Positive or Presumed Positive for COVID-19

Isolation: The individual is directed to not enter any district building or campus until he/she has met the return to school/work criteria listed below.

Lufkin ISD strongly recommends you take added precautions for the next 5 days such as hygiene, masking, distancing, or testing. If you develop a fever or start to feel worse after you have returned to school/work, stay home and away from others again for at least 24 hours. 

Communications: Direct all communications to the COVID-19 coordinator about his/her condition and/or ability to return to school/work.

Gabi Tamez will notify the Angelina County and Cities Health District, in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including confidentiality requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERA). The coordinator will also notify LISD Human Resource Services.

Health status: Require individuals to provide health status updates.

Cleaning/Sanitation: The campus coordinator will implement the campus disinfecting protocol.

Each campus/facility has a designated COVID-19 Response Coordinator who will be responsible for initiating response protocols and for communicating campus- or facility-related

COVID-19 information to our staff, students, and families. Please see the list below for the coordinators for each campus.

Campus/COVID-19 Coordinators

Anderson Elementary  Drew Huffty
ACE   Gabi Tamez 
Brandon Elementary  Carlita Davis
Brookhollow Elementary  Susan Liles  
Burley Primary   Julie Palacios
Coston Elementary   Melissa Johnson
Dunbar Primary    Denetra Slaughter  
Garrett  Primary   Darlene Mosley
Herty  Amanda Gentry
Kurth Primary   Roxie Nash
Lufkin High School   Harlan Neal
Lufkin Middle School   Gina Green
Slack Elementary   Angelica Palacios
Trout Primary   Amanda Aguilar
Athletics   William Quick, Kristen Belshaw
Central Administration    April Lee
DEC     Cindy Tierney
Maintenance Services   Gabi Tamez
Custodial Services  Jesus Rodriguez 
Student Nutrition    Amanda Calk
Technology   Josh Williams
Transportation Services  Marci Rodriguez