Student Supplies/Wishlist

Our 2nd Grade Owls will be using a variety of school supplies this year. I kindly request that each student have the following items by Friday, August 12th. All other items not listed will be provided by myself and the school. Please communicate with me as soon as possible if you have difficulty acquiring any needed materials. Thank you!

Student Supplies (needed by Friday, August 12th)

1 - 1 inch Binder (please label with student's name)

1 - Pencil box or pencil pouch (please label with student's name)

1 pack - Ticonderoga pencils or choice of pencils

1 - headphones/earbuds

Please do not send any extra supplies that are not on this list - supplies will be provided! Thank you :)


  • Ticonderoga pencils

  • Clorox Wipes

  • Kleenex tissue

  • Snacks (Healthy snacks ex: crackers (gold fish, cheezits, graham crackers), granola bars, fruit (please wash and bag individually), gogurts, string cheese, etc.; please DO NOT send snacks containing nuts or any sugary snacks)

  • Amazon wishlist- an ongoing list that features many items we could use in the classroom to make learning more engaging or efficient

  • Scholastic Books Classroom Campaign- help me provide engaging and grade level appropriate books for our classroom library by contributing to my classroom campaign through Scholastic.