6th Grade: Natural DisaSTERS research guide

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General Information

Ready.gov - Know the Facts, Make a Plan, Build a Kit!  Learn about different natural disasters, such as their cause, where they occur, and how to stay safe. 

FEMA (Dept of Homeland Security) - Disaster fact sheets for youth about what to do before, during, and after a disaster.


Tornadoes (Weather Wiz Kids) - Answers questions about tornadoes and safety. Use tabs on the left to switch topics.

Tornadoes (UCAR) - Formation, location, and a true survival story.

Tornado Facts for Kids - List of facts about tornadoes. Also look at Tornado Myths and Tornado Safety Facts.




https://sciencing.com/famous-tornadoes-19474.html Famous Tornadoes

https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/tornadoes/forecasting/ Tornado Forecasting

National Geographic: Tornadoes 101

Tornadoes, nearly three-quarters of which occur within the U.S., are unpredictable and can cause massive damage. New tools and data are helping scientists learn more about when they might form and what paths they might take.


Volcanoes (Weather Wiz Kids) - Answers questions about volcanoes, history, and safety. Use tabs on the left to switch topics.

Volcanoes (BBC NewsRound) - Causes, Effects, and Prediction of volcanoes. Use tabs on the left to switch topics.



https://www.ready.gov/volca noes

https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/ring-fire/ LOCATION OF VOLCANOES

Deadly Shadow of Vesuvius | Can We Predict Eruptions?. VOLCANO PREDICTABILITY

http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,2014572,00.html WELL KNOWN VOLCANOES

National Geographic: Volcanoes 101

Volcanoes are as dangerous as they are majestic. Over 50 eruptions rock our planet every year. This video helps you understand what causes volcanoes to form and erupt—and shows where they are most likely to be found.


Hurricanes (Weather Wiz Kids) - Answers questions about storms, history, and safety. Use tabs on left side to switch topics.

Hurricanes (UCAR) - Formation, strength, storm surge, impacts, location, safety, and a survival story.



https://www.stormguardrc.com/resources/the-5-most-notable-hurricanes-in-u-s-history/ - The 5 Most Notable Hurricanes in U.S. History

Common Locations. Common Locations

http://www.hurricanescience.org/science/forecast/forecasting/forecastprocess/ -Hurricane Predictability

National Geographic: Hurricanes 101

Find out how hurricanes can be so destructive.

National Geographic: Floods 101

No natural disaster in America has caused more death and destruction than floods.


National Geographic: Earthquakes 101

Earthquakes are unpredictable and can strike with enough force to bring buildings down. Find out what causes earthquakes, why they're so deadly, and what's being done to help buildings sustain their hits. 

National Geographic: Tsunamis 101 

Tsunamis are giant, powerful waves most often caused by earthquakes beneath the ocean floor. Their incredible power can destroy entire communities, then drag the debris out to sea. This video shows what causes tsunamis and the importance of evacuating any area under a tsunami alert.


Blizzards (Conserve Energy Future) - What is a blizzard, facts, causes, effects.

Winter Storms (Weather Wiz Kids) - Answers questions about storms, snow, and safety. Use tabs on left side to switch topics.

Winter Storms (UCAR) - Blizzard formation, winter weather safety, and a true survival story.


https://scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/storms/blizzards - FAMOUS BLIZZZARDS

https://www.treehugger.com/worst-blizzards-in-american-history-1140776 FAMOUS BLIZZARDS

https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/winter/forecasting/ PREDICTING BLIZZARDS

Storm Shield App: What is a blizzard? 

According to the National Weather Service, blizzards are winter storms with frequent winds of 35 miles an hour or higher with falling or blowing snow that reduces visibility to a quarter mile or less. That means it doesn't even have to be snowing for a blizzard to occur. BUT, all these conditions are expected to last for a minimum of three hours!

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