Welcome to First Grade! My name is Angela Pool. This will be my 8th year as a First grade Dual Language teacher. I was born and raised a Lufkin Panther. I am a graduate of SFA.

I have been married to my husband Tony for 7 years. We have three fur children. Two beagles named Bob, and Maddie. We also have a boxer mix named Shuga.

I look forward to our partnership this year. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Below is my contact information for this year.

Email : aapool@lufkinisd.org

Phone: (936)639-3100

Conference Time: 9:15-10:15

Daily schedule

The Fur Kids

These are Mrs. Pool's fur kids. Shuga is the biggest and the youngest. Bob is the oldest. He is brown and black. Maddie Ann is the middle child. She is the one with white on her neck.

A Family of Lumberjacks

Mrs. Pool went to Stephen F. Austin. Her niece and cousin also graduated from SFA.

Oh Mickey

This is a picture of Mrs. Pool and her husband at Disneyland. Mrs. Pool loves Mickey Mouse and anything Disney.

Important Reminders : Please send a water bottle with your child everyday.

Please send an extra set of clothing in your Childs backpack everyday.

Please Make sure you join our class Dojo page.

We are utilizing the free program, Class Dojo, for parent communication and online class assignments. I can add you to the program using a cell phone number, email address, or by sending a code home that is specific to your child. Please let me know how you would like to join.

Have some arcade fun. Play some reading games.

Art Day Pools Slide show
Copy of Bubble Day - WinterStorm
Ice Cream Day