Period 1 Docs

Period 1 (1450-1648) Class Documents:


Unit 1:

1-Later Middle Ages & Contextualization.pptx
2-Italian Renaissance.pptx
3-Northern Renaissance.pptx
4-New Monarchies - Renaissance.pptx
5-European Exploration & Conquest.pptx

Unit 1 Study Guides, courtesy of Tom Richey:


Unit 2:

6-Reformation Beginnings.pptx
7-Reformation, Part II v3.pptx
8-Catholic Reformation.pptx
10-Wars of Religion v2.pptx
11-Wars of Religion - Thirty Years War.pptx

Handouts & Misc.:

Late Middle Ages Overview Handout.pdf
Development of National Monarchies Handout - CH12.docx
War of the Roses Handout.pdf
Renaissance Art Handout.pdf
Reformation Religions Handout.pdf

AP Concept Outline (from College Board)

AP Concept Outline Period 1.docx

Extra Resources:

  • Stuff You Missed in History Class: Catherine de Medici

  • The Military Revolution (1350-1650)


    • Summary: As the fifteenth century turned into the sixteenth, warfare was transformed. Cannon made castles obsolete, and firearms and pikes displaced knights as the dominant force on the battlefield. Most of all, the scale of war grew infinitely larger, with a correspondingly greater impact on society as a whole.

YouTube Playlist: APEH Unit 1 Review