
Suggested Daily Schedule

Reading - 10 minutes per day

Writing - 10 minutes per day

Math - 15 minutes per day

Science - Once or twice weekly

Social Studies - Once or twice weekly

Listed below are educational programs that can help students continue to learn through the summer.


Scholastic provides interesting non-fiction articles and no login is required.

1st - 2nd

Scholastic provides interesting non-fiction articles and no login is required.

Brainpop and BrainPop Jr is an educational website that allows students to watch videos and take short quizzes over a variety of content (Reading, math, science, etc.)

Login information:

Username: lisdprimary

Password: lufkin1

PBS Learning Media provides short, educational videos for various subjects and grade levels. No login required and you can search for videos by subject matter.

Reading Bear provides videos and quizzes for learning letter sounds. No login required!

Epic! is a digital library with popular ebooks and videos for all reading preferences.

Student login information:

Class code: qmq7535 provides learning games and does not require a login. The website has math games, reading games, and typing games.

Toy theater is similar to Room Recess and has various educational games available and does not require a login.

Online math games that does not require a login.

1st-6th grade math activities and games. No login required.

1st-6th grade math activities and games. No login required.

Unite for literacy is a digital library that does not require a login. The books also have options for translations in other languages (Spanish, sign language, etc)

Storyline Online is a digital library that does not require a login.

No login required and provides various educational activities!