Safe workplaces

Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy

LUU is committed to providing a safe workplace for our employees, you can read our health and safety policy detailing roles and responsibilities via the link below. 

Risk Assessments 

We have Risk Assessments for your everyday work and for those more unusual or one off activities. Your manager will share these with you during your induction and keep you updated throughout your time here at LUU. You can however view our current Risk assessments here (you must login to your google account to access these) . 

You might be asked to write a Risk Assessment for activity you are doing in which case there is a course on Love to Learn you will complete during your induction called Hazard and Risk Identification that will give you the underlying principals. You can then use our Risk Assessment template to write up your Risk Assessment before you share it with all your Team. 

Health & Safety Training

Every member of staff in LUU undertakes Health and safety training as part of their induction and then periodic refresher training to make sure the knowledge is still all there, This training is tracked in our Love to Learn system. 

If you have any questions on our Health & Safety provision please contact your manager. 


A-Z of Safety

First Aid at LUU

 We have First aiders in LUU who enable us to provide assistance in the event of an accident or incident. Our First aid kits can be found with the Help and Support team, Co-op team, Old Bar team, Common ground team, Terrace team and Stylus team. We are fortunate to have one of five defibrillators on campus in our building and this is located in the foyer on the wall by the main exit.   

If you should need a first aider then please contact Help and Support on extension number 400 or on channel 1 who will contact the on duty first aiders but the full list is as follows: 

List Last updated  8/4/24

Accident and Near Miss Reporting

Accident / Incident Reporting Form: This the Accident / Incident Reporting Form. You can use this to report incidents related to LUU Activity on or off campus which have resulted in injury, illness, or property damage.

Near Miss Reporting Form: This is the LUU Near Miss Reporting Form. You can use this to report incidents related to LUU Activity on or off campus which could have resulted in injury, illness, or property damage but for some reason or other did not. 

Screen Time

Many of our staff will have to use a screen as part of their daily work. Whilst using a screen does not cause permanent damage to eyes, long spells of screen use can lead to tired eyes, discomfort, temporary shortsightedness and headaches. Try out the following ideas to help avoid this.

Check out this handy guide Screen Usage & Responsible Digital Use, which is full of more useful tips on how to manage your screen time and adopt healthy habits.

Health and Safety Reps 

We have a Staff Health and Safety Rep currently in LUU, these are members of our staff team who attend the Health and Safety Committee and represent the views of our staff at LUU. Our Current staff rep is: 

Chris Mee - Tech Team

If you are interested in representing the views of our staff team at the Health and safety committee then contact Sue Stones for more information.