The University should stop recommending Leeds Student Medical Practice to all new students
Passed: March 2022 (15th)
What do you want? / Why do you want it?
Currently, the University promotes the Leeds Student Medical Practice (LSMP) throughout the registration process, at freshers fair and on their induction resources. However many students feel that the services provided by LSMP are unsatisfactory. This is backed up by the Care and Quality Commission finding that LSMP “Requires Improvement” in relation to its care for students and young people. In particular, it highlights the low rates of cervical cancer screening and organisational issues. Furthermore, the practice is located far away from where many students live. For these reasons, the university should not be recommending the LSMP to all new students. Instead, they should offer information about GP practices near to the student's term-time address. This would allow students to make an informed choice about where they wish to receive care.
Expires: March 2025 (15th)
Submitted By: George Sykes
Officer: TBC
Area of Work: TBC
08/12/22: Deprioritised, given non student focused medical practices aren't best set up for students, but Maria listening to student experiences of the practice with hope of building a case for an improved service.
14/09/22: Maria and Emily both want to highlight and intend to meet to discuss this. Key manifesto point for both officers.
26/06/22: Katie recomments addressing the causes of the concern rather than stopping recommending LSMP. Moving students from LSMP to community GPs will likely create new problems with community GPs being unprepared for the extenuating circumstances procedures as well as the quantity of students they would likely need to add into their system. She recommends focussing our efforts on making sure that LSMP improve their quality of care for students and see what sort of success we can obtain by doing so.
26/04/22: MJ met with Aysha to discuss first steps of new policy from March. Action points: Contact Katie to discuss preferred approach as staff lead. University seems to recommend LSMP to streamline the sign-up process and improve the proportion of students registered with a Leeds GP. We need to discuss with them how we can keep that streamlined approach without directing all students to the same GP. One idea is to do it through halls/residence sign-up rather than through general university welcome - so that the GP recommended is the closest/most convenient rather than simply the one closest to campus. The contact at the university seems to be Welcome, Induction and Transition (WIT).