Committee Purpose
Lufkin ISD's Future Facilities Advisory Committee (FFAC) is shaping the district's future by assessing key facility and educational needs. The main goal of the committee is to prioritize student success while aligning with the community's vision for our schools. Committee members are working to ensure all Lufkin ISD students receive a world-class education by utilizing data, in-person tours and financial stewardship to guide strategic decisions.
Right-sizing to optimize learning opportunities is necessary for unlocking the full potential of our district. Across the state, districts are making decisions and adjustments regarding changing student enrollments. Since 2013, Lufkin ISD has had a steady pattern of declining student enrollment with 1,600 kids less as of 2024. This decline prompted Board President Kristi Gay to call for a committee to be formed during the September 2024 Board Meeting. The committee is tasked with conducting a comprehensive review of all facilities in the district. The review includes but is not limited to, campus enrollments, building capacity, condition, usage, programs, and educational programs offered on each campus.
February 6, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding the work of the Future Facilities Advisory Committee (FFAC) can be found below.
What is the FFAC? When and how was it formed?
The Future Facilities Advisory Committee (FFAC) was formed in September at the request of the Lufkin ISD School Board President, Kristi Gay. It is made up of thirty committee members. Lufkin ISD School Board Vice President, Matt Knight serves as the Committee Chair. Members of this committee are tasked with reviewing the facilities of Lufkin ISD and discussing plans for how to house the students of the district in the future.
How were committee members selected?
The committee is made up community members, parents and staff. Members are voluntarily dedicating their time and energy to the work of this committee. Board members sought out community and parent representatives, and the involved staff offered to serve.
What is the FFAC working to address?
The FFAC is working to review the current state of Lufkin ISD campus facilities, reviewing current conditions and any needed updates. They are also reviewing the impact of student enrollment numbers, zoning, and location of campuses to determine how to best serve the students of Lufkin.
Were all campuses reviewed?
All campuses were reviewed on paper, with current enrollment numbers and reporting by principals regarding needs and the most recent upgrades. Additionally, the following campuses are being toured in person by the FFAC: Garrett, Dunbar, Brandon, Trout, Brookhollow, Burley, Slack, Kurth, Anderson, Herty, Coston, and Lufkin High School. Hackney Alternative and Lufkin Middle School campuses were not toured.
Were department and administrative facilities reviewed?
A review of the 2016 Strategic Facility Plan was provided to the FFAC, and included facilities other than campuses. Administrative and department facilities were not toured by the committee.
What is the timeline for this committee work?
The committee was formed in September of 2024. During the months of October-December, meetings were held to debrief following each campus tour. In early January, the committee will begin working towards possible solutions and future planning recommendations, with hopes to present at a board meeting in early spring of 2025.
Can I have a voice, even if I am not on the Future Facilities Advisory Committee?
The district has shared a survey called "Lufkin ISD Parent Survey: Programs and Offerings." It was emailed through Skyward to all parents, and send in Remind. This survey has questions asking parents how they might like primary and elementary campuses to be structured, in addition to parent/student choice and program offerings.
Use the form at the bottom of this page or from the top menu to submit any questions you might still have. Lufkin ISD welcomes parent and community input and we are happy to post responses here.
Will the committee's recommendations lead to school closures or boundary changes?
With a declining enrollment, the ability of the district to financially sustain all campuses is in question. Potentially consolidating and rightsizing would allow for Lufkin ISD students to learn in facilities with more managed upkeep, and even added special programs.
The Fall 2024/25 Demographic Report was delivered mid-December and is now available for review from the Data tab of this site, noting where the largest populations of students currently live and offering projections for future planning. Campuses were originally created in neighborhoods that served the families that lived nearby. With new houses built in Lufkin, aging neighborhoods, and the evolving educational practice of choice, there is an opportunity to consider making these changes.
Why is the district considering these changes now?
A school district's budget is based on student enrollment. Over the last ten years, the total number of Lufkin ISD students has significantly dropped. Almost all of the district's primary and elementary schools are operating well below capacity level. See the data tab for details, including the new 2024/25 Demographic Report.
Facilities require regular maintenance. With all campus buildings except two (Burley Primary and Lufkin Middle School) being constructed before 2005, upkeep and even normal repairs can be costly. Visit the Facility Notes tab for details about which campuses are reporting significant project needs.
After balancing the budget in the fall of 2024, Lufkin ISD set out to focus on the future, including a review of facilities, programs and structuring so that the families of Lufkin ISD can rest assured knowing their children are being provided the best education around.
Are any staff members in danger of losing their jobs?
Until decisions are made regarding facilities, it is hard to know what staffing changes to anticipate. A staffing study has also been ordered, and we will have the results of it in early spring. The staffing audit will help us determine best practices for the number of staff needed in comparison to other districts similiar to us.
Will stakeholders be given a chance to have input during this process?
Parents were sent a survey on December 6th in Remind and email.
Use the form at the bottom of this page, or from the top menu link to submit any questions you might still have. Lufkin ISD welcomes parent and community input and we are happy to post responses here.
How can stakeholders stay informed about the progress?
Refer back to this site for up-to-date information.
Follow Lufkin ISD on Facebook for additional announcements.
How does the committee address the facility needs for each campus?
The role of the committee is to assess the state and needs of each facility. By visiting each campus in person and utilizing the provided data (including the recent demographic report), the committee collects information to create a clear report to share with all stakeholders. The FFAC's report may include recommendations to address campus facility needs. Using their tour experiences, along with the provided data, committee members are working to keep in mind the student populations, special programs, and other unique situations local to each campus.