We have busy days in Kindergarten!

Here is a look at what a day in K4 might look like. Click the heading of each part of our day for a drop down description.


The students arrive in the classroom and will follow the picture and word instructions on the Good Morning Card. They un-pack and hang up their backpacks and belongings in their cubbies, deliver any mail from home into the teacher mailbox, place their home/school folder in their own mailbox, turn over their attendance name card and answer the question of the day on our morning message. After completing their morning jobs the students will work on an arrival activity while we wait for all our classmates to arrive.

Morning Meeting

We will all gather on the run for our daily Greeting, Morning Message, Group Activity, Story, and Pledge of Allegiance. During our morning meeting the chidlren have a chance to be individually greeted by classmates and teachers, and start our day together in a fun and engaging way.

Unified Arts

Our students will go to a special area class each day such as Gym, Music, Art, Technology, or a Social Emotional Learning Class.

Reading Workshop

Our Reading time will start with read aloud and a mini lesson about a reading concept or skill. The students will have time to practice the skill at their own level after we model and work together as a whole group.

Recess and Snack

Morning recess will give the students a chance to work on large motor skills and socilization together. A quick snack break and we are ready to tackle the rest of the morning.

Literacy Block

During our literacy blocks the students will follow the workboard and move to one of the assigned literacy centers in the classroom. They will complete an assigned activity and then choose practice activities to work on individually or with a partner from their group. Some of the literacy centers in the room include the ABC center, Poetry center, Writing center, Word Work, Listening Center, Story Retelling, Phonics and Independent Reading.

Writing Workshop

Each lesson begins with a story and a teacher demonstration focusing on a different writing skill followed by student work in their individual journals and writing pieces. We are using the six traits writing system and the children will also be working on shared writing pieces and interactive writing pieces at this time.

Lunch and Recess

Lunch in the cafateria and an afternoon recess time helps us to be ready to learn in the afternoon.

Math Meeting

We begin our Math time with calendar where we learn about math concepts and skills in a real world way. The students work together in small groups on math activities at each of the tables in the classroom after our whole group math meeting.

Science and Social Studies

Typically Science and Social Studies themes are integrated into our Literacy lessons during the day but there are times that we work on a whole group project together during the afternoon.

Choice Time (Developmental Centers)

Children play in different areas in our classroom. This time provides opportunity for language, social, emotional, cognitive, and small motor development.


After packing up for the day we will help the students find their bus line or wait with the pick-ups. Your child should know their bus number, pick up routine or day care routine when they leave for school in the morning. Notes about change in schedule MUST be sent in to school in the morning.