Medication Management

"Authorization for Medication Release" forms must be updated annually. You will need to complete this form and have your student’s physician authorize the medication. Remember all medications (even those over-the-counter) require a completed form.

Once this form along with the medication is received by the health office, you will receive a receipt for the medication for your records.

*Pain Relievers: We do not keep stock Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or any other pain relieving medication on campus.

*Emergency medication such as Epi-Pen and Narcan is kept on each campus to administer to students, staff, and visitors if needed. We do NOT stock emergency medication for asthma.

Should your student need medication for a field trip or school-sponsored extracurricular activity, please contact the School Nurse at (559) 924-6600 Ext. 2224 or 2500 for arrangement.

Authorization for Medication.doc