Note: if cannot find a video or technique in here, check the Cha Cha section. Many of the techniques are similar to cha including Cuban motion, cross overs, etc. 

Forward Cuban Walks Rumba.mp4

Step Throughs (Spin) Cuban Walks 

Forward Cuban Walks

Copy of Rhythm action and smooth frame and promenade.mp4
Rumba Cuban Motion.mp4

Bow and arrow action 

Cuban Motion

Smooth Frame and shape & Rhythm Motion / body movement
Rumba posture and motion Last half Triple step basic and shoulder tuck turn.MOV

Rhythm motion/ Body movement

Posture and motion for first half

Spot Turns Rumba.mp4
Rumba cuban motion basic and crossover

Spot turns

Rumba Cuban motion in basic and crossovers

Cross Over Variation Rumba.mp4
Gary - Connection, Projection, Isolation, Etc.mp4

Cross over variations in rumba

Connection, projection, isolation

Rhythm hips, frame, torque.MOV
Rumba and Cha Cuban motion.MOV

Rhythm hips, frame, torque

Rumba and Cha Cuban motion