Why did I become a Health Teacher?

In truth I always had an interest in taking care of myself but my story was not that I always knew what I wanted to do.  A series of events led me to teaching in Lunenburg.  I'm forever grateful that a hardship, I once thought, brought me to a place where I have been blessed to work with incredible students and colleagues.   I guess along my journey I learned that you never know when life tosses you a few lemons what you can make out of that experience.  

The sign on my door reads "Thanks for all the Great kids...Please send more".  This was something I put up at the beginning of my career and believe it to be true today.  

So, when I'm not in Lunenburg what can you find me doing?  Well, I married my high school sweetheart and we have two amazing kids.  I love to walk, spend time with "the favorite in the family" (our red Lab "Rosco"), read a good book, watch a mindless TV show, eat great food, enjoy family and friend time, and get lots of beach time when I can.