology and statistical literacy will be integrated throughout the course. 


AP Statistics A/B (Pc)

A Code: 20260                                                B Code: 20270

Grade Level: 11-12

Length: 2 Semesters - 10 units

Fulfills: UC “c” Requirement

Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra II A/B with a grade of “B” or better; or consent of instructor

Course Description: The purpose of the AP course in statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: 1. Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns;  2. Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study;  3. Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation;  4. Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses  Technology and statistical literacy will be integrated throughout the course. Students who successfully complete the course and exam may receive credit, advanced placement or both for a one-semester introductory college statistics course.                       

Consumer Math A/B (Pg)

A Code: 20681                                                          B Code: 20691

Grade Level: 10-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 Units

Fulfills: UC/CSU “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: Algebra I

Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with the ability to further their math skills by applying them to life applications such as budgeting money, calculating earnings, taxes, credit cards, loans, etc. Students will learn how to communicate ideas in a variety of settings, as well as employ problem-solving skills effectively. They will demonstrate application of critical thinking skills to real-life projects that show a high degree of relevance to becoming an adult consumer in the near future.  It is recommended that you take this after Geometry or Algebra 2.


LHS Science Course Sequence

Science Course Sequencing V2024.pdf

Science and UC d Courses

These are times of rapid advances in science and technology. A quality education in the process and content of science and consideration of the ethical issues associated with new technology are important aspects of the basic education of all students. One year of a physical science (i.e., Physics, Conceptual Physics, Chemistry etc.) and one year of a biological science (i.e. Biology or Life Science) are state-mandated high school graduation requirements. Please refer to the LHS Science Sequencing flow chart on the previous page for the recommended course of study. *Please note, there are certain Agricultural Science and Engineering classes that may fulfill state mandated graduation requirements for Science. Please see your academic counselor if you are considering taking these classes.


The Science department's recommendation for most incoming 9th grade students is Conceptual Physics.  Many courses in the Agriculture program may be taken in lieu of regular science courses.  See LHS College Prep Courses page for details of these courses.


Health Education 9 (Pg)

Code: 30000

Grade Level: 9-12 

Prerequisite: None

Length:  1 Semester-5 units

Fulfills:  UC “g” Requirement

Course Description: The course will help students develop lifelong, positive attitudes and behaviors and will provide students with information, decision-making skills, and resources that will encourage thoughtful and responsible behavior.  Alternate assignments will be provided upon written request for those students whose parents wish to exclude  them from portions of the course.

Biological/Life Sciences

(One of the following two semester courses is required for graduation)

Life Science 1 A/B

A Code: 30030                                                   B Code: 30040

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units 

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Life Science is a survey of life with emphasis on classroom activities. The course covers  consecutive  units of biological principles including the cell, metabolism, genetics, evolution, ecology and human body systems.


Biology I A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30070                                                   B Code: 30080

Grade Level: 9-12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite: The LHS Science department strongly recommends that students should be enrolled in Geometry or higher.

Course Description: Biology is a highly lab-oriented course that prepares students for college biology. Topics include biochemistry, ecology, cell biology, genetics, evolution, microbiology, and human physiology.


AP Biology I A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30330                                                   B Code: 30340

Grade Level:  11 – 12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor

Course Description: The main goals of AP Biology are to develop a conceptual framework for modern biology and enable students to design and carry out experiments using the Inquiry-Learning model. Course topics include the study of biochemistry, cellular biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, microbiology, and anatomy.  This course is the equivalent to a college introductory biology course taken by biology majors. As a result, the AP Biology program requires exceptional effort and dedication on the part of the student. There will be multiple field trips to enrich students’ learning experience. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Biology Exam.

Field Biology A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30210                                                  B Code: 30220

Grade Level:  11 – 12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite: Completion of, or concurrent enrollment in Algebra I A/B. Grade of “C” or better in Biology I A/B 

 Course Description: Field Biology was developed for students with an interest in studying the native animals and plants of

California through the use of field guides, preserved specimens, personal collections, and actual field studies. Students taking Field Biology are expected to have a high level of motivation for using keys to identify marine invertebrates, fish, marine mammals, land mammals, birds, insects, and native trees and shrubs. Students must learn scientific names and be  able to classify organisms at all levels of taxonomic system (kingdom through species). 

Physiology A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30350                                              B Code: 30360

Length: 2 Semesters- 10 Units

Grade Level: 11-12

Fulfills: UC/CSU “d” Lab Science Requirement

Prerequisite: Biology 1 A/B and Chemistry 1 A/B. Chemistry 1 A/B may be taken concurrently with teacher consent.

Course Description: Physiology is the study of the structure and function of the human body with emphasis on anatomy and chemical principles involved. It is a lab-oriented course with major a dissection. Students will engage in discussions concerning ethical and philosophical aspects of current anatomy and physiology issues. This course should be of special interest to students’ intent on entering a medical related field. 


Physical Sciences

(One of the following two semester courses is required for graduation)

 Conceptual Physics I A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30130                                                    B Code: 30140

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra I A/B or consent of instructor.

Course Description: Conceptual Physics 1 A/B is a college preparatory activity oriented course. In this course, students study similar  subjects  as  in  physics  (electricity,  mechanics,  light  and  energy)  without  requiring  higher-level  math coursework.

Chemistry A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30150                                                   B Code: 30160

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite: Completion of Biology A/B with a C or better; completion Algebra I with a C or better; or consent of instructor.

Course Description: Chemistry I A/B is a rigorous, lab-oriented, college preparatory science course. Emphasis is on key concepts of chemistry including mole relationships, atomic theory, solutions, electron configuration and bonding, behavior of gasses, pH, equilibrium and thermodynamics. Students will practice problem-solving through laboratory experiences. Proficiency in Algebra I is a must for success in this course.


AP Chemistry  A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30170                                                   B Code: 30180

Grade Level:  11 -12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite:  Passing grade in Chemistry A/B and Algebra II or approval of instructor

Course Description: The principal objective of this course, designed to be the equivalent of a freshmen college course is to prepare students for the Advanced Placement Chemistry examination in May. A successful score on the AP exam may give the student college chemistry credit and/or college unit credit. Some of the topics covered in AP Chemistry include structure and states of matter, reactions, stoichiometry, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics and electrochemistry. The course also requires a rigorous schedule of laboratory work and practice with chemical calculations. 


Engineering Physics A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30190                                                       B Code: 30195

Grade Level:  10 – 12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units 

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement

Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 or consent of instructor.

Course Description: This course is only for students enrolled in the Green Engineering Academy (GEA). This course provides an introduction to essential concepts, principles, and practices of engineering and physics. The course engages students in learning physics through engineering applications and emphasizes problem solving, analytical thinking, and concept development. Students complete a series of laboratory experiments and projects, including building bridges, renewable energy systems, waste sorting robots, projectile launchers, and musical instruments. This course is a specialization-level course designed to follow the Project Lead the Way Engineering foundation courses and taught to GEA students only.


  Honors Physics A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30262                                                   B Code: 30263

Grade Level:  11 -12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite:  Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Pre-calculus.

Course Description: Honors Physics I A/I B is a rigorous course dealing with concepts and relationships involving motion, force, gravitation, momentum, energy, rotation, thermodynamics, waves, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, and special relativity.  Emphasis is on laboratory investigation and problem solving.  This course is recommended for students intending  to pursue a college major in science or engineering.         


AP Physics C:  Mechanics A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30265                                                   B Code: 30266

Grade Level:  11 -12

Length:  2 Semester – 10 units

Prerequisite: Completion of Physics ("B" or better) and AP Calculus AB (or equivalent) ("C" or better) or instructor approval.

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Course Description: This is a college-level, lab-oriented, calculus-based physics course for students interested in college Physical  Science  or  Engineering  majors.  This course  will  provide  instruction  in  each  of  the  following  six   content   areas:  kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion; work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; circular motion and rotation; and oscillations and gravitation. This course will also include a hands-on laboratory component comparable to a semester-long introductory college-level physics laboratory.



Interdisciplinary Science


AP Environmental Science A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30511                                                   B Code: 30521

Grade Level:  11 -12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in one year each of life science, physical science, and Algebra l and Algebra 2 courses

Course Description: Students gain a foundation of knowledge and skills to understand cause and management of environmental problems. Students learn basic laboratory and field techniques including specimen sampling and processing, site monitoring, documentation, inspection, and emergency response. Students learn to incorporate academic rigor with practical application by exploring the links between environment, politics, and economics. Students also gain a broad awareness of environmental science and technological career opportunities through involvement with local environmental business, educational research institutes, and national labs. They enrich their learning potential with job shadowing, internships, and career mentoring. This course is designed to provide students with an academic experience parallel to that of the college level, while promoting critical thinking skills involved in independent research studies. Students are expected to take the Advanced Placement Environmental Science Exam.



Languages other than English and UC e Courses

The Languages Program at LHS emphasizes a functional knowledge of the languages and includes courses in French, German, Latin, and Spanish.  The language courses are designed to help students become articulate citizens in the international world  in which we live today. French, German, Latin, and Spanish are demanding courses and success requires good study skills and  a strong academic foundation. Language teachers have observed that students with C’s or lower in their academic courses in middle school are likely to find language classes extremely difficult. The learning of a new language requires daily memorization as well as understanding and application of grammar. Students are expected to attend class regularly and participate in all classroom activities. Additional daily review outside of class time is very important for success in a language course. Students who have taken two (2) years of a language at middle school should enroll in the 2nd year of the same foreign language at Livermore High School.


French 1 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40010                                                   B Code: 40020

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: Current high school students: “C” or better in English strongly recommended; incoming 9th grade students “B” or better in 8th grade English strongly recommended.

Course Description: French 1A/B is an introductory course designed for students who are beginning to explore the French language and culture. This year long course presents the learner with basic language patterns and vocabulary, helping them begin to communicate in French through listening, speaking, reading and writing all within a cultural context. 

French 2 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40030                                                   B Code: 40040

Grade Level:  9 - 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: “C” or better in French 1B strongly recommended and teacher’s recommendation.

Course Description: Students will be able to communicate at an appropriate level of proficiency in the language and understand its applications within the community on a personal and professional basis.


French 3 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40050                                                   B Code: 40060

Grade Level:  9 - 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: “C” or better in French 2B strongly recommended

Course Description: Students will be able to communicate at an appropriate level of proficiency in the language, and understand its applications within the community on a personal and professional basis. Students will demonstrate greater cultural sensitivity and have an appreciation for the diverse cultural heritage of our world and its people.

French 4 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40065                                                  B Code: 40066               

Grade Level:  10 - 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: “C” or better in French 3B strongly recommended

Students will be able to communicate at an appropriate level of proficiency in the language, will demonstrate greater cultural sensitivity, and will have an appreciation for the diverse cultural heritage of language. Students will understand its applications within the community on a personal level and have an appreciation for the diverse cultural heritage of our world and its people.


Latin 1 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40700                                                   B Code: 40705

Grade Level:  9 - 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Latin 1 is an introductory course that explores the structure and roots of Latin. Latin 1 combines the traditional grammar approach to 1st year Latin with a fluency approach to reading and cumulative vocabulary development. Students will learn and practice grammatical structure and function. Students will read authentic Roman writings that correspond to content vocabulary lists. Throughout Latin 1, students will study Roman history, geography, and mythology; learn the basic geography of ancient Italy and its neighbors; and make connections between Latin roots and their counterparts in English.


Latin 2 A/B (Pe)

   A Code: 40710                                                   B Code: 40715

Grade Level: 10-12

Length:  2 Semesters-10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: “C” or better in Latin 1B course

Course Description: Latin 2 is an intermediate course that adds upon the language concepts in Latin 1 to nearly complete the study of Latin grammar and increase vocabulary reservoirs in preparation for reading ancient Roman literature. The class will also include a more detailed study of Roman mythology, history, and politics.

Honors Latin 2 A/B (Pe) (Accelerated Latin 2 & 3 Course Combined)

  A Code:    40718                                               B Code: 40719

Grade Level: 10-12

Length:  2 Semesters-10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: B” or better in Latin 1A/B course and teacher recommendation

Course Description: Latin 2 A/B (H) combines all the curriculum from Latin 2 A/B with the Caesar and Vergil curriculum from Latin 3 in order to allow highly motivated students with a strong grasp on grammar and translation to take AP Latin in their third, rather than their fourth year of Latin study.

Caveat: This course is designed as "Honors" by LVJUSD, applying the 5.0/4.0 Honors grade bump to the GPA for LHS class standing. However, the UC system does not acknowledge a grade bump for any level 1 or 2 honors world language class for purposes of UC admissions GPA calculation. 

Latin 3 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40716                                   B Code: 40717

Grade Level: 11 - 12

Length: 2 Semesters 10-Units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: "C" or better in Latin 2 A/B

Course Description: Latin 3 is an advanced course in which students utilize their previous two years of grammar study, adding to it as they encounter new structures in the process of translating and examining the works of 6 authors: Caesar, Cicero, Catullus, Horace, Ovid, and Vergil. Students apply historical, social, and political context to readings and learn to recognize literary aspects of Latin prose and poetry. Students also begin to practice critical writing in English using translated lines from the Latin readings as support for their writing.  

AP Latin A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40720                                                    B Code: 40721

Grade Level: 11-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 Units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisites: "B" or better in Latin 3 A/B (or Latin 2 A/B Honors Accelerated).

Course Description: AP Latin involves the study of two works of classical Latin literature:  The Gallic Wars, by Gaius Julius Caesar, and the Aeneid, by Publius Vergilius Maro (Vergil).  Students will read in English and translate from Latin sections from two texts, examining literary elements, historical context, and universal themes, and will practice critical writing referencing Latin text for the Latin AP exam. 

Spanish 1 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40210                                                       B Code: 40220

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: Current high school students: “C” or better in English strongly recommended. Incoming 9th grade students “B” or better in 8th grade English strongly recommended.

Course Description: Spanish level 1 introduces the fundamentals of the Spanish language receptive skills of listening and reading comprehension, and the productive skills of speaking and writing. Students will advance from beginner to novice, using three modes of communication: interpersonal, analytical, and presentational. They will learn about various Hispanic cultures and will compare and contrast the language and culture with their own.


Spanish 2 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40230                                                   B Code: 40240

Grade Level:  9 - 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: “C” or better in Spanish 1 B strongly recommended

Course Description: Spanish level 2 expands the first year knowledge of the Spanish language receptive skills of listening and reading comprehension, and the productive skills of speaking and writing, with increasingly complex concepts in language. Students will advance from novice to intermediate, emphasizing the three modes of communication: interpersonal, analytical, and presentational. They will continue to compare and contrast Hispanic culture and language with their own.


Spanish 3 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40250                                                   B Code: 40260

Grade Level:  9 – 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: “C” or above in Spanish 2 B

Course Description: Students will be able to communicate at an appropriate level of proficiency in the language, and understand its applications within the community on a personal and professional basis. Students will demonstrate greater cultural sensitivity  and have an appreciation for the diverse cultural heritage of our world and its people.

Spanish 4 A/B (Pe)

A Code:  40265                                                  B Code: 40266

Grade Level:  9 – 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: “C” or above in Spanish 3B

Course Description: In this course, students expand vocabulary and refine structures. Activities include conversations, authentic readings advanced listening selections and written communication. Students experience language through study of cultures, while making connections and comparisons to their native language and developing communication skills in the Spanish language. The study of a world language prepares students to compete in a global community. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have achieved the ACTFL standard of: Level 4 Intermediate Low-ability to initiate, sustain and conclude conversations on a variety of familiar and learned topics, draw conclusions and examine perspectives and recognize similarities in their own language. 

AP Spanish: Language and Culture (Pe)

A Code: 40270                                                   B Code: 40280

Grade Level:  11 -12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: “B” or better in Spanish 3B or equivalent course.

Students will be able to communicate at an appropriate level of proficiency in the language and teacher’s recommendation.

Course Description: Spanish  4  A/B is  conducted  only in  Spanish.   Students  review  all  Spanish  grammar, write weekly compositions, and read original Spanish texts. Students have the option to take the Spanish Advanced Placement exam for college credit and the SAT II Spanish Subject test. The course incorporates a wide variety of academic and cultural topics. The course is designed to allow students to review and apply the concepts of the previous three years.

Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40390                                                   B Code: 40395

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length:  2 Semester – 10 units 

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation

Course Description: To participate in this course, students must have a formal exposure to Spanish, including a grammatical basis, to be able to express ideas in spoken and written form. The class provides students the opportunity to study and learn about the Spanish language and syntax, the culture and history associated with Spanish speaking countries, and literary works written in Spanish. The course is designed for students whose primary language is Spanish and would benefit from further development of academic Spanish.  The course is taught primarily in Spanish.


Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2 A/B (Pe)

A Code: 40396                                                   B Code: 40397

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “e” Requirement

Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 with a “C” or better

Course Description: The emphasis of this course is to develop, maintain, and enhance proficiency in Spanish. Acquiring proficiency includes focus on reinforcing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills with the linguistic  structures  of Spanish grammar. Concepts include the cultural significance of political and social issues. This course will prepare students to communicate effectively through oral and written text of prepared debates or presentations in response to a variety of issues and complex literary works written in Spanish. This course is for students who have command of the Spanish language, is taught primarily in Spanish, focuses on language and syntax, and focuses on the culture and history associated with Spanish- speaking countries.


Visual & Performing Arts and UC f Courses

Each of the arts contains a distinct body of knowledge and skills that characterize the power of each to expand the perceptual, intellectual, cultural and spiritual dimensions of human experience.  This capacity of human beings to create and appreciate  the arts is just one of the many reasons to teach the arts in schools. Study and practice in the arts refine students’ abilities to perceive aesthetically, to make connections between works of art and the lives people live, and to discuss visual, kinesthetic, and auditory relationships. Students learn to locate works of art in time and place, make reasoned judgments about them, and investigate how artworks create meaning. The Visual Art Program includes courses in drawing and painting, sculpture, ceramics, crafts, home crafts, batik and textiles, animation, Claymation, photography, and video production and Advanced Placement Drawing.

Note:  Students must complete both the 1st and 2nd portions of the same visual art course in order to receive UC “f” credit.

***A lab materials donation may be requested to cover the supplies needed for personal use/consumption in classes in this department***


Visual Arts

Photography A/B (Pf)

A Code: 60210                                                       B Code: 60220

Grade Level:  9 - 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units 

Prerequisite for Photo 1: None 

Prerequisite for Photo2: Photo 1

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement (Visual & Performing Arts) 

Course Description: This course is an introduction to the basic fundamentals of photography. Students spend the first semester exploring traditional Black and White photography. Students learn processes including camera mechanics/handling, correct film exposure, film processing, photo enlargement, and composition. The class emphasizes hands-on projects but includes tests and quizzes as well as other written work. During the second semester, students explore digital photography through the use digital cameras, scanners, and computers for creating and manipulating digital images. Students will be required to analyze, evaluate, and write descriptive responses to all work individually produced in the class as well as evaluate peer work and give feedback. This course will also explore the history of photography and career opportunities. Students will read about, analyze, discuss, evaluate and interpret current issues, techniques, styles, and materials relating to art and photography. Students will have cameras and equipment provided for their use. A lab materials donation may be requested to help cover the supplies needed for personal/use consumption.


Advanced Photography A/B (Pf)

Code: 60143                                                      B Code: 60143

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units (repeatable)

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirement 

Prerequisite: Photography A/B with a grade of “B” or better or consent of the instructor.

Course Description: This course provides students with the opportunity to pursue advanced techniques relating to photography with an emphasis on expressing complex ideas and concepts through the use of art. This course is designed for students who have a strong grasp for the fundamentals of photography and wish to develop personal style in order to communicate their ideas. In addition to traditional photographic processes, students will learn advanced techniques in studio lighting and flashes, digital cameras and editing.  Students will learn the history of photography, how it has impacted both society and culture, and its impact on the art world from its creation to present day. This course focuses on examining the digital culture and how it has affected image making and interpretation. Students will examine, analyze, discuss, and evaluate current trends in art and photography, and how this relates to contemporary art as well as their own practice. Students will also evaluate and discuss the effectiveness of their own artistic creations.  This course may be repeated for credit.


Video Production A/B (Pf)

A Code: 60200                                                   B Code: 60205

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units 

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Course Description: Video A: This course is offered to students who are interested in creating quality artwork using video and audio. Students will learn about the elements and principles of art/design in how they relate to video and audio. Throughout the semester, students will also analyze work, present their work to peers, collaborate with students, and research influential individuals in the world of video productions.

Video B: This course allows students to continue to build their pre-production, production, and post-production skills by working on a variety of activities. Students will dive deeper into reading and writing screenplays, building shot lists, and creating storyboards. Students will record footage using higher-level cameras and lenses. Students will experience different roles on a film set. Students will improve their editing skills while creating a documentary, a silent or interpretive film, a scene recreation, and a commercial. Students will explore audio through Sound Effects and Foley work. Students will analyze and discuss media related to class activities.


Advanced Video Production A/B  (Pf)

A Code: 60206                    B Code: 60216                

   Grade Level:  10 - 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units (repeatable)

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Video Productions A/B with a “B” or better; or consent of instructor.

Course Description: This course focuses on independent filmmaking, including the roles of the writer, cinematographer, director, and producer. Students experience the creative organizational and technical aspects of filmmaking. Each unit introduces new concepts and skills, which transition into the next. Students learn and apply each concept or skill in the production of their independent film projects. Each unit is embedded with multiple written components based on the needs of the project. These include but are not limited to treatments, screenplays, release forms, contracts, production logs and schedules, critiques, and self-reflections.

 Studio Video Production  (Pf)

 Code: 60199                               

   Grade Level:  10 - 12

Length: 1 Semester – 5 units (repeatable 3 times)

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Introduction to Studio Broadcast Productions is the gateway course designed to familiarize students with the Studio Broadcast Program. The purpose of this course is to prepare students for the studio program by exposing them to the theoretical and practical skills needed to be successful in the more advanced coursework. Students build the background knowledge necessary to create and produce daily and weekly shows without the time constraints built into live productions. 


 Art A/B (Pf)

1 Code: 60030                                                   2 Code: 60040

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length:  2 Semester – 10 Units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirement (Visual & Performing Arts) when both Art 1 and Art 2 are completed

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: This is a studio art class with emphasis on drawing and painting. The course will emphasize the basic elements of art and principles of design. Various drawing and painting techniques will be introduced to the students and they will have the opportunity to create works in various mediums. Students will prepare a digital portfolio of their own work that includes a written criteria for the selection of body of work. This course may be repeated for credit.


Advanced Art A/B (Pf)

Code: 60043

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units (repeatable)

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art A/B with a grade of “B” or better; or consent of instructor.

Course Description: This course is an extension of Art A/B, intended for the art student who desires more emphasis on individual skill development. The course will enhance the student’s knowledge of art through application of the State Visual Arts Standards and the Common Core. It is designed to accommodate the highly motivated advanced art student. Students are encouraged to explore and develops proficiency in a range of mediums including drawing, painting, graphic design, and a variety of other mediums.   Emphasis will be on building a portfolio of finished work and formulating goals for careers in the arts.  This course may be repeated for credit.


AP Drawing A/B (Pf)

A Code: 60180                                  B Code: 60185

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length:  2 Semester – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: Passing grade in Advanced Art , Advanced Ceramics, Advanced Photography, or approval of instructor

Course Description: The advanced AP Drawing A/B course is designed for students who would like to further their education in Drawing Arts such as, but not limited to, drawing skills, including mark making, line, surface, space, light and shade, and composition. Work may be drawing (analog and digital), painting, print making, and mixed media work. This study will consider how materials, processes, and ideas can be used to create work that considers marks that can be used to make drawings, the arrangement of marks, the materials and processes used to make marks, and relationships of marks and ideas. Students will research artists, examining their works for evidence of the elements and principles of design, the artist's influence or reflection on cultural expression and documenting evidence of influence of those artists on the students' works. Students will consider and individualized question of inquiry to explore. In this exploration they will document in writing the influences, processes, and materials used to create resolved work of art. Students will also produce, show and participate in public displays of art practicing appropriate commentary for exhibiting their works. Students may submit a portfolio for College Board for evaluation based on specific criteria, which include skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas and sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision, guided by questions.

Ceramics A/B (Pf)

1 Code: 60130                             2 Code: 60140

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length:  2 Semester – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Students will be introduced to the basic fundamentals of ceramics including hand building, throwing on the wheel, sculpture, surface decoration, types of firing and glaze techniques. As students learn more complex techniques, they will be encouraged to create examples that reflect their individual expression. Students will be required to analyze and evaluate their work. This class will emphasize hands-on projects but will also include written work.


Advanced Ceramics A/B (Pf)

Code: 60141

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length:  2 Semester – 10 units (repeatable)

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite:  Completion of Ceramics A/B with grade of “B” or better and/or consent of instructor.

Course Description:  This course provides students the opportunity to pursue advanced ceramic techniques with emphasis  on expressing complex ideas and concepts through the use of art. This course is designed for students who have strong hand building and/or wheel throwing skills and wish to develop a personal style in order to communicate their ideas. Students will study historical and contemporary styles to become aware of the diverse social, economic, and political developments  reflected in the work examined. This course will focus in the relationship of the artist, process, and product. Students will examine, analyze, discuss, and evaluate current trends in ceramic arts and how it relates to contemporary art as well as their own.

Performing Arts


The Theatre Program includes all levels of dramatic performance and processes in acting, designing and producing informal and formal theatre productions. Courses include: Theatre Arts 1, Theatre Arts 2, Theatre Arts 3-8, Stagecraft, Theatre Production (selection by instructor only), and Advanced Theatre Workshop (by Audition only). 

NOTE: Students must complete both the 1 and 2 portions of the same performing arts course in order to receive UC “f” credit.


Theatre Arts 1/2 (Pf)

1 Code: 70410                                                2 Code: 70420                           

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 Units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirement (Visual & Performing Arts)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Students will learn the basics of dramatic performance and literature and are provided exposure to technical theatre. Students will learn the foundations of performance including pantomime, improvisation, voice, diction, movement, and technical theatre. Students will complete a variety of performance pieces and written assignments that will demonstrate practical and critical thinking skills and meet performance criteria.

Theatre Arts 3-8 (Pf)

Code: 70430                                                    

  Grade Level:  10 -12

Length:  1 Semester – 5 units per course

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Pre-requisite: Theatre Arts 1 & Theatre Arts 2

Course Description: Students will take the skills and knowledge they obtained in the yearlong coursework of Theatre Arts 1 and Theatre Arts 2 and use them to produce informal and formal performances that will steadily grow longer and more challenging. Throughout the course, students will explore all aspects of theatre by creating original pieces of theatre, performing scripted original creations and/or devised theatre, as well as responding to a variety of different forms of theatre. Students will work in larger and larger groups until eventually the class culminates with a performance that utilizes all the students working as a single, cohesive unit.

*This course can be repeated for credit.


Stagecraft (Pf) 

  Code: 70490                                                       

Grade Level:  9 - 12

Length:  1 Semesters – 5 units

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Students will learn the basics of technical theatre and will be introduced to dramatic performance and literature. Stagecraft students will make design choices using text analysis, character research, dramaturgy, reflection, and revision to create technical scenic elements effectively defining the world of the play. Student technical staff will design all technical elements, i.e., sets, props, costumes, hair and make-up, lighting, sound and multimedia effects, and provide technical support during performances. Students undergo the entire rehearsal/production process as designers and technical support members, documenting these processes with written assignments that will demonstrate practical and critical thinking skills and meet performance criteria. * This course can be repeated for credit.

Theatre Production (Pf) 

  Code: 70480                                                       

Grade Level:  11 - 12

Length:  1 Semesters – 5 units

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: Passing grade in Stagecraft or Advanced Theatre Workshop or approval of instructor

Course Description: Theatre Production is the most advanced level of the Theatre Arts and Stagecraft pathways. Project-based, this course is an exploration and practical application of theatre technology and play production for advanced level students to experience in-depth study and training in one specific area of their choice in either directing, designing, or managing a production. Students will complete a production portfolio during the process to document their entire production experience.

Advanced Theatre Workshop Wk 1/ Wk 2 (Pf) 

  Wk 1 Code:  70450                                                   Wk 2 Code:  70460     

Grade Level:  9 - 12

Length:  1 Semesters – 5 units

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: By audition only

Course Description: Students will apply processes and skills in acting, designing, and producing formal theatre productions. Students, as cast members, will make acting choices using script/text analysis, character research, dramaturgy, reflection, and revision to create characterizations effectively portraying their role(s) in the theatre work. Students will learn the foundations of performance, including pantomime, improvisation, voice, diction, movement, and character development. Both cast and technical support crews will learn how to integrate technical elements with the actors performing the script/text and, through the rehearsal process, and together create a formal performance ensemble.

Music Program

The Music Program encompasses various vocal and instrumental ensembles, offering diverse performance opportunities for learning. Vocal Music Courses now feature 'Developing Tenor/Bass Choir,' 'Developing Treble Choir,' 'Intermediate Treble Choir,' and 'Advanced Chamber Choir with Honors.' Instrumental Music Courses include String Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Jazz Band.

Developing Tenor/Bass Choir A/B (Pf)

A Code: 70062                                                  B Code: 70063                                       

Grade Level: 9-12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirements

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: The Developing Tenor/Bass Choir course is designed for beginning choral students who specifically sing in the tenor/bass range to learn to increase their vocal skills and explore music through choral repertoire and performance. This course is intended to serve as a Level 1 and Level 2 (of 3) within a choral program for tenor/bass singers.  Students will expand their musicianship by creating, performing, and responding to music in a variety of contexts. They will receive instruction in vocal development and technique catered to their needs as tenor/bass singers, music reading, and music theory. The choral literature of Developing Tenor/Bass Choir represents a wide variety of cultures, countries, languages, and time periods. By studying diverse repertoire, students learn stylistic interpretation, performance practice, critical analysis and observation techniques, and leadership skills. Students will learn how to work as a cohesive unit while contributing individually to the success of the group. Members of the class are introduced to large ensemble, small group, and solo singing. This choir performs in at least two mandatory major concerts per semester.

Developing Treble Choir  A/B (Pf)

A Code: 70064                       B Code: 70065                           

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length:   2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirements

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: The Developing Treble Choir course is designed for beginning choral students who specifically sing in the treble range to learn to increase their vocal skills and explore music through choral repertoire and performance. This course is intended to serve as a Level 1 (of 3) within the choir program for treble singers. Students will expand their musicianship by creating, performing, and responding to music in a variety of contexts. They will receive instruction in vocal development and technique catered to their needs as treble singers, music reading, and music theory. The choral literature of Developing Treble Choir represents a wide variety of cultures, countries, languages, and time periods. By studying diverse repertoire, students learn stylistic interpretation, performance practice, critical analysis and observation techniques, and leadership skills. Students will learn how to work as a cohesive unit while contributing individually to the success of the group. Members of the class are introduced to large ensemble, small group, and solo singing. This choir performs in at least two mandatory major concerts per semester.

Intermediate Treble Choir  A/B (Pf)

A Code: 70066                       B Code: 70067                           

Grade Level:  10 -12

Length:   2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirements

Prerequisite: Minimum of two semesters of Developing Treble Choir, audition, and instructor approval

Course Description: The Intermediate Treble Choir course is designed for expanding choral students to continue to increase their vocal skills and explore music through choral repertoire and performance who specifically sing in the treble range. This course is intended to serve as a Level 2 (of 3) within a choral program for treble singers. Students will receive intermediate instruction in vocal development and technique catered specifically to their needs as treble singers, advanced sight-reading, and music theory. Students will learn stylistic interpretation, performance, practice, critical analysis and observation techniques, aesthetic sensitivity, and assume leadership responsibilities. Students will also learn intermediate ear training, pitch discrimination, and vocal blend to perfect the total sound of the group through the study of diverse repertoire.  The choral literature of Intermediate Treble Choir represents a wide variety of cultures, countries, languages, and time periods.  Students will learn how to work as a cohesive unit while contributing individually to the success of the group. Members of this class will participate in solo, ensemble, and increasingly independent singing. Performance is a major component of this class. Material and literature are directly related to performance and attendance at all performances is mandatory. This class tours yearly and participates in music festivals and competitions, which are graded and rated. This choir performs in at least two mandatory major concerts per semester.


Advanced Chamber Choir with Honors A/B (Pf)

A Code: 87060                                                   B Code: 87061                                          

Grade Level: 10-12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirements

Prerequisite: Minimum of two semesters of Developing Treble Choir or Developing Tenor/Bass Choir, audition, and instructor approval

Course Description: Advanced Chamber Choir is an advanced choir class for choral students of all voice types who desire to obtain an in-depth study of choral music. This course is intended to serve as a Level 3 (of 3) ensemble within a choral program. Students will receive advanced instruction in vocal development and technique, advanced sight-reading, and music theory. The choral literature of Advanced Chamber Choir represents a wide variety of cultures, countries, languages, and time periods.  Students will learn stylistic interpretation, performance, practice, critical analysis and observation techniques, aesthetic sensitivity, and assume advanced leadership responsibilities. Students will also learn advanced ear training, pitch discrimination, and vocal blend to perfect the total sound of the group. Members of this class will participate in solo, ensemble, and increasingly independent singing. Students will learn how to work as a cohesive unit while contributing individually to the success of the group. Performance is a major component of this class. Material and literature are directly related to performance and attendance at all performances is mandatory. This class tours yearly and participates in music festivals and competitions, which are graded and rated. This choir performs in at least two mandatory major concerts per semester. Additionally, in order to differentiate this course from the non-honors choir classes and meet an honors level of curriculum, students will be expected to complete a series of in-class and after-school requirements as described below.


Concert Band A/B (Pf)

A Code: 70280                B Code: 70281                         

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: Year Long – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirements

Prerequisites: Previous experience on a wind band instrument and/or instructor approval

Course Description: Concert Band is a yearlong, performance-oriented class designed to allow intermediate level musicians to improve and maximize their capabilities on their given instrument. Students will learn and perform music from the concert/symphonic band repertory. Performances will include a fall, winter, and spring concert, and festivals/competitions in which the ensemble is entered. Attendance at all performances is required. Participation in Marching Band is also required.


String Orchestra A/B (Pf)

A Code: 70330 B Code: 70331                                     

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: Year Long – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirements

Prerequisites: Previous experience on an orchestral string instrument and/or instructor approval

Course Description: String Orchestra is a yearlong, performance-oriented class designed to allow intermediate-advanced level musicians to improve and maximize their capabilities on their given instrument. Students will learn and perform music from the string orchestra and full orchestra repertory. Performances will include a fall, winter and spring concert, and festivals/competitions in which the ensemble is entered. Attendance at all performances is required.


Chamber Orchestra with Honors A/B (Pf)

A Code: 70340                                                                  B Code: 70341                                   

Grade Level: 10-12 

Length: Year Long – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirements

Prerequisites: At least two years of experience in an instrumental class; audition, and/or instructor’s approval.

Course Description: Chamber Orchestra Honors is a yearlong, performance-oriented class designed to allow experienced musicians to improve and maximize their capabilities on their given instrument. Students will learn and perform advanced music from the orchestral repertory. Performances will include a fall, winter, and spring concert, and festivals/competitions in which the ensemble is entered. Attendance at all performances is required. As part of the honors program, students will also complete a series of theoretical and research based requirements including but not limited to solo & ensemble performances, all state auditions, class recitals, and a research portfolio.


Jazz Band Honors A/B (Pf)

A Code: 70075                       B Code: 70076                   

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: Year Long – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirements

Prerequisites: Previous experience on a jazz band instrument, concurrent enrollment in Concert Band or Symphonic Band, audition and/or instructor approval

Description: Jazz Band Honors is a yearlong, performance-oriented class designed to allow experienced musicians to improve and maximize their capabilities on their given instrument. Students will learn and perform advanced level music from the Rock, Funk, Latin and Jazz band repertory. Performances will include a fall, winter, and spring concert, and festivals/competitions in which the ensemble is entered. Attendance at all performances is required. As part of the honors program, students will also complete a series of theoretical and research-based requirements including but not limited to all state and honor band auditions, class recitals, jazz solo transcriptions, and a research portfolio. Concurrent participation in the Concert Band or Symphonic Band class is also required. 

Symphonic Band Honors A/B (Pf)

A Code: 70270                                               B Code: 70271                            

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: Year Long – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “f” Requirements 

Prerequisites: Previous experience on a wind band instrument, at least one year of participation in the Concert Band class and/or instructor’s approval, and audition.

Course Description: Symphonic Band Honors is a yearlong, performance-oriented class designed to allow experienced musicians to improve and maximize their capabilities on their given instrument. Students will learn and perform advanced music from the concert/symphonic band repertory. Performances will include a fall, winter, and spring concert, and festivals/competitions in which the ensemble is entered. Attendance at all performances is required. As part of the honors program, students will also complete a series of theoretical and research based requirements including but not limited to solo & ensemble performances, all state auditions, class recitals, and a research portfolio. Participation in Marching Band is a requirement of all band students. 


Career Technical Education (CTE) Courses

The Careers and Technology Department consists of an Agriculture Program, a Business Program, a Consumer Family Studies Program, an Industrial Technology Program, and the Regional Occupational Program.  Career Technical Education (CTE) is a program of study that involves a multi-year sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to post-secondary education and careers.  The ultimate goal of CTE programs in California is to have a strong, capable workforce that continues to build upon itself.  The pathway is organized with introductory, concentrator, and capstone courses; all three courses need to be completed with a passing grade in order to have pathway completion.  Please see Appendix for a full list of LHS courses within a pathway. Some courses request a donation to help defray the cost of consumable materials.

 Agriculture Program


The Agriculture Program at Livermore High School offers a variety of courses that develop an awareness and appreciation of the many career opportunities in agriculture. Students enrolled in agriculture are members of the FFA, a national organization with the purpose of developing leadership, cooperation, and citizenship.


Many courses in the Agriculture program meet a-g college requirements and can be taken in lieu of regular science courses.  For example, students can take Agricultural Science, Biology and Sustainable Agriculture, Agricultural Soils Chemistry or Advanced Interdisciplinary Science (AIS).



 Agriculture Construction Technology A/B

A Code: 30406                                                   B Code: 30407

Grade Level: 9–12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Prerequisite:  None

Course Description: This course is designed as a capstone course to provide students with expanded study in the areas of woodworking, welding, fabrication, construction and agricultural design. All students are members of the FFA and will have a supervised agricultural experience project (SAE).

Advanced Agriculture Construction Technology A/B

A Code: 30408                                                   B Code: 30409

Grade Level: 10–12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Prerequisite:  Completion of Agriculture Construction Technology with a grade of “C” or better

Course Description: This course is designed as a capstone course to provide students with expanded study in the areas of woodworking, welding, fabrication, construction and agricultural design. All students are members of the FFA and will have a supervised agricultural experience project (SAE).

Agricultural Welding A/B (Pg)

A Code: 30427                                                           B Code: 30428

Grade Level: 10-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: Construction Technology 

Course Description: Agriculture Welding course is designed to introduce students to the various concepts,  principles, and functions of welding. The objectives of this course relate to developing the career technical skills associated with the welding industry with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college and in the workforce. The course emphasizes on hands-on learning that develops individual skills in areas including: Welding Safety, Oxy-Fuel Cutting, Oxy-Fuel Welding, Plasma Arc Cutting, CNC Plasma Arc Cutting, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG), Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW), Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG), and Resistance Welding. Students will also be part of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) 

Advanced Agricultural Welding A/B (Pg)

A Code: 30431                                                      B Code: 30432 

Grade Level: 11-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: Agricultural Welding

Course Description: Advanced Agricultural Welding is designed to expand from the various concepts learned in Agricultural Welding. This is a career pathway course that is centered around students utilizing skills acquired in agricultural welding and applying them in conjunction with fabrication concepts and techniques to design and fabricate a project of their own. The main objective of this course is teaching students the skills necessary to fabricate metal projects. We will review the welding processes taught in agricultural welding; we will then cover fabrication topics including safety, math for welders, plan reading, layout and measurement, machine practices, steel and metallurgy, bolting and torque requirements, and product finishing. Included with this course is the creation of a project planning unit which incorporates: budgetary analysis, tool assessment, research plan and project drafting and written proposal for projects. Students will also be part of the Future Farmers of America (FFA).

Biology and Sustainable Agriculture A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30485                                                   B Code: 30486

Grade Level: 10-12 (9th grade with consent of instructor)

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Fulfills:  Life Science graduation requirement

Prerequisite: Algebra 1 or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 1; Ag Science 1 or instructor approval.

Course Description: Biology and Sustainable Agriculture is a laboratory science course designed for the college-bound student. The course emphasizes detailed knowledge of the biological principles of the following areas: molecular and cellular aspects of living things, structure and function of agricultural plants and animals, genetics, physiology, plant and animal diversity and principles of classification, ecological relationships, and animal behavior. All students are members of the FFA and will have a supervised agricultural experience project (SAE).

  Agricultural Soils Chemistry A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30281                                                       B Code: 30282

Grade Level: 11-12

Length:  2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Fulfills:  Physical Science graduation requirement

Prerequisite:  Ag Biology or Biology and Algebra I, Geometry

Course Description: This course explores the physical and chemical nature of soil as well as the relationships between soil, plants, animals and agricultural practices. Students will examine properties of soil and land and their connections to plant and animal production. Using knowledge of scientific protocols as well as course content, students will develop an Agriscience research program to be conducted throughout the first semester of the course. To complete that project, each student will investigate and test an Agriscience research question by formulating a scientific question related to the course content, formulating a hypothesis based on related research, conducting an experiment to test the hypothesis, collecting quantitative data, and forming a conclusion based on analysis of the data. The result of this research program will be an in-depth research and experimentation paper that is technically written, based on scientific protocol, and cited using APA formatting. Additionally, students will develop and present a capstone soil management plan for agricultural producers, using the content learned throughout the course. Throughout the course, students will be graded on participation in intra-curricular FFA activities as well as the development and maintenance of an ongoing Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.


Advanced Interdisciplinary Science (AIS) for Sustainable Agriculture with Honors A/B (Pd)

A Code: 30425                                                       B Code: 30426

Grade Level: 11-12

Length: 2 Semesters -10 units

Fulfills: UC “d” Requirement (Lab Science)

Prerequisite: Agriculture Biology or Biology

Course Description: This integrated class combines an interdisciplinary approach to laboratory science and research with agricultural management principles. This course will provide the student with principles in animal science focusing on the areas of mammalian production, anatomy, physiology, reproduction, nutrition, respiration, and genetics.  Using skills and principles learned in the course, including the chemical and biological principles that govern plant science and crop production, students design systems and experiments to solve agricultural management issues currently facing the industry. Additionally, students connect the products created in this class with industry activities to link real world encounters and implement skills demanded by both colleges and careers. The course culminates with an agri-science experimental research project in which students design and conduct an experiment to solve a relevant agricultural issue. Throughout the course, students will be graded on participation in intra-curricular FFA activities as well as the development and maintenance of an ongoing Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.


Agricultural Science 1 A/B (Pg)

A Code: 30410                                                   B Code: 30420

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement (Elective)

Fulfills: Life Science graduation requirement

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: This is an introductory level course for students who want to explore, or who are planning to major in, an agriculture-related course of study in college or university and for students interested in the Farm to Table Career Major. The course is designed to provide students with a historical perspective of agriculture, an understanding of plant production science, and an understanding of the patterns and the trends that influence American agribusiness today and into the future. Students will learn how to select, care, and feed both large and small animals as applicable to veterinary science and other related careers. Agricultural Science 1 provides students with critical thinking and leadership skills through the Future Farmers of America (FFA). All students are members of the FFA and will have a supervised agricultural experience project (SAE).

The Art & History of Floral Design A/B  (Pf)

A Code: 61016                                                   B Code: 61017

Grade Level: 9–12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement (Elective)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: History and Art of Floral Design provides an introduction to the artistic and creative approach to floral design. This includes aesthetic valuing through a series of projects in various media including tempera, paint, flowers, glass and tile. Students will be introduced to the elements and principles of visual art such as line, shape, form, color, balance, and an emphasis using floral based projects to explore the connections, relations and application of floral design.  Assignments will be based on abstract two-and three-dimensional designs, color theory, and an analytical critique of various floral artworks using design vocabulary while developing technical skills in floral art.

Ornamental Horticulture A/B (Pg)

A Code: 61018                                                       B Code: 61019

Grade Level: 10-12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units 

(Elective) Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite: Completion of The Art & History of Floral Design

Course Description: This course is designed to instruct students in the growth, production, and care of plants for ornamental purposes. Topics include plant growth needs, botanical classification, plant physiology, plant reproduction, plant diseases and pests, planting media, management practices, selection and care of plants, and careers in Ornamental Horticulture.                                                                                                                                                                     

Agricultural Projects

Code: 61030

Grade Level: 9-12

Length: 1 Semester – 5 units (fall – summer only)

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in another agriculture class and teacher approval.

Course Description: Agricultural Projects is a course in which students may receive 5 units of credit for maintaining a supervised agriculture experience program. This class may be repeated for credits. All students are members of the FFA and will have a supervised agricultural experience project (SAE).

 Arts Media & Entertainment

Video Production A/B (Pf)

1 Code: 60200                                                   2 Code: 60205

Grade Level:  9 -12

Length:  1 Semester – 5 units per course

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Course Description: Video 1: This course is offered to students who are interested in creating quality artwork using video and audio. Students will learn about the elements and principles of art/design in how they relate to video and audio. Throughout the semester, students will also analyze work, present their work to peers, collaborate with students, and research influential individuals in the world of video productions.

Video 2: This course allows students to continue to build their pre-production, production, and post-production skills by working on a variety of activities. Students will dive deeper into reading and writing screenplays, building shot lists, and creating storyboards. Students will record footage using higher-level cameras and lenses. Students will experience different roles on a film set. Students will improve their editing skills while creating a documentary, a silent or interpretive film, a scene recreation, and a commercial. Students will explore audio through Sound Effects and Foley work. Students will analyze and discuss media related to class activities.


Advanced Video Production A/B

A Code: 60206                    B Code: 60216                

   Grade Level:  10 - 12

Length: 1 Semester – 5 units (repeatable 3 times)

Fulfills:  UC “f” Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Video Productions 1 & 2 with a “B” or better; or consent of instructor.

Course Description: This course focuses on independent filmmaking, including the roles of the writer, cinematographer, director, and producer. Students experience the creative organizational and technical aspects of filmmaking. Each unit introduces new concepts and skills, which transition into the next. Students learn and apply each concept or skill in the production of their independent film projects. Each unit is embedded with multiple written components based on the needs of the project. These include but are not limited to treatments, screenplays, release forms, contracts, production logs and schedules, critiques, and self-reflections.

Business & Finance

Introduction to Business A/B (Pg)

A Code: 46045                                                        B Code: 46046

Grade Level:  9 – 12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement (Elective)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Introduction to Business is a two-semester elective course that introduces students to the world of business, with an emphasis on global business. Students will receive an introduction to the business world, explore the foundations of business operations, and gain the knowledge and skills required for success in today’s marketplace. Marketing, economics, promotion, finance, e-commerce, and entrepreneurship will be explored.

Business Computer Applications A/B

A Code: 46055                                                       B Code: 46056                                        

Grade Level: 10–12

Length: 2 Semester – 10 units

Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 or Intro to Business recommended.

Course Description: Business Computer Applications is a one-semester elective course that introduces students to computer operations, productivity software, desktop publishing software and effective use of the Internet as a research tool. In this course, students will learn to use office software to create business documents, including business letters, tables, spreadsheets, and charts. Students will refine PowerPoint skills and focus on delivering effective oral presentations. Students will learn to make adjustments to images and integrate images with text. 

Business Design and Marketing A/B (Pg)

 A Code: 46077                                                        B Code: 46078

 Grade Level: 10–12

 Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units (Elective)

 Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite:  Introduction to Business (recommended)

Course Description: Students, learning and applying entrepreneurial, organizational, and product development skills, focus on the principles of risk, revenue, and cost to create and manage a startup. Students, designing and maintaining their own budget and project management tools, establish timelines and goals to bring an original in-house developed product to market. Initially, student instruction focuses on Business, Design, and Marketing skills and concepts; entrepreneurship and project management, product ideation and sales opportunities, iterative design and manufacture of handmade, FDM, or virtual online goods and services, and product marketing, advertising, graphics, and social media manipulation. Students learn to apply these Business, Design, and Marketing strategies toward creative, iterative product development. Student success in this class depends on their ability to form partnerships, work hard, and bring a product to market for sale to students on campus. 

Business Finance A/B (Pg)

A Code: 46075                                                       B Code: 46076

Grade Level: 10–12

Length: 2 Semesters – 10 units (Elective)

Fulfills: UC “g” Requirement

Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Algebra I and II

Course Description: This is a class designed for students interested in a business-oriented approach to money management that provides students with a real-world understanding of fundamental business and finance issues. Throughout the two-semester course, practical mathematics and critical thinking skills are used to solve a variety of typical personal and business problems involving simple and compound interest, mortgages and insurance, purchasing a car, making a loan, taxes, budgeting, wages, checking and savings accounts, and investments. This is a pathway course for students interested in Business Management.

Engineering & Architecture and the Green Engineering Academy at LHS


The Green Engineering Academy (GEA) is a California Partnership Academy (CPA), which incorporates integrated academic and career technical education, business partnerships, mentoring