Welcome to

Ms. Wiley's DOMAIN

Hello! My name is Ms. Alicia Wiley and I will be your student's math teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. This website is to help inform the students and the parents about what is going on in the classroom. A class syllabus and assignment logs, and more will be available here. Students can find more information like notes, assignment logs, answer keys, and more in Google Classroom. If there is anything I can do to help please contact me via Loop Mail. I look forward to being a part of your child's academic success here at Granada High School.

Go Matadors! Remember to always have Granada P.R.I.D.E.

E-mail: awiley@lvjusd.org

School Loop Mail: link on GHS website http://www.granadahs.schoolloop.com/

Room Number: P-6

Bell Schedule: Click Here!

**Make sure you join Google Classroom for your class period. Class codes can be found on the board in P-6. Download the app on your phone or access on your laptop or tablet.**

Class Schedule:

Period 2, 4 & 5: Alg 1B

Period 3: Geometry B

Office Hours: Please see my board each week for my availability for that week. If those times do not work for you, please come to ASE or talk to me to see if you we can work out another time to meet.

*Remember you can go see any math teacher on campus for help if I am not available on the day you need help.

Bookmark this website homepage on your computer, tablet and smartphone!