Mrs. Fullerton

Reading Specialist

Lufkin Middle School

I am beyond thrilled to join the Middle School this year! Mrs. Rich and I await the start of the fabulous 2019-2020 school year.

If you would like to connect with the class, please join my Remind. It is a free app on smart phones and is easy to download. Open the app on an Android or Iphone and use the following link

If you don't have a smartphone, get text notifications by texting @c978g2 to 81010.

My daily schedule

I would love for you to join the PTO! PTO is a wonderful group that works to help improve our campus and provide things for our students and teachers. We have lots of plans for the new year and would love to have you be a part of it! Working parents, stay at home parents, grandparents and community friends are all welcome! There is a place for everyone! Please sign up with Mrs. Nedd in the front office if you are interested!

Please use the following websites for extra reading and language arts practice: