Mrs. Graham

ELA -R & Social Studies

4th Grade GT

Mrs. Graham

Mrs. Kimberley Graham has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Masters Degree in Library Science. She has 22 years teaching experience and taught in Huntsville and Conroe ISD before joining the Lufkin ISD team in 2020! Mrs. Graham has taught second, third and fourth grades and was also a media specialist for seven years before returning to the classroom in 2014. English/Language Arts is her specialty, but she enjoys learning in all areas. Mrs. Graham is passionate about teaching and knows education is her calling. When she isn't working, she enjoys spending time with her family, being involved with her church, playing with her dogs, reading, traveling and being outdoors!

Thank you for all the support you give our class throughout the year. You can help our class additionally by donating items from our Amazon wish list. Click on the image to check out our list. We are grateful!

Important Dates & Reminders

Class begins at 7:45, and students are counted tardy if they arrive later.

We ask that no changes to going home transportation be made after 2:30. Also, no students may be signed out after that time.

Healthy snacks are encouraged. Please make these are sent in individual serving sizes and are something they can easily eat while completing classwork.

Google Classroom Codes for Students

Blue Team (Graham)

  • vq5trbw

Yellow Team (Kulak)

  • rf5jo3crf5jo3c

Important Links

Grading Policies & Tutorials

Grading Policies

My grading policy follows our district guidelines as outlined in the student handbook. Grades are updated weekly and your student's graded work is sent home every Tuesday. Please sign and return any papers below a 70.


Intervention time is a part of our daily schedule. Should extra tutoring be needed, those sessions can be arranged on an individual basis.