Join us for Tabletop Games Night @ the Library
for tabletop gaming, pen & paper RPGs, Dungeons & Dragons, board games, and card games
Preus Library (Main Floor)
Friday, November 17th, 7 - 11 PM

Need a group? Sign up to play in a beginner-friendly game below. (please sign up for only one)

Note: no sign-ups necessary to join us at the event for board games and card games, or spontaneous adventuring groups!

The Tomb of the Forgotten Paladin

Synopsis: A classic dungeon crawl featuring a talking sword, a damsel in distress, and a path toward redemption.

Tone/Vibes: Possible content warnings include claustrophobia, fear of dark spaces, fear of zombies or skeletons 

System: DND 5e

Maximum # of Players: 5

Required Prep: none

Name of the DM/GM: Josie Bergler (student, they/them)

"Live, Die, Repeat"

Synopsis: You've been hired by a mysterious benefactor to break into the deadliest and most securely guarded vault on the continent.

Tone/Vibes:  Bank heist, death

System: DND 5e

Maximum # of Players: 6

Required Prep: none, bring dice if you have them

Name of the DM/GM: Malcolm Wildenberg (alum, they/them)

Secret of Blue

Synopsis: Something strange is happening near a rural halfling village, and the woodland critters are determined to investigate.

Tone/Vibes: Whimsical, light-hearted, low-combat

System: Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Maximum # of Players: 6

Required Prep: none, character sheets will be provided 

Name of the DM/GM: Emily Mineart (staff, she/her)

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad...

Synopsis: Children have gone missing from the village and your party has been hired to find them. 

Tone/Vibes:  Folklore fairytales with a splash of horror

System: Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Maximum # of Players: 5

Required Prep: none, characters will be provided

Name of the DM/GM: Ben Moore (faculty)